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Marvel Heroes 2015 |OT2| I have, like, a Gazillion heroes


Unconfirmed Member
Doom, Blade and Winter Soldier sound cool. Not really all that interested in the others. The biggest thing I wanna know now is does this mean X-23 is coming out around Oct 10th? (Probably not but I want to believe)

Lord Phol

For me it's really is X-23, two costumes, and a Herbie (with more boosts) really worth an extra 30 bucks?

Yeah, X-23 and the extra costumes for each hero is nice but not sure if it's worth it. Still though, if I get any pack I will most likely get the deluxe just to be sure that I get everything without having to save Gs for costumes etc.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
dont forget we dont know who ends up being 600 splinters, that was a nice surprise with the first advance pack

For how much I play this game these packs are a complete no brainer
Doom, Blade and Winter Soldier sound cool. Not really all that interested in the others. The biggest thing I wanna know now is does this mean X-23 is coming out around Oct 10th? (Probably not but I want to believe)

She's coming out in December apparently.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
i find it weird how they compared x-23 to ghost rider respectively 200 splinter to ghost rider whos 600 splinter.

they also said 200 splinter heroes wont be in advance packs so wtf happend there too.


Unconfirmed Member
Fuck yeah, Blade! Fuck yeah, X-23! Also Doom.

But overall, starting to get into territories of characters I care less about. Not sure if I'm gonna get it. With over 1000 hours on the clock, I don't know that I'm gonna keep up that pace. I'm already not playing much when I have no one to level up and there's no good event on, like right now. Hopefully, they'll crank up production on game modes/areas soon.


While I do think it's weaker than the first Advance Pack Iceman and She-Hulk are the only ones I'm not really interested in so I think it's still worth it for me. Though I definitely would have preferred if they had put fortune cards in at least the deluxe edition.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
i find it weird how they compared x-23 to ghost rider respectively 200 splinter to ghost rider whos 600 splinter.

they also said 200 splinter heroes wont be in advance packs so wtf happend there too.

technically shes not, its just a bonus for like 2 weeks. The actual deluxe pack doesnt come with her


Kinda meh lineup. Interested in Iceman, Blade, Doom and Iron Fist. Standard Edition feels like terrible value tho. Was it always like that (No extra costumes)?

Definitely skipping this one.


inhumans movie is pretty much confirmed to happen in near future, especially since thanos will be villian on number 3 and inhumans has a story with him.


Crap. Oh well waited this long..

I'm surprised Nick Fury wasn't in this pack. I thought they were pretty set on doing him soon.

This is probably the biggest surprise to me- this or Black Cat being playable. Fury seemed like a shoe-in based on how much they talk about wanting their "Nickromancer" in-game.
Yeah, the lack of Nick Fury seems odd to me too. Put apparently he's on the short list for the remaining spot(s).

Doomsaw just accidentally teasted an Inhumans film? "There are some plans for Inhumans coming up and we will absolutely release him during or before that push." https://forums.marvelheroes.com/discussion/135478/q-a-for-advance-pack-2/p9

Not accidentally. Marvel has been pushing the Inhumans for a while now in the comics (Infinity etc.), and also in some of the games (the Facebook game is releasing a bunch of Inhumans as characters). An Inhumans film also has been often mentioned for the MCU.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Kinda meh lineup. Interested in Iceman, Blade, Doom and Iron Fist. Standard Edition feels like terrible value tho. Was it always like that (No extra costumes)?

Definitely skipping this one.

yes the first was the same, just default costumes

edit: so current schedule looks like

Early October - Nova, Cyclops review
Late October / Early November - Juggernaut, Thor review
Late November - Magneto, Hulk review
December - Venom, X-23, Punisher review(?)


Unconfirmed Member
Okay I guess Inhumans wasn't as much a secret as I thought, carry on :E
As much as we're scraping the barrel and not hitting everyone's favorite heroes, the major disappointment here is the "extras" with the packs. Last year we got the funnewmagical Fortune Cards as they were being released. That was something that definitely made the upfront payment go a little easier as the year went on. This time we get.. boosts? I mean most of my FCs ended up being boosts anyway, but at least there was the chance of getting something else.

I'll save my money and just get the heroes I want this time around. She-Hulk, Doom, Iceman.

Lord Phol

List wars!

Must haves

  • Iceman - Bobby! Long time favorite X-Men. If they get his ice powers right, oh man he's going to be alot of fun!
    [*]Iron Fist - Don't know all that much about Danny but love his design and what little I've read of him. His powers should make for some exciting mechanics as well!
    [*]X-23 - She's just badass! A more agile and diverse Wolverine is just what I need. I also really like the NYX costume they've teased.
    [*]War Machine - Just love the idea of all the crazy machine guns and flame throwers, the heat system sounds interesting as well.


  • Black Cat - More foxy females is never wrong, and the trap mechanics sound like fun! D2 Assassin? (Hell yeah!)
    [*]Winter Solider - Gotta admit that the movie is what really hyped him up for me, but I do like him as a character. Not sure how they will make him unique gameplay-wise though.


  • Doctor Doom - Never been a big Doom fan in games, but he's interesting in the comics and he definetly has potential in this game.
    [*]Blade - Snipes! He's kind of like a better Deadpool. Not really interesting powerset but he's just such a rad guy!

Don't really care for

  • Kitty & Lockheed - Nothing wrong with either but I've never found them interesting.
    [*]Vision - Big fat meh for me. Boring character and design. The potential of his powerset is the one saving grace.
    [*]She-Hulk - Just another brawler. Sure her model is great, but I got the team-up for that.

Bonus - Hoping for

  • Black Bolt - Bad-ass character with an interesting power and allies.
    [*]Thanos - One of my favorite villains and the one I want most as playable in this game.
Honorable mention to Gamora and Havok.
As much as we're scraping the barrel and not hitting everyone's favorite heroes, the major disappointment here is the "extras" with the packs. Last year we got the funnewmagical Fortune Cards as they were being released. That was something that definitely made the upfront payment go a little easier as the year went on. This time we get.. boosts? I mean most of my FCs ended up being boosts anyway, but at least there was the chance of getting something else.

I'll save my money and just get the heroes I want this time around. She-Hulk, Doom, Iceman.

Yeah, I agree, the worth seems much less. I would've preferred if they would've given us the fortune cards with the Doom team-up and the white Iron Man costume. That would've made it more worth it.


yes the first was the same, just default costumes

I see. That must've been why I didn't even think twice about getting the better edition.

As much as we're scraping the barrel and not hitting everyone's favorite heroes, the major disappointment here is the "extras" with the packs. Last year we got the funnewmagical Fortune Cards as they were being released. That was something that definitely made the upfront payment go a little easier as the year went on. This time we get.. boosts? I mean most of my FCs ended up being boosts anyway, but at least there was the chance of getting something else.

This too. Fuck, I certainly didn't do it for the FCs, but I did get Storm's costume out of it. Asking $100+ upfront is not easy, and the game is worth it, but they should stop pretending they are "giving away" $300+ worth of value with these things. These people are your most loyal customers. Throw them a bone here and there.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Most wanted:

Iceman - so much possibilities with his powers
Doom - Duh its Doom
She Hulk - I love the character, and im hoping they go wacky with her spells, kinda like Capcom did with Pheonix Wright (throwing brifcases and whatnot)
Vision - like the character, lots of possibilities with powers


Warmachine - Aparently he is basically a transformer these days in the comics?
Shadowcat - I love pet classes, and shes one, but I have no idea how to use her powers for spells
Ironfist - Curious what they do with him, apart from being a "punchy-kicky" character like...

Dont particulary care for

Blackcat - I dont see how they can make her more than a "punchy-kicky" character
Winter Soldier - same reason but replace "shooty" with "punchy-kicky"
Blade - same as winter soldier, but add "stabby"


For me:

Must Haves
  • Doctor Doom- One of my favorite Marvel characters. All in on footdives.
  • Kitty Pryde- The only remaining X-Men I care about- looking forward to see how they adopt her stealthy playstyle and Lockheed stuff into the character.
  • Winter Soldier- I really enjoyed Brubaker's Cap run, and most of the appearances of Bucky since have been great. Looking forward to how they do him in-game.
  • X-23- If we're counting her too, I've had the 200 splinters saved up since she was announced.

  • War Machine- His heat system sounds really interesting, looking forward to seeing more about him.
  • Blade- Will buy if Wesley Snipes voices him, will also buy if his powerset is fun.
  • Iron Fist- fun character, but I want to see how they do him in-game before I commit.

No Interest
  • Iceman- Mutie Lovers pls
  • Black Cat- Not a fan of the character, not really interested in her at all.
  • She-Hulk- Glad she's in the game, I just don't care about her.
  • Vision- Likewise.

Hoping For
  • Kaine- He can still make it as a 200 splinter bonus hero. I still believe!
  • Hank Pym- He's apparently at 90 percent likely and is only not confirmed to see if they can make him awesome- hopefully they do.
Looks like I'm skipping another advanced pack. Oh well.
Count me in the super disappointed camp. A 200 splinter hero as a bonus and no FCs is just plain ridiculous in comparison to last year's pack. The two bonus costumes are lame too. A color variant and a gender variant, that's it? I am interested in all the characters though so it still makes sense to pick up the pack regardless but I really hope they end up adding some more things to boost value.
Must haves
Doctor Doom - He is Doom. Doom is all. I love Dr. Doom, and he's easily one of my top favorite Marvel villains (next to Ultron, Lizard and Annihilus). I'm super stoked about him being playable.

Black Cat - I'm honestly surprised we didn't get her as a hero right out of the gate. She's a super cool character and I'm really excited about what Gaz is gonna do with her luck manipulation and thief gadgets.

Vision - One of my favorite Marvel characters. He's got such a vast powerset that it'll be interesting to see what they're gonna come up with for him.

She-Hulk - I'm hoping she gets cool athletic/wrestling type moves like in MvC3. I would love a swift tank character, and She-Hulk seems to be the perfect character for that.

Iron Fist - He's got a huge amount of potential with his chi powers and will likely feature some sort of combo system. I also love him.


Winter Solider - I warmed up a lot to him due to Cap 2. He's definitely one of those characters I'll have to see more about first, though, and hope he's not gonna be just a hybrid between Punisher and Widow.

War Machine - Always been in favor of having him. Was bummed he wasn't even in the 2014 roster. He's vastly different from Iron Man, and he's gonna be crazy cool.

Blade - If they can get Wesley Snipes, it's gonna be sweet.


Kitty & Lockheed - Never particularly cared for Kitty, though I hope she gets a full Lockheed tree.

X-23 - Being Wolverine's clone might be detrimental to her. Will need to see how she pans out gameplay-wise before deciding whether or not I like her.

Don't really care for

Iceman - What an ass character. Biggest douche in the Marvel Universe.


Most wanted:

Iceman - so much possibilities with his powers

I know!!!

Heh, I remember having a conversation about that a few months back with Red Arremer, and he was all like: it's just ice mate, several heroes already do that. And I was all like: #*"@!!?¡ just ice? Imagine his movement powers, his CC, his ULT?!

Definitely want to see what they come up with.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
odds on 600 splinter characters this time?

I can only see Doom being 600 from this lot really, maybe Bobby depending on how crazy they go with his powers

Iceman - What an ass character. Biggest douche in the Marvel Universe.

youre just jelous Bobby gets all the action



Unconfirmed Member
but when will they release the true fan favorite, dat mango sentinel
Pretty amazing list for that Advance Pack.
I'm pretty tempted to get on board with this, just haven't been able to find time to get MH cranking lately.

Pretty much no complaint with anything there though. Wow.
odds on 600 splinter characters this time?

I can only see Doom being 600 from this lot really, maybe Bobby depending on how crazy they go with his powers

I can also see Kitty taking 600 (the phasing stuff might be pretty complex, as well as Lockheed), and Vision also could take up to 600. Don't think anyone else is very likely to be 600, though.

youre just jelous Bobby gets all the action


Actually, I'd prefer Mystique's son over her. :p
That said, no, I'm not jealous. I think he's a huge prick. He's like, the ultimate jock, and I hate jocks. The fact he continuously tries to hit on Polaris (especially during her relationship with Havok) does not make him any more appealing to me.
I am tempted. Blade, Iceman, Iron Fist and She Hulk are all characters I would potentially spend money on, so it's not too far of a cry to splurge on the pack. If the pack included fortune cards as others have said, it would make this a no-brainer.
I was talking to a friend about how good the game will be this time next year, judging by the previous year's improvements and what we now is in the queue. Doing so made me think of a question: Once all the OG Heroes finish getting their 52 reviews, who still needs fixing before we can say there are no longer bad characters in the game, just different playstyles?


Fuck yeah, Black Cat! I love her

Also love Kitty, Lockheed, and X-23

I'm down for Blade too, if his game model looks like Wesley Sniper

Crossing my fingers that Black Bolt will be playable next year
Apparently Black Cat is going to get pushed by Marvel in the upcoming year, so, reading between the lines to what Doomsaw said in the Q&A, they basically told Gaz to put her in.
Apparently Black Cat is going to get pushed by Marvel in the upcoming year, so, reading between the lines to what Doomsaw said in the Q&A, they basically told Gaz to put her in.
Felicia was in ASM 2, so maybe? Marvel seems to have a good relationship with Sony regarding the Spidey franchise, especially vs Fox with X-Men and FF.
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