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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet, I didn't realize that team-ups will be equipable on ANY hero. I always thought that like Falcon will be only usable with Cap. America etc :) Fantastic news.
Not random. They've always said that the character was going to be either 400 or 600 splinters.
According to the stream, Strange was the most expensive character to make (in terms of time and work), even more so than Ghost Rider. That is reflected in the cost.


I find her melee to be UNBEARABLE. Her best spirit spender for single targets (nutcracker) is just god awful in it's animation. So long and it roots you in place. I found it really difficult to get both hits to land since she doesn't bring much (any?) hard CC to the table either. I started with it but respec'ed out of that ASAP.

Her summons are very 'meh'. It's a neat idea but keeping your squirrel count up has been difficult for me. You need summon duration gear, but it tends to come tied with summoner +health gear (Wundagore Clay)... but squirrels are invulnerable so it's effectively a wasted stat.

Ranged/summoner has been working out for me but I'm still lowish level (pre-30). I'm mostly just using her as a legendary quest user. Fisk tower was absolutely horrible though... I got a legendary to do it so I did it on Red and it was really hard. You lose squirrels everytime you zone, so a few 8-12 pack blues at the entrance made for a lot of medkit spam/running around. Kingpin was rough too since you can't target your squirrels and he comes with a lot of adds.

I'm hopeful her partial re-work next week adds something to her kit.

Thanks for the responce =] I've only got her up a few levels and she doesn't seem too bad, but it's very early days. I can see me hating her later on mid way through Heroic Difficulty.

ATM I'm working my way up to this build.

I'll probably end up retconning her a bit once shes high level to see if something clicks with me, or some improvement after her mini review. I'm just trying her out for fun anyway, my only other two available heroes (Thing and Hawkeye) just plain don't appeal to me. Thing is boring as hell and I'm not a fan of range.

My longish term plan is to finish Squirrel Girl then farm/prestige Deadpool, Captain America or Spider-Man (Since he was tweaked last patch) collecting Splintters as I go and hoping I get a random hero I like. Then when I kind feel out of those options I may feel like giving more money to the game and buying some heroes.
Yeah, I'm super hyped about Strange. His powers all look incredibly flashy and satisfying (as they should).
I am going to play the fuck out of him, I can already tell. :3

They also said they were going to make the cloak look better, so I hope that'll happen.
Was Firestar the only teaser picture they gave? Nothing in the way of costumes and such?

They showed in-game footage of the Black Panther review and Strange gameplay, then showed stills of the Shuri and Defenders alt costume for the respective heroes, then Firestar, and then some more Strange gameplay.
Firestar is going to be third of the first 3 team-ups (together with movie Falcon and Spider-Man), and they said that there wouldn't be costumes for team-up characters, and that they'd rather be new team-up characters.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Stick around was nerfed a lot :( Still like it for the stun but it doesnt hit like a truck anymore it was / is my spirit spender)


Neo Member
Thanks for the responce =] I've only got her up a few levels and she doesn't seem too bad, but it's very early days. I can see me hating her later on mid way through Heroic Difficulty.

ATM I'm working my way up to this build.

I'll probably end up retconning her a bit once shes high level to see if something clicks with me, or some improvement after her mini review. I'm just trying her out for fun anyway, my only other two available heroes (Thing and Hawkeye) just plain don't appeal to me. Thing is boring as hell and I'm not a fan of range.

My longish term plan is to finish Squirrel Girl then farm/prestige Deadpool, Captain America or Spider-Man (Since he was tweaked last patch) collecting Splintters as I go and hoping I get a random hero I like. Then when I kind feel out of those options I may feel like giving more money to the game and buying some heroes.

I don't see the way you're generating squirrels - IMHO if you're relying on them being summoned passively you'll be disappointed.

I tried to play SG as a ranged character for 40ish levels and I found it frustrating. Then I switched to a melee build with the squirrels providing supplemental power. As someone mentioned (maybe in this thread) you should look at the squirrels as a swarming damage over time power rather than as pets. They feel like a swarm of locusts, devouring everything.

I'm using this build, which is pretty close to yours, except I'm maxing Death From the Trees instead of Sic 'Em. I don't think Sic 'Em is worth maxing, as the cooldown prevents it from being used too much.


I find Death from the Trees to be way superior to Squirrelpocalypse, which is the other default squirrel generating attack, since DFTT spawns the squirrels much faster.

With this build, no legendary, and only decent gear (heck, I'm still sporting a purple level 53 piece because I haven't found something with more health regen on it!) SquirrelGirl just facerolls stuff. I essentially spam DFTT to generate a bunch of squirrels, then pop a regen, then run around and punch stuff with either the basic attack or Nutcracker, depending on how fast I want them to die. But really, you could just spam squirrels and run in circles and stuff would die.

I don't run cosmics with SG, but she sleepwalks through all the other content. I keep the regen going all the time and her health barely moves. The invulnerability core works well with the regen from Squirrel Love. If I do somehow get low on health, I pop a medkit and hit with melee attacks. By the time the invuln shield is down, she's at full health.

I would say aside from Moon Knight, who's practically invulnerable, I find Squirrel Girl my most durable character. I literally have no worry about anything killing her. That said, I don't play her a whole lot, so if I took her into a cosmic it's possible I would revise my opinion.


I find Death from the Trees to be way superior to Squirrelpocalypse, which is the other default squirrel generating attack, since DFTT spawns the squirrels much faster.

Death From Trees is definitely far superior to Squirrelpocalypse.

They need to re-design Squirrelpocalypse, it's just not a good power to use.


Death From Trees is definitely far superior to Squirrelpocalypse.

They need to re-design Squirrelpocalypse, it's just not a good power to use.

Squirrelpocalpyse has a few key advantages over Death From Trees (especially for a melee build):

1- infinite procs. As long as the target(s) you hit is alive, it'll have a chance to proc more squirrels FOREVER until the target dies. It's like a passive chance to proc squirrels when you cast it (fun note: cast it at the start of a terminal on a bunch of guys but DON'T kill them, run past them and enjoy infinitely proc'ing squirrels at random for the entire terminal/area). This will be fixed next patch.

2- It's a DoT not a channel. You can cast it once for damage then go off melee'ing guys while the DoT ticks for a few seconds. When you cast death by trees, that's ALL you end up doing. Once you stop channeling it no longer slows/deals damage.


Well #1 is a bug, like you said. So I don't consider that an advantage.

The main reason I don't like it is it misses a lot when you're near walls and other level geometry. At least it did a few months ago, I haven't used it since then. I just found it very clunky to use, I'm not talking about the numbers/dps


They kept buffing characters too much and adding more gear buffs and gear item slots for even more buffs. They completely killed any challenge in this game.

Even the story stuff had more of a challenge when it launched.

Sad to hear. W/o challenge, these games are just mindless clickfests, IMO. I probably won't continue for much longer.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Sad to hear. W/o challenge, these games are just mindless clickfests, IMO. I probably won't continue for much longer.

I love the game (as my almost 700 hours in it prove) but 95% of it is the license. If the exact same game had no license (lets say it was some sort of champions online type thing) I would have played about 1% of that time :p

so yeah, if you have no love for the license (which, to be fair, is the best use of a marvel license ive ever seen, when it comes to depicting hero powers and whatnot), I dont see this game be very appealing.

for me tho, as someone who grew up on marvel comics, its the game my 12year old self always dreamed about


I don't see the way you're generating squirrels - IMHO if you're relying on them being summoned passively you'll be disappointed.

I tried to play SG as a ranged character for 40ish levels and I found it frustrating. Then I switched to a melee build with the squirrels providing supplemental power. As someone mentioned (maybe in this thread) you should look at the squirrels as a swarming damage over time power rather than as pets. They feel like a swarm of locusts, devouring everything.

I'm using this build, which is pretty close to yours, except I'm maxing Death From the Trees instead of Sic 'Em. I don't think Sic 'Em is worth maxing, as the cooldown prevents it from being used too much.


I find Death from the Trees to be way superior to Squirrelpocalypse, which is the other default squirrel generating attack, since DFTT spawns the squirrels much faster.

With this build, no legendary, and only decent gear (heck, I'm still sporting a purple level 53 piece because I haven't found something with more health regen on it!) SquirrelGirl just facerolls stuff. I essentially spam DFTT to generate a bunch of squirrels, then pop a regen, then run around and punch stuff with either the basic attack or Nutcracker, depending on how fast I want them to die. But really, you could just spam squirrels and run in circles and stuff would die.

I don't run cosmics with SG, but she sleepwalks through all the other content. I keep the regen going all the time and her health barely moves. The invulnerability core works well with the regen from Squirrel Love. If I do somehow get low on health, I pop a medkit and hit with melee attacks. By the time the invuln shield is down, she's at full health.

I would say aside from Moon Knight, who's practically invulnerable, I find Squirrel Girl my most durable character. I literally have no worry about anything killing her. That said, I don't play her a whole lot, so if I took her into a cosmic it's possible I would revise my opinion.

Sic 'Em is how I'm generating squirrels atm, I don't find the cooldown too bad, so long as you do it every 4 seconds I haven't been running out of them. I will take this build quite far I think then look at using DFTT via retcon or a powerful item that grantes it at a high level.

Like I said I'm just playing her for fun and a lack of options atm, I doubt I'll grow to love her, just playing around =]


I agree that it's the best LEGO game but they don't really have much in common gameplay wise. If you love Marvel it's a no brainer, though.
Yea, gameplay has nothing to do with marvel heroes. I assume most people who played marvel heroes would like the marvel universe enough to enjoy this game. The first time I flew around new york city as ironman made me smile with glee. Hulk and Mr. Fantastic are so amazingly adorable.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
played a wee bit more of punisher, from 17 to 21, it might be the hero so far that does the least for me. I cant find any spells that I like :/

atm im running with sniper shot, the health passive, the spirit/crit passive, bazooka, a few 1 point wonder passives, and im saving points for flame thrower and the dot shotgun basic. I thought about mine + the passive that puts a dot in it, but thats 2 powers to do what hawkeye does with 1 (poison arrow) >_>

at this point i should just get superior spidey costume and then prestige him and level him again to enjoy the costume, at least it would be fun


I love the game (as my almost 700 hours in it prove) but 95% of it is the license. If the exact same game had no license (lets say it was some sort of champions online type thing) I would have played about 1% of that time :p

so yeah, if you have no love for the license (which, to be fair, is the best use of a marvel license ive ever seen, when it comes to depicting hero powers and whatnot), I dont see this game be very appealing.

for me tho, as someone who grew up on marvel comics, its the game my 12year old self always dreamed about

I somewhat agree with this. Although for me I would put the percentage at 70% instead of 95%


I love the game (as my almost 700 hours in it prove) but 95% of it is the license. If the exact same game had no license (lets say it was some sort of champions online type thing) I would have played about 1% of that time :p

so yeah, if you have no love for the license (which, to be fair, is the best use of a marvel license ive ever seen, when it comes to depicting hero powers and whatnot), I dont see this game be very appealing.

for me tho, as someone who grew up on marvel comics, its the game my 12year old self always dreamed about

The license is certainly a huge part of the appeal. It certainly wouldn't be the same without it. The fact that the game is solid and constantly improving is just icing on the cake.
I especially love all the voice work they put into this game. I turn down all the other volume sliders, and leave the character volume on max. I feel like I never get tired of their lines, unless it's a character I find annoying to begin with.
What if I love Marvel, but hate LEGO stuff?

I would still suggest checking it out. I'm not a big fan of LEGO either, or the LEGO-type of humor, and the LEGO Marvel is clearly aimed to be played by kids/the family, but it's still a fairly fun game. Lots of collectibles and all, if you're into that sorta thing, many characters to unlock.

The license is certainly a huge part of the appeal. It certainly wouldn't be the same without it. The fact that the game is solid and constantly improving is just icing on the cake.
I especially love all the voice work they put into this game. I turn down all the other volume sliders, and leave the character volume on max. I feel like I never get tired of their lines, unless it's a character I find annoying to begin with.

Oh I absolutely agree with that.
I can't wait for what they have in store for Dr. Strange, I hope they have him do all those silly rhyming incantations.
Picked this back up the past 2 days, man the game feels great now with spidey. his moves are fun as hell. Glad i came back with strange and black panther next week.

Lord Phol

Took a sneak-peak (couldn't resist) in the Black Panther forum and read a bit about the changes. Dayum it all sounds amazing, can't wait to get my hands on him again. He was the first hero I played at release but put him away after awhile because he lacked alot of stuff. Now he truly sems like the real Black Panther and he might even join the ranks of my 3 other level 60 mains.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
seems they confirmed a Captain Marvel enhanced costume for Ms.Marvel (as in the old male Captain Marvel) is about 50% done, including a name change acording to Ryonir (which would be the first time a enhanced costume also actually changes your heroes name, they should use that tech on Thing`s enhanced costume... in fact I bet that tech will see a lot of use on Venom costumes)



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
finished normal on Punisher and left him at 30 to be continued whenever his review hits, he might just be my least favorite hero in the game, no offense to fans of course. he just did nothing for me at all.

On a bright note, played a bit of Ironman (up to 14 from prologue and 1 xdef) and hes awesome, and a serious case of not enough buttons on the action bar. just between his dash and flight, and shield + pulse shield thing that regens spirit, thats 4 slots taken with no offensive spell. that part is gonna suck.

his spells are awesome so far tho, I particulary love micro missiles. unibeam looks cool but charge spells are starting to annoy me lately, I like his channeled hands beam thing too (which I see people use all the time so I assume its one of his best spells?) he also seems to be the king of 1-point wonders looking at his trees.
Whoa I didn't know he was so old. I've only read Ms. Marvel since the 2000s so that's the only way I know her.

He's actually a character that I've never really cared for in the comics. Killing him off didn't really bother me that much, though the way they killed him off was stupid. Carol Danvers is a much, much more interesting character with basically the same power set and a richer history in my opinion.


He's actually a character that I've never really cared for in the comics. Killing him off didn't really bother me that much, though the way they killed him off was stupid. Carol Danvers is a much, much more interesting character with basically the same power set and a richer history in my opinion.

Haha cool, I like female characters better in general anyway, and Carol is awesome


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
man Ironman is so much fun. got a weird spec going but I like the spells so I dont care :p

one-off, arc reactor, micro-missiles, jericho bombardment, deployment medic (like hawkeye, I like having group play spells) and I havent figured out a 6th spell to put 20 points in, because I honestly dont have space in the spell bar. Im not even using flying at the moment because of that (I hate switching spells with the F keys). I am missing a big spirit spender tho.

1 point wonders go for force shield and shield overload, missile control system, system reboot, adaptive defenses. one of these would probably be the 6th for 20points, if I find myself having survivabilty problems.

no beams besides one-off so not your typical ironman play, but I love those missiles what can I say. I might break my 52review rule and level him to 60, since everyone says he pretty much has a review already and wont change much when they make it "official"
I'll admit that he's my first 60 largely based on love for the comic character. He's certainly not the most powerful or diverse character, but he's tough as nails and being ranged is usually one of the last guys standing when others are dropping.
Didn't play as much as I should have this weekend but I did manage to max out my Scarlet Witch legendary. Anybody have notable progression during the xp weekend? Any new 60's you want to brag about?

Lord Phol

Some random things I've picked up from the Play with Devs Weekend and forums:

  • Advance Pack Heroes will most likely be Rogue and Mr. F.
  • Blade and Iceman 2015.
  • Juggernaut Terminal with Dr. Strange Patch.
  • Ghost Rider Enhanced Costume is very likely Alejandra (boooo!).
  • Old Man Thor Costume in 2 weeks.
  • Strange is 600 splinters.
  • Sue Storm and Psylocke should be the next two heroes after Strange unless there's a suprise release.
  • Team-ups are account-bound.

One thing that caught my eye was Doomsaws answer to a question about Carnage, he answered "We can't talk about Carnage yet".

There's more info Here.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Some random things I've picked up from the Play with Devs Weekend and forums:

  • Advance Pack Heroes will most likely be Rogue and Mr. F.
  • Blade and Iceman 2015.
  • Juggernaut Terminal with Dr. Strange Patch.
  • Ghost Rider Enhanced Costume is very likely Alejandra (boooo!).
  • Old Man Thor Costume in 2 weeks.
  • Strange is 600 splinters.
  • Sue Storm and Psylocke should be the next two heroes after Strange unless there's a suprise release.
  • Team-ups are account-bound.

One thing that caught my eye was Doomsaws answer to a question about Carnage, he answered "We can't talk about Carnage yet".

There's more info Here.

nice, most of that information was assumed, always nice to get (almost) confirmed. Sorry to you Blade fans, but I much rather have Rogue and Reed before Blade.

Ghost Rider costume being alejandra is disapointing, I was hoping for the horse one. They are really going hard on the female / male counterparts for costumes, which is nice for variety at least. I hope its the armored version at least, not another leather jacket rider.


Sue was already confirmed to be the april hero, so I guess this confirms Psylocke is the may one (which most people assumed), so maybe Rogue is the june one to make a all female bundle for the next 3?

and Carnage is probably going to be a enhanced costume for Venom, unless they change their song about not having "pure" villains in the game. in fact I predict Venom will be a goldmine for them with costumes.
Anybody have notable progression during the xp weekend? Any new 60's you want to brag about?

I finally took my Hawkeye who was sitting at 59 for forever now to 60! Does that count? =P
It's funny, I was really enjoying HE post-rework but when the D3 2.0 patch was released and I went back to my Demon Hunter, I realized just how pathetic of an archer character he is.

One thing that caught my eye was Doomsaws answer to a question about Carnage, he answered "We can't talk about Carnage yet".

Doomsaw was actually the one who brought up that Carnage would be an enchanced costume for Venom in the first place. It's just pending Marvel's approval at this point.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
am I the only one that thinks its fucking craz that team ups will be 200/400/600 splinters like heroes? confirmed here

8:03 Doomsaw_gazillion: Team ups will be 600 / 400 / 200 depending on whether they get new voice actor work (expensive)

unless he means Gs, but still, for what is basically a combat pet?
am I the only one that thinks its fucking craz that team ups will be 200/400/600 splinters like heroes? confirmed here

8:03 Doomsaw_gazillion: Team ups will be 600 / 400 / 200 depending on whether they get new voice actor work (expensive)

unless he means Gs, but still, for what is basically a combat pet?

I'm sure they're factoring in them being extra inventory slots too. The real question is how many Team Ups are really necessary to have, for most players? If they're like costumes in that you only really need one for access to all functionality (but can own extra for variety), then I don't think the pricing is too bad.
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