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Marvel Heroes 2015 |OT2| I have, like, a Gazillion heroes



Unconfirmed Member
I stand corrected, I hadn't played Thor in a loooong time and now he's a lot more survivable now that he has passive 15% damage reduction and better passives overall. His damage is still pretty low, though. Have a full set of 60 uniques. More hyped for the Thor rework than Jugg tbh :D

Lord Phol

Is the BiB Spidey outfit basically the symbiote suit, just without the enhanced animations?

BiB has a different voice actor (I think it's the guy who did 90s cartoon Spidey), and doesn't have the enhanced animations on the suit and the web-based attacks. The symbiote Spidey's voice is absolutely terrible, so BiB is probably a much better suit anyway. :p

Also I hope Juggernaut will get this costume:


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ranged Nova seems lame, switching to melee, even if he doesnt have the fancy energy fx yet (im only lvl 13 anyway)

Lord Phol

I seriously don't get how people can enjoy the BiB voice, sounds like an old man or something, nothing like spiderman IMO.


Unconfirmed Member
I got the BiB, the lines are the same as default Spidey but the voice isn't half as grating. Still terrible "jokes" though. I hope there will be new lines for that "new" old costume but I'm getting it regardless, it looks damn sexy. I hope Mayday will have the same level of detail.


I'm more excited for the Jugg stash tab than for the hero itself, hahaha. That Halloween event was a killer for my stash space, since I have only 1 additional stash tab :)

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
there forums are dead probs gonna be a long down time

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
its around 3.4gb ryolnir said it contains alot of upcoming content like thor review and industry patrol.


No Thor review yet. Gonna focus on getting everyone at least to 30, but ideally to 60.

Patch will be done in 1 hour for me.
Are the Auto Loot options broken for anyone else?

Everything was turned off with the patch, I can't click on the Credits or Medkits checkboxes and the Slot 1-5 slider changes I make won't save when I hit accept.

I can't click on the Join Party When Entering Instance or Disable the Hero Synergy Bonus XP checkboxes either.

Edit: False Alarm, I think. I just hopped on the TC and it's the above act the same way when on the login screen. However, when you look at the options mention in game, they work properly.


Are the Auto Loot options broken for anyone else?

Everything was turned off with the patch, I can't click on the Credits or Medkits checkboxes and the Slot 1-5 slider changes I make won't save when I hit accept.

I can't click on the Join Party When Entering Instance or Disable the Hero Synergy Bonus XP checkboxes either.

Edit: False Alarm, I think. I just hopped on the TC and it's the above act the same way when on the login screen. However, when you look at the options mention in game, they work properly.

It's a setting that needs to interact with the server in some way. The only settings you can change without the server online are ones that are entirely client-side.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Marvel Heroes 2015 @MMMSociety · 9m 9 minutes ago
Our downtime has been extended at this time, we'll let you know when we have an ETA.

told ya it will be a long downtime :D

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
said they gotta redeploy the patch to their servers not the download end. we should be ok but knowing gaz yea
What a tease! We have the multi-specs at the bottom of the powers screen, even with the option to buy slot 3-5 for 425 G a piece. However, we can't switch to any of them yet, because the button for that was removed.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
whats wrong? except for the obvious part where it should have been delayed for next week since it was broken yesterday >_>

Broken item links in the chat, invisible Power Cosmic circles in Kurse and Doom that stay even after they're dead so it's incredibly difficult to grab your loot, and probably other stuff too.


Broken item links in the chat, invisible Power Cosmic circles in Kurse and Doom that stay even after they're dead so it's incredibly difficult to grab your loot, and probably other stuff too.

WTF... I thought they thoroughly tested the patch last night??

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Midtown Manhattan Patrol is currently set to be a "private" instance which means you will not come across other players and destructibles will not respawn until it resets.

There is an issue wherein being defeated by a Cosmic boss will cause their Power Cosmic Orbs to remain after their defeat, and they will be invisible.

The Hardware Mouse feature may cause freezing or crashing. If you're having issues, please disable it.

Juggernaut's Sunday Punch appears to unlock at level 18 and does not.

Juggernaut’s Momentum Resource does not have custom art. This art is being reconfigured to avoid a somewhat frequent UI crash found in Test Center.

Juggernaut’s Enter the Fray displays that it should always prevent Momentum Decay, but it is instead only preventing it below 30% Momentum. In general, there are some issues with the current implementation of Momentum Decay prevention that may be changed in next week’s patch.

Juggernaut's Human Juggernaut - tooltip currently shows 0% to the bonus from Momentum to Big Elbow Drop but is actually 5% at rank 1 and 29.5% at rank 50 (0.5% per rank)

Juggernaut's Lean Into It - tooltip currently shows 50% to the bonus from Momentum to Sunday Punch but is actually 5% at rank 1 and 29.5% at rank 50 (0.5% per rank)

There is a UI issue causing X-Defense chests’ off-screen pointers to remain on screen after being opened. This should only result in two extra points at a time.

When a player picks up a Unique item, it will display a broken text string in chat. This will be fixed in next week’s patch.

im expecting a patch sunday or monday, thats a list so far from ryolnir

Lord Phol

I'm kind of impresed that that they nailed his movement mechanic so well, but Magneto is going to feel so sloooow after Nova and Juggernaut.


Patch downloaded from Steam a little while ago for me. I go to start it up and get the below.... Verifying the install to see if that is the problem.

Edit: Verifying the install didn't fix it but, I decided to go into the folder under my documents and remove MarvelEngine and MarveEngineUserSettings and one of those fixed the problem. I've had to delete the keybindings one a couple of times because it became corrupted. No idea what happened here, I don't have any weird settings on/off.

Is there an issue with patching on Steam?

Mine keeps timing out trying to download the patch.
My download is stuck at "Starting."

I thought I'd try verify my local files... and that also won't start properly?

EDIT: Had to delete a file called clientregistry.blob in my steam folder...
My download is stuck at "Starting."

I thought I'd try verify my local files... and that also won't start properly?

EDIT: Had to delete a file called clientregistry.blob in my steam folder...

Tried this, no dice.

Tried reinstalling Steam, no dice.

Still says files are 100% when I verify them after restoring the old MH directory into the SteamApps folder, but the patch just sits on starting...

Won't connect to the Steam network either if I try to reinstall the whole package. No idea what to try now.

EDIT: Downloading official launcher.

EDIT2: FUCK, 50Kb/s?? Really Gaz?


Yep, my launcher has been averaging around 100 kb/s all day; now down to 50. Something's up with the launcher in the last few weeks. It used to be fine.

EDIT: Now it's failing repeatedly. I just want to hang with my man Coulson. QQ

EDIT2: An hour of manually restarting, and I've failed my way to success. I'm coming Phil.
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