Hi GAF. New around these parts but not to the game. Have around 800 hours since May this year and after hitting 60 with Thor yesterday , now have 22 60s. I also spent about 40 bucks on the half price sale and ended up with a bunch of nice stuff. I think it was 4 heroes, 4 costumes, along with another couple of nices costumes out of the blender (got the Venom alt, so said fuck it, and went and bought Venom for full price...). Oh and thanks to the tip from a page or so ago regarding starter heroes and ult upgrades I too committed highway robbery and got a free Rocket Raccoon (that was totally awesome. You also get a spare default costume which gave me a 3rd I needed for the blender. Got Silver Savage from that) . All up, I believe I now own all but 5 characters.
Anyway games awesome yada, yada, yada, but I have a slight issue. After taking a break recently for 6 weeks or so (started Guild Wars 2 - what a fucking rabbit whole that game is too.....) I returned to find my supergroup had apparently booted me, I guess for lack of activity. No biggie, I didn't really know any of them anyway, I only accepted the invite when I did so I could have a green name under mine. However, for the first time in a long time with this game I'm feeling a touch overwhelmed with how much I have to do. Currently leveling X23 (who is awesome BTW) and started Rocket late last night and he seems fun. I still have to finish Iron man (a little disappointing so far - only at 34 though) and start Doctor Strange, Cyclops, Magneto, Venom and I'm sure there someone else I can't think of as well. And I have Hulk ready to go for when his review drops soon. Not to mention the various levels of prestige I still need to finish off on a few characters. Theres also the likes of Mr Fantastic, Human Torch, Taskmaster and a few others who I got to level 20-30 odd, and got kinda bored with, who I may need to go back to some day....
So point being, I guess it would be good to have a SG to run some of this with if someone could invite me? Ingame name is CrackLox. I kinda plan on splitting time between 3 jobs (real one, GW2 and this one) but I should be round plenty enough. Oh and being from the mystical-future land of Australia (it's Tuesday here!) it will probably be some unusual hours but I'll definitely be around.
I also haven't tried the raid, and wouldn't mind a look (too intimidating to PUG). I have a Juggernaut that stomps cosmic terminals for fun that I'm sure could handle it.
Woops, sorry. That was a long way to ask for an invite :/
**Edit - well that was quick - Thanks heaps**
Welcome to the group. I doubt anyone gets booted around here for being inactive, so you don't have to worry about that. There are still accounts in the SG that haven't logged in for months (or maybe since the game first released?). And it seems like there's always someone on at any moment, so you won't be the only one with "unusual" hours.
my birthday tomorrow (23rd) and ill be 24
i was doing sinister diversions wave in icp and killing normal mobs n this happend
also DAT boost panel (dont really have 1200%xp lol)
Happy Birthday! Looks like the game already gave you your presents.