I think it depends on the specific character. I like Sue Storm a lot more than Invisible Woman, I think the latter sounds stupid.
For example most people say Kitty Pryde instead of Sprite.
Jean Grey, etc
you mean Shadowcat?
I think it depends on the specific character. I like Sue Storm a lot more than Invisible Woman, I think the latter sounds stupid.
For example most people say Kitty Pryde instead of Sprite.
Jean Grey, etc
I am worried though, last time they added both new characters at once (Moon Knight and Strange) and now they just added Sue Storm. This makes me worried for Psylocke not being the next character. t-t Dont do this to me Gaz.
dont get me wrong, I like the name, it was just weird they announced her as Sue Storm and everyone keeps refering to her as sue. Thats like announcing Ms.Marvel as Carol Denvers
you mean Shadowcat?
you mean Shadowcat?
The only way I know how to rank up quick is to buy those prestige pets from the cube shard vendor.
That's only if you have credits to burn since it costs 1 mil IIRC. I was already at the 3 mil credit cap, so I figured might as well do something with those credits.
Used one when my enchanter was rank 17, and it went up to 19.
They actually started only with Moon Knight, and a few days later only added Strange so that the sub-forum roster looked neat, as opposed to having one hole, when the character after Moon Knight had already been known.
It's pretty much 90% sure that Psylocke is up after Sue.
How's this week event treating you guys? Haven't been on in a while, waiting for Strange and playing Diablo 3 RoS and Dark Souls 2.
Speaking of losing STASH space, anyone who uses TC know if tomorrow's patch includes a bigger inventory? Or is that gonna happen with the team-up patch?
As if there was any doubt
I will start playing again when Psylocke comes.
Our long national nightmare is at its end. I got a Shrinking Serum tonight.
Oh and if anyone has had problems fitting all their powers onto their bar with any of the current characters, just you wait until you spec Strange.
Well, finally found an incredibly strong build for Dr. Strange (aka Dr. Retcon 'cause there's no way in hell you're going to settle on a build for him the first time around) that doesn't require a second bar for normal play and he has become addicting to play. Have to give props to the devs, they have outdone themselves in character design this time (which is reassuring after we got Moon Knight). He is without a doubt worth the 600 splinters.
Oh and if anyone has had problems fitting all their powers onto their bar with any of the current characters, just you wait until you spec Strange.
A new build will be up in test center soon with a few of the important bug fixes and some Panther tuning changes. Nothing major.
The plan is to do one more small iteration and get the patch live first thing in the morning. Ryolnir will keep everyone updated and post the patch notes when we're 100% sure the patch is ready to go.
I got no idea what "in the morning" means though, guessing that's Saturday for me.
Marvel Heroes ‏@MMMSociety 9m
The Marvel Heroes servers will be going offline at 12PM PST for Game Update 2.35! http://forums.marvelheroes.com/discussion/78859/game-update-maintenance-3-28-6am-pdt?new=1
Q: Can we please not require dupicates and just allow any uniques?
A: That's not what this is for, this is for the poor unlucky souls who got many of the same unique.
A: I know, I know, but many games wouldn't even offer this fine assortment of options for your crafting pleasure; they would just say, "tough luck, please enjoy your new Paladin".
Q: OK, I understand.
A: Thank you. <3
Hahah oh god I love Doomsaw, from the new Duplicate Unique recipe FAQ:
actually now that im thinking about it...how DOES the game "know" if its a dupliecate unique or not? will it look into all your heroes gear, and the stuff that you have in the stashes and whatnot?
No idea what you mean but duplicates are when you have the same of two or more items. For example two slot 5 Great White Shark Nightcrawler Uniques.
Stats or whatever doesn't matter, just that they share the same name. Just like normal crafting you choose manually which ones you want to put into the blender.
i know that, I have plenty. What i asked was, how will it work. do you need to have both on you in the bag at the same time to use one of them in the crafter? or will the game "know" you have it equipped on some other character and it registers the one you want to use in the recipe as a duplicate. thats what I mean
Not saying Dr.Strange isn't more awesome than Moon Knight, but MK is more fun than people give him credit for IMO. He might not have those super awesome visual effects but he feels really brutal and fun when playing. Definetly my favorite brawler released so far.
I can definitely see how most people would enjoy MK but to me, strictly from a gameplay design PoV, he feels just so uninspired. There's nothing about him mechanically that defines him as a separate character from similar characters. His tribute system could've been that, but they stopped way short of making the choice between the two Gifts interesting and game-changing. I'll freely admit though that my standards and expectations are much higher than most players'.
I can definitely see how most people would enjoy MK but to me, strictly from a gameplay design PoV, he feels just so uninspired. There's nothing about him mechanically that defines him as a separate character from similar characters. His tribute system could've been that, but they stopped way short of making the choice between the two Gifts interesting and game-changing. I'll freely admit though that my standards and expectations are much higher than most players'.
Any of you have tips for getting them levelled up quicker? Or is literally just picking up all tiers of crap and dropping it in?
hows Panther review? I think Ill acvtually level him first before the good Doctor
edit: also, "The Marvel Heroes servers are coming down at 6AM PDT for Game Update 2.35 (featuring Doctor Strange!)" so I guess twitter lied earlier (thats 1pm in the UK)
yup thats gonna piss me off.
edit: dupe unique recipes:
3 Duplicate Unique Items (any level) = Completely Random 60 Unique (could be any of the uniques that exist in game)
as someone who has every hero this is the one ill use the most I think
4 Duplicate Unique Items (any level) = Random 60 Unique Usable By Current Hero (includes "Any Hero" uniques)
5 Duplicate Unique Items (any level) = Random 60 Any Hero Unique
3 Duplicate Unique Items (any level) = Credit Chest valued at 50,000
4 Duplicate Unique Items (any level) = Credit Chest valued at 200,000
5 Duplicate Unique Items (any level)= Credit Chest valued at 500,000
2 Duplicate Unique Items (any level) = Stack of 8 Relics
3 Duplicate Unique Items (any level)= Stack of 20 Relics
4 Duplicate Unique Items (any level) = Stack of 50 Relics
3 Duplicate Unique Items (any level)= Box of 5 Runes
5 Duplicate Unique Items (any level) = Box of 10 Runes
I sure hope the patch size isn't massive.
What the hell am I supposed to do with these single uniques for heroes I don't own that are clogging up my inventory? B.S.
I think I'm really close to caving and just buying cable. I've been on a huge cable high after reading cable and deadpool and I feel like it's going to be forever before I get enough splinters.
I think I'm really close to caving and just buying cable. I've been on a huge cable high after reading cable and deadpool and I feel like it's going to be forever before I get enough splinters.
What the hell am I supposed to do with these single uniques for heroes I don't own that are clogging up my inventory? B.S.