Yeah, don't go over 1 blessing for a serpent and look/offer a blessing for both. Anyway, my name is Blankosaurus in game. I'm also in the gaf SG but yeah, hit me up.
The high splinter prices are probably because they want to get some income from them and not give everything away for free, but also because they were a bit more costly to make then they first had imagined. Probably took them quite some time to implement the whole team-up feature as well as each individual Team-up along with their powers etc. As I mentioned before voice acting is really expensive (enhanced costumes are basically two heroes in cost), and it's only the ones with new voice acting that gets the 600 price tag. They are also cheaper in Gs which indicates that they want people to buy them for money instead of splinters.
I actually think 14.50 for the 4-pack is decent enough, at least while the promotion is up
The high splinter prices are probably because they want to get some income from them and not give everything away for free, but also because they were a bit more costly to make then they first had imagined. Probably took them quite some time to implement the whole team-up feature as well as each individual Team-up along with their powers etc. As I mentioned before voice acting is really expensive (enhanced costumes are basically two heroes in cost), and it's only the ones with new voice acting that gets the 600 price tag. They are also cheaper in Gs which indicates that they want people to buy them for money instead of splinters.
Well, well have to see how much of a difference voice acting makes and how adequate the powers feel with the pricing. I get that they want to make money, I have nothing against that, but so far their pricing of stuff -including hero packs- feels very inconsistent. I also feel that a 200 splinter Team Up at launch would establish a nice baseline of what to expect from that tier, just so we are clear what they are going for with each of them.
I'm just a bit salty I can't use my in-game G's. I mean, that's money too, and I bought the Gs pack during the weekend precisely because I knew Team-Ups were coming, and I was a bit short on splinters. No way I'm buying each of them separately. I have no problem giving them money, but looking for full store value while shafting their in-game store feels kinda shitty to me. And the whole splinters thing.., well, they set the model and the prices, and the equivalent value between full fledged heroes and team ups is not there. It also feels that they are kind of regretting it on that front as well. That's the crux of the F2P model This year I've given them $250 and I'm still counting beans to see if I can make myself with some team ups soon. It is never enough. I probably should just play more![]()
Well, well have to see how much of a difference voice acting makes and how adequate the powers feel with the pricing. I get that they want to make money, I have nothing against that, but so far their pricing of stuff -including hero packs- feels very inconsistent. I also feel that a 200 splinter Team Up at launch would establish a nice baseline of what to expect from that tier, just so we are clear what they are going for with each of them.
I'm just a bit salty I can't use my in-game G's. I mean, that's money too, and I bought the Gs pack during the weekend precisely because I knew Team-Ups were coming, and I was a bit short on splinters. No way I'm buying each of them separately. I have no problem giving them money, but looking for full store value while shafting their in-game store feels kinda shitty to me. And the whole splinters thing.., well, they set the model and the prices, and the equivalent value between full fledged heroes and team ups is not there. It also feels that they are kind of regretting it on that front as well. That's the crux of the F2P model This year I've given them $250 and I'm still counting beans to see if I can make myself with some team ups soon. It is never enough. I probably should just play more![]()
Yes - someday we wil be able to do presales in the G Shop, but currently it's impossible since the item is delivered immediately, which is impossible for stuff that isn't in the build. - Source
They are making some room for it. This is from the TC:
I did suggested what you mentioned before, and asked for both the Ymir and Serpent runes for one Blessing and I got them. So thanks for that.
The guy was pretty apprehensive about dropping the runes on the ground and I can see why. lol. There was no way he could tell whether the artifact I dropped had a Blessing or not. He told me in the game chat that he was recording the trade. so I guess he would have posted it on Youtube or something and try to get me banned, if I was a scammer. The whole thing seemed so shady and Im sure many trades have ended in tears because of dishonest people. There should be a safer way to do this stuff. Luckily for him, I am honest.
I have (almost) 800 splinters and nothing to spend them on (since I have UP/AP), so I'm probably going to get a team-up. Not sure if I should get Magik+Spidey or one of the two 600 splinter ones, though.
Aren't you a huge Firestar comix fan?
Where'd you get that? lol.
I like Firestar, but I wouldn't consider myself a huge fan of her.I was thinking of getting her, though.
Doomsaw said:Hi everyone,
President and Cow King, Mr. David Brevik, wants to get in some "Play with the Devs" time this weekend, so we're going to turn it into a full celebration called: More Cowbell Saturday!
For the entirety of Saturday, midnight to midnight, we'll be hosting a game-wide server side 100% boost to experience, 100% boost to rare item find and 100% boost to special item find.
As a hero appreciation gift from David, everyone who logs on Saturday will receive a Cosmic Cow King Crate that contains all of these things:
A Cosmic Penta-Boost Potion
A complimentary portal to Bovineheim
A complimentary portal to the Confidential Bovine Sector
A random level 60 Cosmic Medallion.
A new rare Artifact called "Brevik's Cowbell" which offers not only damage, but an inspiring new sound effect.
A new Runeword recipe called "Cow King's Gift" for your Enchanter
The increased 100% buffs will begin at midnight and end at midnight, Pacific time, Saturday March 29th.
David will be playing online and answering any questions from 1-4pm on Saturday. His account name is Xarex.
Oh I thought you said that in the past sometime when talking about comix in general. Either this thread or the GAF comix thread. Thought you said you were a huge Kitty Pryde, Jubilee, and Firestar fan
Unstable Molecules drop a lot specifically in Red Terminals. If you do those continually, you will get a bunch over time
As of the next patch the following things will be true:
- Guild officers can type /motd to set their Supergroup "Message of the Day", which will be displayed for all supergroup members.
- All members of a supergroup will have "Last Online" displayed next to their name.
- You may link up to 2 items in chat. (Don't worry, if someone abuses this, they will be muted in game)
- You can shift-right-click a person's name (when the chat window is active and your cursor is in the chat window) to invite a person to your group.
It's not a jetpack, it's his guns and yes, they are always out.
Be careful tho. I own it, and if you are bothered by things like clipping you are going to hate this costume, because when you do use the jetpack they don't disappear:
Announcement for the new patch will probably be later in the evening.
Anyway, just sold my account with RoS (game is really too shallow for me to keep playing it) but I'm not having any urge to come back to MH, either. Checked out Strange on Test Center and I'm not sure I'll buy him. Shit, I think I need some real new content to get me back to MH - new heroes are not enough. Maybe I'm a bit burned out from the whole h'n's genre![]()
Raids are one of the many new end-game elements that's coming to Marvel Heroes in 2014.
This is a brief preview of the Raid System currently deep in development for Marvel Heroes.
Raid Challenge
Raids will be the most challenging encounters in the game, requiring strategy (which raid members perform which roles, how to use encounter terrain and geography, when to use ultimates/signatures, what gear to use for which fights), tactics (moving when appropriate, grouping when appropriate, spreading out when appropriate, responding to environment dangers, target selection) and appropriate gearing (certain fights may require different gear choices and all fights will expect players to have extremely strong).
For the raid encounters currently designed, a strong emphasis is placed on teamwork, intelligence and communication. Raids will succeed or fail on those qualities. Damage meters will not exist.
Raid Design
The Gazillion raid design team includes top raiders from many MMOs, including raid leaders from top 10 raid guilds. Experience with previous MMO raids will help direct the raid design of Marvel Heroes raids to leverage the strengths of other games while removing some of the more tedious elements of past games. The result should be an extremely challenge, but rewarding mode of play.
Group Size
Raids are designed for 10-person groups. The tech to support raid groups is complete. Players will be able to right click the group interface and convert their 5-person group into a full raid group. At that point, they may only enter raid zones.
Queuing System
Raids will have an optional queue system, so players who are solo or don't have 10 players can easily fill their spots.
There will be two difficulties are raids, with appropriate rewards for each and separate achievements for each.
Defeats Limit
All major raid encounters have a limited number of defeats that are allowed, similar to the old group terminals. Once the defeats limit in reached, the encounter resets completely and must be restarted by the raid group. This obviously prevents the "zerging" style of encounter.
In internal testing, that number is currently set to 20 deaths, but may change with further testing and iteration.
Camera System
Due to the size of the final raid boss, the camera will be able to have significantly pulled back zoom levels during the final encounter.lled back zoom levels during the final encounter.
Time Investment
Each of the encounters in the initial raid will be able to be complete in under 15 minutes for a group that executes perfectly. Obviously every failed attempt would extend that time. There will be 5 encounters in the initial raid release.
Raids are the toughest challenge introduced so far and will offer outstanding rewards in many existing item slots, as well as achievements, leaderboards and other benefits.
We realize that raids aren't for everyone, so to support the solo or small group player, there will be other alternate avenues of acquiring these items and will require the appropriate time investment you would expect.
Release Date
Raids are in internal development and testing now and will likely be available for live testing in 8 weeks or less.
Future Raids
Many future raids are in initial planning and design, to be released in the months and years to come.
Raid-sized PVP zones are also planned.
More Information
More information in the weeks to come, including some initial images at the upcoming comic convention in Chicago.
We'll be adding more details and previews of raids in the weeks to come.
Needless to say, we are pumped about raids and looking forward to introducing you to some galactic encounters from Marvel history for many years to come.
after finishing RoS yesterday and Burial at Sea dlcs today, Im about ready for the patch to hit and play some more marvel, I miss it. Starting to get worried about no announcement that the patch is indeed tomorow tho :/
What, nooooo. I HATE Jubilee hahaha. You must've mixed me up with somebody else! I also don't post much in ComicGAF.
Ohhh okay, it must have been someone else. I thought you were a huge comix fan.
WTF, didn't you just finish the new Infamous too? How the hell you have time to play all these games????>?
I am a big (Marvel) comics fan, but not every comic has Jubilee in it.![]()
no I didnt finish Infamous, im playing it (although I havent touched it in like 3 days), I only got the second power. Also, this week and the next im off work![]()
Hi guys, I am back from my exile. :lol
This weekend with 100% bonus sounds awesome. Will certainly make use of that.(if possible, because there are huge chances I will be really drunk lol)
And you guys saw they added Invisible woman on the forum roster already? So cool! Her face looks weird as hell though. Cant wait for her anyway.
I am worried though, last time they added both new characters at once (Moon Knight and Strange) and now they just added Sue Storm. This makes me worried for Psylocke not being the next character. t-t Dont do this to me Gaz.
I like Sue Storm, but she was always suppose to be named the invisble woman in-game.
dont get me wrong, I like the name, it was just weird they announced her as Sue Storm and everyone keeps refering to her as sue. Thats like announcing Ms.Marvel as Carol Denvers