SweetFX looks great, makes the models stand out, cleans up jaggies and makes some textures much less blurry. It can also add a bit of contrast to counteract the weird bloom in some places
How does this SweetFX thing work?
I'm at work right now so can't give specific instructions. But it's not for the faint of heart... you gotta know how to manipulate files/folders and basic coding, because there is no GUI for the settings at all.
How much does the Office costume for Rocket cost?
Really happy with the support Gaz gives this game so I threw $30 to buy a ton of random costume boxes. Every costume I received was a new one so I'm satisfied.
(and now I feel like buying more)
"Mission accomplished!" - David Brevik, COO of Gazillion Entertainment
Indeed. I bought 6 more random costumes and one of them was Wolverine's Chase costume and the Kate Bishop enhanced costume. So now both Mr.Brevik and I are happy.
Also all my costumes from this sale were new so it's pretty great.
Is there any reason to keep medals you're not using? I'm assuming all of them you can find again by playing the level again?
yes they always drop from the terminal bosses.
got wolverine fear itself from random costume box. i deleted it after cos its only meant to be for advance pack owners right now. i sent a ticket to support and have posted on forum too![]()
got wolverine fear itself from random costume box. i deleted it after cos its only meant to be for advance pack owners right now. i sent a ticket to support and have posted on forum too![]()
got wolverine fear itself from random costume box. i deleted it after cos its only meant to be for advance pack owners right now. i sent a ticket to support and have posted on forum too![]()
It will come out with the review most likely, just like Kate before.
And LOL at you guys with your box addiction. Everyone seems to have got cool stuff.
I did some math, and with 130~ costumes in the store right now, there's only about 30 I'd like to get, and about half of the total I really don't like. This game has not been good to me even when I have the odds on my side, so I'll just wait for a sale and buy the costumes I want instead.
Yeah same with me. I've already bought at least one of my favorite costumes for each hero, and there's only maybe 4 to 6 costumes left that I somewhat want. Definitely not good odds on a random costume box, so I have no interest in that.
And yeah Hulkbuster is awesome, especially with two size increases!
this is why im controling myself, I have almost everyone with a costume I like now. I got lucky with Ironman Marvel Now on the first batch of random boxes on the first day, followed by the crafted All New Jeanie right after. theres some enhanced stuff I wouldnt mind having now (Thing and Kate) but yeah, the odds on getting those are minimal. ill save my Gs for Shuri
What's Shuri?
It does look pretty cool. Also, how comes I've never heard of these costumes before. Like this one for X-23. Looks so cool that it kinda makes me excited for her to be released:
wait what the fuck, where you seeing this? that is a new model, surprise release iminent? and that costume looks awesome
Its from this weird russian site. I saw it linked on reddit. This post has a lot of costumes/character models I've never seen before, but apparently the post is from June 2013, thats really old. How odd.
the random boxes can have chase costumes? the description says its costumes for sale, and the chase costumes are not for sale
got wolverine fear itself from random costume box. i deleted it after cos its only meant to be for advance pack owners right now. i sent a ticket to support and have posted on forum too![]()
Got my Spider-Man to level 55 now.
With the exception of Hawkeye, he's probably my least favourite hero so far, but simply because he's such a glass cannon.
I've done as suggested here and put a bunch of points into Web Shield and it's nice to have a little bit of solid health regen now, but even with ~8500 health, I still get those insta-hit kills from bosses...
Equipped a Phoenix Feather yesterday and at least I get a second-wind now, but he's still soooo breakable.
I think it was Rhaknar who suggested over the weekend that equipping a Pym Shrinking Serum artifact helps, but I've yet to see one of those drop in all my play time.
It's a shame, as I really love his power set. The web powers are great and apart from boss durability, I'm really happy with his longevity and staying power against mobs. MM runs / LQ's are pretty much all I'm doing now - and again, with the exception of bosses, he's great at dispatching everything. His Ultimate is fantastic as well.
Sadly, I'll 60 him and bench.
8500 health at 55 is really low too. youre having the same problems with him I had with Nightcrawler, its a shame. For some reason I never felt Spidey was squishy, and hes one of the guys I killed superheroic loki without dying too. maybe its because im hybrid / more leaning to range with him
I've been picking artifacts with preference to Spirit, as I find Spidey is always out of spirit. Guess this has come at the cost of health.
I killed Sinister in the Green terminals without dying yesterday, so that seemed like a big feat.
oh meh, didnt know it was old. looks awesome, hopefully she comes out soonish. also, Strange model from the test server looks nice, so detailed
just get (and by just, I mean luck out on) a invulnerable for 2 secs / 25% health when you use a medkit core for your costume and youll never die again really, those are a must for melee heroes (or anyone really). Also, youre 55 so you can use advanced gem of cytorak now, lots of health, chance for invulnerable and physical dmg which all of spideys moves are.
a advanced shardstone wouldnt hurt either, nice health and dodge on it. and of course, advanced super soldier serum. oh and if you are pure melee, a advanced kung fu something something, the one with the green icon, also very good, also lots of health. there, thats 4 artifacts you can have that will give you like 5k health. spirit artifacts are crap
Don't you find that he runs out of Spirit ridiculously quickly though?
What about Adv Scrolls of Pama? That's a decent source of spirit restore. I usually go with it on most heroes that need lots of spirit. The hp boost isn't very high, but it randomly throws out hp orbs, which helps you survive while restoring extra spirit. I think it has some sort of hidden cooldown with the spirit restore though (maybe a second or two).
Or, if you have a source of bleed, maybe you could try Maht's Arrowhead (SH is a level 55).
God I REALLY hope they fix that cape. It's supposed to a CLOAK of Levitation, not a Cape of Flimsiness.