Didn't play as much as I should have this weekend but I did manage to max out my Scarlet Witch legendary. Anybody have notable progression during the xp weekend? Any new 60's you want to brag about?
am I the only one that thinks its fucking craz that team ups will be 200/400/600 splinters like heroes? confirmed here
8:03 Doomsaw_gazillion: Team ups will be 600 / 400 / 200 depending on whether they get new voice actor work (expensive)
unless he means Gs, but still, for what is basically a combat pet?
am I the only one that thinks its fucking craz that team ups will be 200/400/600 splinters like heroes? confirmed here
8:03 Doomsaw_gazillion: Team ups will be 600 / 400 / 200 depending on whether they get new voice actor work (expensive)
unless he means Gs, but still, for what is basically a combat pet?
Some random things I've picked up from the Play with Devs Weekend and forums:
- Advance Pack Heroes will most likely be Rogue and Mr. F.
- Blade and Iceman 2015.
- Juggernaut Terminal with Dr. Strange Patch.
- Ghost Rider Enhanced Costume is very likely Alejandra (boooo!).
- Old Man Thor Costume in 2 weeks.
- Strange is 600 splinters.
- Sue Storm and Psylocke should be the next two heroes after Strange unless there's a suprise release.
- Team-ups are account-bound.
One thing that caught my eye was Doomsaws answer to a question about Carnage, he answered "We can't talk about Carnage yet".
There's more info Here.
Advance Pack Heroes will most likely be Rogue and Mr. F
Blade and Iceman 2015
Old Man Thor Costume in 2 weeks.
new event:
Bonus drops from certain modes. Kind of looks like the old cosmic chest tbh lol...
When will Team-Ups Heroes launch?
The first Team-Up Heroes will officially launch on Thursday, April 3rd, in preparation for the Captain America movie.
A presale pack will likely be available approximately one week before the official launch of Team-Up Heroes.
We are incredibly excited about seeing this feature go live and launching for everyone. We spent a good amount of time playing our favorite ARPGs and iterating to find the most-fun combination of systems and features to give Team-Up Heroes.
Many new Team-Up Heroes will be added periodically in the weeks, months and years ahead!
Can Team-Up Heroes be obtained with Eternity Splinters or Gs?
Team-Up Heroes can be obtained from Adam Warlock on the same day as their release and in the G Store in a new section for Team-Up Heroes.
The Team-Up Heroes are generally split into the following categories:
Enhanced Team-Up Heroes: 600 Splinters or 900 G
Non-Enhanced Team-Up Heroes: 400 Splinters or 650 G
Very Basic Team-Up Heroes: 200 Splinters or 400 G
Enhanced Team-Up Heroes have new voice acting work done specifically for the team up itself.
Very Basic Team-Up Heroes have no voice work, minimal VFX and minimal new tech associated with them.
Team-Up heroes have a lot of work put into them (much, much more than an enhanced costume), but we're banking on the fact that they will appeal to a broad range of players and they will be a worthwhile investment for the Marvel Heroes development team and plan to support them for infinite time.
Will Team-Up Heroes use items?
Team-Up Heroes have 4 item slots and dedicated Team Up gear that drops in the world.
Team-Up gear drops in common through epic rarity (white through purple) and is affected by Rare Item Find (RIF).
Team-Up gear has custom bonuses specifically made for Team Ups.
Which Team-Up Heroes are available at launch?
The first four Team-Up Heroes will be:
- Spider-Man - The original Marvel Team Up who started the comic series. Dodge-based hero with webs and martial arts.
- Falcon - Directly from the Captain America Winter Soldier movie with flight, twin Mac-10 submachine guns and primarily physical damage attacks
- Firestar - An original from Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends. Primarily energy damage attacks using her microwave powers.
- Magik - Illyana Rasputin, complete with Soulsword and magical/mental based attacks.
How are Team Up Heroes different from each other?
Team Up Heroes have their own unique set of skills and abilities, which you select for them using a 3 x 4 grid of talents.
The talent grid is used to customize the Team-Up Hero to your playstyle. You choose which talents your team up has. The talents can be changed freely in hubs.
Full-Time Team-Up - Stays with you until they are defeated.
Short Duration Team-Up - Stays with you until they are defeated or 30 seconds elapses. Has a very high impact move when called in and does higher damage, but with shorter uptime. Starts with a 3 minute cooldown.
Behind The Scenes Team-Up - Provides you a passive bonus but is never called into play.
How do Team-Ups bind to your heroes?
Team-Ups will be freely used account wide with no restrictions.
Once you acquire a Team-Up Hero, they can be teamed with any of your heroes with no restriction. The Hero Roster interface allows you to easily set which Team-Up is associated with each of your heroes.
Can a Team-Up hero be used by that same hero being played?
Yes, the version of Earth in which Marvel Heroes exists is a juncture of many realities (as you've noticed), so this is no problem.
How do Team-Up Heroes level?
Team-Up Heroes automatically level up or down with your main hero, so you can freely use them on level 1 heroes or when using prestige levels.
Can Team-Up Heroes be defeated?
Although they have a high amount of health, Team-Ups can be damaged and defeated, which means you’ll need to call them in again based on their cooldown. You have the option of gearing them for increased survivability.
Can Team-Up Heroes use costumes?
Team-Ups will not be able to use costumes, but eventually alternate versions of Team-Ups may use different appearances. Example: Kate Bishop or Beta Ray Bill could potentially be a Team Up in the future.
What Team-Ups can we expect in the future?
Many, many, many will be available in the months and years to come, including Domino, Kitty Pryde, Beta Ray Bill, Lockjaw, Wolverine (a classic Marvel team up), Havok, all of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Wonder Man, Iceman (one of the original Amazing Friends) and Bob, Agent of Hydra are just short list of Team Ups that could appear in the future.
Note that a Team-Up Hero can also be a playable hero in the future and vice-versa.
Have more questions?
Post in this thread and I will add more details to this official FAQ:
Team-Up Heroes have a shared inventory of 30 extra slots. These are available all the time, as soon as Team-Ups launch, even if you do not have a single Team-Up Hero.
What Team-Up Heroes will be in the initial pack.
Austin will confirm this week, but likely the first 4 team ups will be in the initial pack.
Is Team-Up gear for specific heroes?
Team-Up gear can be used by any Team-Up Hero and are not for specific heroes. (At least not yet).
Will normal hero gear affect Team-Ups?
Currently, only Team-Up gear will affect Team-Ups, although I wouldn't be surprised to see a couple of items designed to assist Team-Up Heroes at some point.
What kind of AI do Team-Ups have?
Each Team-Up has an AI brain that controls their powers. They select targets independently and choose their attacks independently.
What Will The Cost of Initial Team-Ups Be?
Falcon will definitely be a 600 splinter Team-Up Hero and has new voice acting. Our voice team is also working on scheduling voice actors for the rest, which may or may not be possible.
Will power be relative to cost?
Nope, all Team-Ups will be balanced to each other.
Very Basic Team-Up Heroes have no voice work, minimal VFX and minimal new tech.
Firestar is hot so i'll buy her first.
SourceHi all,
As I discussed with some people during my "Dev Weekend" chats, we are adding a new system to Marvel Heroes for extreme advancement - let's call it the Galactic Guardian system as a placeholder name, but that's only a working name.
The goal is to provide an almost endless level of progression, customization and reward for players through this system, so they always have something to do, regardless of whether they main a single hero or play a wide variety of heroes.
Basically, we are taking the best parts of the Badass Ranks system (unlimited progression), the Alternate Advancement System (tons of choice and customization) and Paragon System (simple interface with point allocation) and adding unique elements that are thematically and mechanically appropriate for Marvel Heroes.
We would like to receive feedback on what you would love to see with this system.
Some notes:
- The system would reward players all ALL LEVELS, not just max level, so you could start accumulating points for it immediately.
- The system would contain hundreds of choices for you to allocate your points, improving both combat and non-combat stats
- The system would be housed in a new tab in the achievements pane
- The system would apply to all of your heroes equally, so everything would be percent based and auto-scaling
- David Brevik is a huge fan of this system and wants to work on it directly to make it as epic as possible
The UI for this system will be starting very soon and we expect to have it relatively soon, since the tech is not very complicated. The key will be making it as fun and engaging as possible for years to come.
Hit me with your feedback - much appreciated!
Is that a copy (or certainly inspiration) of Paragon levels?
Team ups and further progression bonuses. Game is just getting easier and easier, I seriously hope they put in some actually challenging content.
Marvel Madness is here! We're taking a whopping 50% off 10 select costumes!
For this week only, we've selected 10 costumes that we're putting on sale for a huge amount. For a complete list of items costumes on sale, see below:
Marvel Madness Costumes:
- Black Widow: Original
- Iron Man: Silver Centurion
- Cable: X-Force Legendary
- Luke Cage: Street Clothes
- Captain America: Original
- Punisher: Wartorn
- Hawkeye: Old Man Logan
- Rocket Raccoon: Marvel NOW!
- Human Torch: Red
- Spider-Man: Big Time Costume
Limited Time Sale
This sale is for this week only so hurry!
Team ups and further progression bonuses. Game is just getting easier and easier, I seriously hope they put in some actually challenging content.
Wait...what?!? I'm sitting at 415ish and thought I was good. Why the random increase?
Haha what... Is that from that cowbell skit song?
Has to be in direct response to the "Reaper of Souls" expansion hitting on D3. That's what I spent all last night playing.
Can you guys tell me, is a Ymir or Serpent rune generally worth one blessing or two (for trade)?
I need a Ymir and Serpent rune for Emma, and I have plenty of Odinmarks to buys blessings with, but I dont really know what anything is worth.
Cosmic terminals should be renamed to Epic terminals. Or Occasionally Cosmic/LOL Cosmic Rings?Terminals.
You can probably get someone to give you both for a Blessing. Serpent's can sometimes go for a blessing, but you'll sometimes find someone desperate enough that'll he'll toss one in. Ymir's aren't all that rare in the grand scheme of things.
If you have trouble finding one, I'll just give you Ymir. I've got 7 and they aren't very useful at the moment. My serpent runes are spoken for though![]()
Falcon and Firestar = 750 G (600 splinters)
Spider-Man and Magik = 550 G (400 splinters)
I'm glad none of them are the very basic ones.
Team up presale is up.
20 bucks for all 4.
As for their individual pricing:
So you'd save about 6 dollars for going with the pack.
I'm glad none of them are the very basic ones.
I had a guy last night wanting two Blessings for one Serpent rune. I'll ask around next time and see what people are offering.
Thanks for your offer. Ive never found a single Ymir rune. Can you tell me your in game name, so I can add you to my friend list and request that Ymir rune, if I need it? My in game name, is just "Hoya Destroyer".
can you not buy the presale bundle with Gs? I just got some with the 15% the other day
edit: just checked and you cant, sigh