In game, hit X and on the top right corner is a green button to add Gs. Smallest denomination is $5.
In game, hit X and on the top right corner is a green button to add Gs. Smallest denomination is $5.
I'm like 1100g short of buying ghost rider. Is there no way to get a small amount of g's (100) or am I gonna have to drop $15? Because I am sure as hell not grinding up my splinters to 600 again x_x
Did you miss the +15% G sale?
That would've given you 1150 for 1000.
What the hell am I supposed to do with these single uniques for heroes I don't own that are clogging up my inventory? B.S.
edit: whooooooooa the unique crafting is SHIT. it needs 3 of the SAME unique, not 3 duplicate uniques.
Dude what do you think the word "duplicate" means??
You know you have the option to sell them right? It's not a dev's fault if a player is an OCD packrat haha... I've sold tons of uniques and it hasn't killed me =P
Just a heads up, you can use the code MHMGIFT to get a random starter hero (and some boosts) for free.
Haven't been playing much, but just redeemed that code. I'm hoping I get human torch or black panther.
It's only the cheap heroes, so you won't get one of those.
They are both starters, so I assumed they were fair game
Where do you trade in unique dupes? I'm not seeing anything on my crafter.
Just a heads up, you can use the code MHMGIFT to get a random starter hero (and some boosts) for free.
Oh god, that buy a hero get a random free hero promotion is back. Last time I ended up buying like 5 heroes and managed to get 5 new heroes, for a total of 10 new heroes. This time though I'll probably avoid it since there's less chance of me getting something new. Still, it's a really awesome promotion.
Guess I'll go play RoS until the loading times are fixed.
Oh god, that buy a hero get a random free hero promotion is back. Last time I ended up buying like 5 heroes and managed to get 5 new heroes, for a total of 10 new heroes. This time though I'll probably avoid it since there's less chance of me getting something new. Still, it's a really awesome promotion.
Crafted a new costume:
Got the trenchcoat already so it is unlikely it will see any use. Oh well.
I'm only at 70-something splinters currently.cable is only 400 splinters tho
Do you just not have much time for gaming? Ever since I got a job in the industry my time has been drastically reduced, but I have collected around 600 splinters over the last month not even playing every day.
Also, how do you redeem the mystery hero box code? The link I click just brings me to the news page and I don't see a spot to redeem it...
Log in to your account at, in your profile page, click the link that says "Redeem key".
Meh got the Thing. Was the one hero I kept saying I didn't want out of the hero box lol
I got Thing as well haha. Well...his ult is now Level 6...
God, these loading times are killing me.
Yeah, the loading times are forever now, and there seems to be a lot of issues serverside (enemies just disappearing and all).
they seem fine to me today, and no lag either.
Did they fix the lag/loading late last night, or still messed up?
Likelihood in percentage for the following as playables (not team-ups):
Firestar: 100%
Magik: 100% : Less then 36 months but more than 12 for a playable release.
Dazzler: 100% (But not in the top 20 team ups probably)
Magma: TBD
Rachel Summers: TBD
Dani Moonstar: 80%
X-23: By the end of the year is the best guess. She will be pretty sweet. We have lots of costumes for her. She will be different from Wolverine.
And Wolverine will get his review after Black Widow.
Gambit: New Death costume soon.
Scarlet Spider: Not on the development schedule.
In-Game Clock: Possibly go in the top left corner.
Trade Window: In about 5 weeks.
Beast: Will be the next 200 ES side project after X-23. We love him! He will also be a new vendor.
Nick Fury: Should be a team up and playable.
Sandman: As a raid boss? Would be awesome.
Scarlet Witch: Confirmed Wiccan costume.
Punisher: His Battle Van is definitely coming with the Lvl 52 review. The cornerstone of his new Ult.
Squirrel Girl: Quality of life review for the next big patch.
Elektra: She'll definitely be a team up before playable.
Sentry: As playable? He's kind of boring, possibly Hyperion.
Ghost Rider: Lady Ghost Rider is not approved yet, but she looks great.
Captain Mar Vell: Some spoilers possibly in Chicago.
NEW One-Shot Terminals: A new terminal more story focused, instead of just running to kill a boss. A way to tell many different Marvel stories. Almost a new mini-chapter every month.
Jubilee: On the to do list to be playable, but not in the next advanced pack, but she will be done.
Ant-Man & Wasp: Definitely want to do. Definitely not this year as playable or team-up.
Guild-Leveling Feature: No time estimate on that yet.
Angel: No finished design yet for him.
Namor: No plans for him.
Silver Surfer isn't delayed, he is just the final advance pack hero in our tentative schedule which is likely January 2015 (or possibly December 2014).