Generally no. but the first 74 kills were during the event which may skew the drop rate a little, though I honestly don't think the cosmic chaos double drop loot from cosmic bosses effects the rare item drop table.
From what I understand, all cosmic bosses share a drop table. When you kill a cosmic boss you roll a set amount of dice on the "cosmic" drop table. During cosmic chaos you have double the rolls = double the total number of items you get from it.
Separate from this entirely is the boss specific drop table. Every time you kill a boss that has specific loot, you roll a single dice that determines if you get on that table or not.
guessing after this point:
think you would only get one of the bosses unique items, and can't get multiple in one kill (algrim and a gok in 1 kill). People assume algrim is more rare than gok but that could be explained by gok having a higher chance to drop than it (assume you get on the boss specific table and it is 1 to 100 and if you roll 1-75 it's a gok, 76-100 is algrim).
I don't think, based on how many times I've killed Kurse during or not during double cosmic terminal loot, that you get two boss specific loot rolls during cosmic chaos. Just double rolls on the cosmic boss table.