Midtown looks amazing on the TC. Hope they put that on live soon.
what's different about Midtown on TC??
Midtown looks amazing on the TC. Hope they put that on live soon.
what's different about Midtown on TC??
Someone just posted an image.
It has snow and Christmas decoration all over it. Looks pretty cool.
what's the "gfting" system? Something different than the current trade window?
Where do yall hear all this stuff from, I'm on this thread multiple times per day lol. you all go to the specific gaz forums a lot or something??
It looks like you can buy cash shop items (heroes, costumes, fortune cards, etc) and gift them to people on your friends list.
whoa that's kinda kool... is this Live already or just work-in-progress type thing?
Not working yet. Should be working on TC next week before they make it live.
It looks like you can buy cash shop items (heroes, costumes, fortune cards, etc) and gift them to people on your friends list.
Completely unrelated, but we're all friends here right?
Can I gift this extra Thing token to KePoW?
oh I didnt know they confirmed anti-venom would be the alt (that you get in the bundle and the advance pack), sweet. I might get toxin eventually (in fact im sure i will) but anti venom is my fave
Been playing X-23 the past 2 days and finally reached 60 last night. I doubt it'll be effective, but even so, I think I'm just gonna stick with a movement build because cyclone kick and dancing blades are pretty much the only two moves I think actually look neat. That's my only real complain so far--the lack of flashy moves. But, given her powers/abilities, not really sure if anything could be done for that. Well, actually, her default costume is pretty disappointing as well. Gonna wait for sale to get the nicer alt.
another post up on marvel forum about a person being hacked.
im wondering if a community site has been compromised without knowing (or the marvel heroes forum even ? ) its a wild out there guess but a gut feeling i have.
i changed my password after inky and phol posted and realised when i made my password they didnt even require special chracters like a # or @. which is now required in your password aswell as a upper and lowercase and number
the fact the forum uses your fucking account information is beyond ridiculous
Do you have the one in ur avatar at least??
another post up on marvel forum about a person being hacked.
im wondering if a community site has been compromised without knowing (or the marvel heroes forum even ? ) its a wild out there guess but a gut feeling i have.
i changed my password after inky and phol posted and realised when i made my password they didnt even require special chracters like a # or @. which is now required in your password aswell as a upper and lowercase and number
hmm yeah never thought about it, can it even be possible that Gaz's official forums ever get hacked??
I would never have considered an official company's site could happen like that, only fan sites
Even the steam forums got hacked a while ago.
"---> Disclaimer <--- This item and flavor text will change, that's a 100% guarantee. Item needs to be tuned also."
There's a power called Magnetic Eruption in the middle tree at the bottom. Unlocks at L32.
You can only have one of the toggles on at a time, one makes Polarity Shift free the other makes Magnetic Eruption.
except its not called Magnetic Eruption, its called Polarity Shift. and the one for the other toggle is called Polarity Surge. Im looking at the trees right now
They must have changed the name from beta and forgot to change the tooltip on the toggle
The 12 Days of Christmas special for today is a box with the following:
25 Eternity Splinters
25 Odin Marks
25 Cube Shards
25 Cosmic Worldstones
25 A.R.M.O.R. Research Drives
25 Eyes of Demonfire
Amthua did a random Q&A in game recently.
She's doing a full review of Insignias:
Blessings are getting worked on:
Arts are getting improved:
As will Slot 3 options:
Also, work in progress Cyke Unique:
Also, work in progress Cyke Unique:
Two things:
1. What is the best Ghost rider build and pet stats to use? I'm using The Power Cosmic Legendary since it is a good match for GRs hybrid powers
Marvel is pushing Elektra a lot in the Marvel Puzzle Quest game. Makes me think she will be a surprise character in 2015.
Gazillion please
Keep dreaming.
Greetings X,
We are sorry for any inconvenience this problem has caused. It appears your account may have been compromised. Please know that this is not due to any security breach on Gazillion's end, and unfortunately, we are not able to provide any replacements or compensation due to a player's account being compromised.
We will forward this case to the moderation team who will be further investigating the issue, but please note that we cannot share moderation findings with you.
As a friendly reminder, here are some very basic tips on keeping your account secure going forward:
Do not use the same login information for every game/site you frequent. This is the most important thing you can do. There are multiple services that will generate random passwords for you, and we highly suggest using them.
Do not give your account information to others, ever.
Be careful about what sites you sign up for.
Always have some sort of security software installed to prevent viruses and keyloggers from infecting your system.
Do not use your Marvel Heroes login information on 3rd party sites related to the game.
Do not use 3rd party sites to facilitate the buying and selling of in-game items or accounts.
Thank you, and we apologize again for any frustration this issue has caused.
Marvel Heroes 2015 Customer Support
Well I got my ticket answered:
In other words if your account gets compromised you're fucked.
Edit: Lol I can't post the same thing on their forums because my posts needs to be approved first :s.
In other words if your account gets compromised you're fucked.
Edit: Lol I can't post the same thing on their forums because my posts needs to be approved first :s.
Is it true Marvel is going to push Black Cat next year? I really like her
They've been pushing her lately as a full-on villain- I assume as soon as Spider-Verse is over, Dan Slott is going to go straight back to being terrible and pushing her again.
On 19 March 2014, the price that an Archers' ring could be bought on the Grand Exchange fell sharply from around 900,000 to 100,000. Hours afterward the price fell further to 25,000 and were reported to be 1,000gp at one point. [
On 20 March 2014 at 17:48 GMT, Mod Jane posted on the Item Discussions forum detailing what had happened. The post stated that there had been a human error in a system which they were currently trialling. This system would return items to players who have had their account hacked and items stolen. The error had caused a single player to receive millions of Archers' Rings accidentally, and they decided to take advantage of this by selling them for a very low price which caused the price crash as supply massively exceeded demand. The post also states that the majority of rings which were accidentally brought into the game have been removed[3]. Despite this, the Archers' ring is now worth only 38,989.
Not to be a devil's advocate but what could they do? What's to stop someone from logging in from a different location/ISP "moving" items to another account, then pretending like they were hacked to support.The standard "go fuck yourself" reply. Standard MMO tripe.