Sorry Marvel, the only Captain Marvel I recognize is Shazam. Stop giving me these tokens!!!
Sorry Marvel, the only Captain Marvel I recognize is Shazam. Stop giving me these tokens!!!
Sorry Marvel, the only Captain Marvel I recognize is Shazam. Stop giving me these tokens!!!
Sorry Marvel, the only Captain Marvel I recognize is Shazam. Stop giving me these tokens!!!
who is Shazam?? Is that a real comix character, or is that somehow a joke reference to the Shaquille O'Neal movie?
Sorry Marvel, the only Captain Marvel I recognize is Shazam. Stop giving me these tokens!!!
I have 3 Ms. Marvel tokens and 4 costumes....
Got Human Torch from my box- one of the 8 I didn't have yet, so I'm pretty psyched about it.
Random Costume RNG doesn't like me. I got the 90s Storm costume (probably my least fav look in the game). So, I used that + 2 Punisher defaults (which I got when I uncapped him, weirdly) to blender X-23's Target X. I LOVE the costume, but I already had it >_<. So, I took 2 more unused costumes (Jugg default + Reed default) and blended those to get Nightcrawler's House of M.
It could be worse, but I shelved NC due to feeling too squishy and bleeding spirit way too much. If he ever gets fixed, maybe I'll go back to using him again.
I would totally harp on you KePoW but everyone has your back this time.who is Shazam?? Is that a real comix character, or is that somehow a joke reference to the Shaquille O'Neal movie?
I never liked the name change. Billy Batson will always be Captain Marvel to me.Whatever I'm going back to the DCUO thread where everyone will know who Shazam is.
Too bad I'll be the only one posting.....
Yeah, Gaz didn't really expand on Venom's health spending build. Dark Tendrils (and/or a ranged attack with a similar design) would need to be buffed to be the main focus of that type of build, along with some tweaks to the We Are Unstoppable passive to make the build work properly. They should remove Hungry Maw's ichor cost and add some synergy with health spending powers.
They also really screwed up their own intention of the gameplay cycle for him where you spend ichor for damage then sacrifice health for ichor. The health sac part as it is currently comes down to Predator's Web and Come to Venom, both of which have negligible health costs and are mindlessly weaved into his rotation together. Health spending for ichor return should be its own "phase" of his rotation, with enough leeway to allow the player to swap between the two phases depending on the situation.
Merry Christmas guys. I hope Santa brings you/brought you tons of Thing tokens. Beats a piece of coal at least.
I went costume crazy and prestiged some heroes for trash costumes... and then cannibalized the trial heroes' costumes too.
we need moar costumes
huh, one of the first times I felt like I truly wasted money in this game, and ive bought a lot of card bundles >_>
but Sam Nova is fucking awful. I dont know why I wanted him so bad lately, but he's horrible. its not even "kid Nova" as we called him anyway, its more like "teenage Nova", with Spiderman's awful voice acotr doing an even more annoying voice, terrible one liners, and the model looks all tall and lanky, doesnt even look like a kid.
Terrible costume, and truly a waste of 475G
Decided to level up Ghost Rider since I had him at level 20 or something. Couple of hours laters I'm level 50 and he's fucking amazing! He's signature is a BEAST - hits like Galactus and bosses just melt with itI wish there was some awesome costume for him...
You had been warned!
except I hadnt? the basis for people shitting on it was "lol kid nova sucks in the comics" and mostly, people wanted Richard. Have you honestly ever seen a Sam Nova running around to know if it was good or not? Because I never saw one. Nor had I ever heard anyone talk about the actual costume, not the comic character
Im not saying it wasnt dumb mind you
Anything going on in game to warrant tearing myself away from xmas stuff to log on?
Anything going on in game to warrant tearing myself away from xmas stuff to log on?
huh, one of the first times I felt like I truly wasted money in this game, and ive bought a lot of card bundles >_>
but Sam Nova is fucking awful. I dont know why I wanted him so bad lately, but he's horrible. its not even "kid Nova" as we called him anyway, its more like "teenage Nova", with Spiderman's awful voice acotr doing an even more annoying voice, terrible one liners, and the model looks all tall and lanky, doesnt even look like a kid.
Terrible costume, and truly a waste of 475G
How are you guys speccing to level ghostrider? I am finding myself totally spirit starved all the time (around 30) and it's pretty frustrating.
use Power Doop runeword and you should be okay
except I hadnt? the basis for people shitting on it was "lol kid nova sucks in the comics" and mostly, people wanted Richard. Have you honestly ever seen a Sam Nova running around to know if it was good or not? Because I never saw one. Nor had I ever heard anyone talk about the actual costume, not the comic character
Im not saying it wasnt dumb mind you
You should've asked here about it. The Sam Nova costume is one of the biggest disappointments for me because I love the way the outfit/color scheme looks in the comics, but they did such a poor job translating it to the game. Mind you, this costume was finished before the game was even released and they just sat on it, so it has those old school awful textures and detail. Really hope it gets an update along with a boat load of the other costumes that are begging for one.
Richard is back? Thank god.ill sit on it hoping it gets improved, I wont blend it. Is Sam even still around in the comics now that Richard is back?
Richard is back? Thank god.
Rhaknar: Read all of Whedon's Astonishing if you haven't, such a great run.
Thanks Bendis, merry Christmas!
I forget, are you a Bendis lover or hater?? it seems comix fans are either one or the other with him
(I haven't read enough to form a specific opinion of him yet)