Seems like it would just lead to a lot of pressing 1>2>3 over and over, thus not really solving the problem. It's just kind of inherent to an ARPG, and I agree that it's not the best representation of the characters from a lore perspective for those reasons. Signatures did a lot for me, I enjoy characters with a good signature, like Iron Man or Moon Knight, more than others because it really feels like that "big guns" moment. But putting all the good moves behind cooldowns isn't a great solution either, obviously. Much as I hate this phrase, it just kind of is what it is. It's not perfect, and some characters are better than others in terms of feeling like their movie/comic counterparts, but that's the genre, for the most part.
Speaking of Moon Knight, I'm loving him. It's weird, he's basically Daredevil without the combo system, but I like him so much better (in part because I hate DD's combo system). There's just something cool about him. He's really tough too, as in hard to kill, and hits pretty damn hard. Play him hybrid, is my advice. I also really like the Avatar ability, usually these kinds of buffs feel clunky, but I like how this one works. I use a Ringed Ruby (3 sec invuln) on my hotbar and pop it right when Avatar wears off so I don't get 1shot, and then pop a medkit with 25% costume core, and I'm right back in it without ever leaving the fight. Feels good.