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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble

Ah ok thx. Is he cooler than Jubilee or Psylocke, etc??

Everyone is cooler than Jubilee. :p
But "coolness" is pretty subjective. I'm sure that if you ask someone else, they're going to tell you he is cooler than every hero in Marvel, and some other guy will tell you he's lame as shit cause he's not an X-Man. shrug. :p

I have no opinion on him, though I do think he looks pretty cool:
Ah ok thx. Is he cooler than Jubilee or Psylocke, etc??

Definitely not as cool as Psylocke. Even British Psylocke!

I am a fan because he wasn't popular which made his solo books cheap when I was a kid. ;)
It had a great start but was pretty nonsense towards the end. The new stuff with him in War of Kings retcons a ton of it.

His power set could be pretty cool.
Especially since they powered him up in the retcon and his suit can transform fairly freely now.
Since he is so obscure they could probably work pretty freely on him. Heh.

He can use his amulet to create force constructs(shields mostly) and shoot blasts.
What are the chances we see a surprise character (who I guess would be Winter Soldier) show up this week for the release of the Cap movie?


Would be cool but I'd imagine info on him to be data mined by now if so.

Did info on Loki get datamined before he came out? I can't remember.

Yep, it would be extremely cool if it happened, but we'll see. I really want Bucky Cap in the game too.


Did info on Loki get datamined before he came out? I can't remember.

Yep, it would be extremely cool if it happened, but we'll see. I really want Bucky Cap in the game too.

I think it was both mined and he showed up on the TC beforehand.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Did info on Loki get datamined before he came out? I can't remember.

Yep, it would be extremely cool if it happened, but we'll see. I really want Bucky Cap in the game too.

I believe it it was, including being on the test server. Also, they have stated that there is no surprise hero coming with the Cap movie, because of all the work thats been going on with new heroes and team ups. which of course, could be a lie, but I doubt it, back then when they made Loki they were nowhere near as busy as these days


Oh yes, I forgot Loki was on the TC, I remember now, I justI didn't have it installed back then :p

Well then. I hope he shows up somewhere in the future as more than a Team Up.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
played a bit of Dr.Strange up to 14 (so, 1 xdef really heh). Some neat looking spells, although so far the only ones that I really liked were Flames of Falthine (obviously) and Astral Projection, although Astral Projection is already bumming me out because Astral Legion later on isnt a passive that turns Projection into 4, its a seperate spell, and I hate 2 splots for what is basically 1 spell.

He seems to have some neat passives too, but I think the only only ill fully invest into is the dodge/defense one (as usual)

edit: werent team ups going on the TS today? we need inky or frost to report on them stat
Pretty much. Except maybe Beak, that dude was crazy lame.

And yet he's more popular than a lot of other Marvel characters because he's an X-Man. I've seen more requests for Beak than I've seen for, say, Brother Voodoo, who is a substantially more awesome character.


And yet he's more popular than a lot of other Marvel characters because he's an X-Man. I've seen more requests for Beak than I've seen for, say, Brother Voodoo, who is a substantially more awesome character.

Hahha Beak? He's definitely a lame character, and I'm a big X-Men fan.

I can't see anyone asking for him to be playable lol
Ghost Rider 60 last night, so I started on Hulk.

Seems a little bland at this stage, but I'm liking the look of his level 30 powers so I'll keep going. Got the OCD bug to get everyone to 60 now haha..

Hulk at 22.

Synergy/bonus XP is definitely noticeable now starting a new character. I was like level 14 by chapter 2 with Hulk.


Reed already? Dude wasn't even finalized for the AP a couple months ago and now he's in the first half of the releases.

Nevermind that he came a distant third on the "who do you want to see" poll. Well, that was useful. Next time I'll be sure to vote for the things I don't want, so they can do the opposite instead.

And they put the pack for sale already without art or information for any of them... Jesus, Gaz, at least take me to dinner first.
Reed already? Dude wasn't even finalized for the AP a couple months ago and now he's in the first half of the releases.

He wasn't officially announced as part of the AP until right now, actually.
From what I heard, they plan on content happening towards the end of the year that will actually need Reed's involvement, so I'm not surprised they added him now.

Nevermind that he came a distant third on the "who do you want to see" poll. Well, that was useful. Next time I'll be sure to vote for the things I don't want, so they can do the opposite instead.

The polls never were meant to directly mean "Which characters are we gonna do next". They were there to see where the interests of the community lie. It never was a confirmation (or deconfirmation) of anybody.

You were the one wanting Blade and Magik, right? I think they already mentioned both of them being 2015. Rogue is probably going to be the second AP character.
I don't get the Jubilee hate. I think she is ok. Her powers are cool.

Jubilee is the girl they should never let on missions lol.
Everyone else always has to save her!
I don't think I have ever read a comic with her that isn't all "AHHH WOLVIE HELP!"


The polls never were meant to directly mean "Which characters are we gonna do next". They were there to see where the interests of the community lie. It never was a confirmation (or deconfirmation) of anybody.

So? They also said they are going to add all of them eventually, including War Machine. Yes I want Blade and Magik, and yes I know they are confirmed. Where do they fall in the timeline is also a factor. I'm not going to wait forever for them. And we knew Blade was out and Mr. F. was in the pack from the stream anyways, and Rogue was pretty much confirmed in before the poll even went up, even though they keep dancing around it.

The poll was obviously meant to gauge the spots for the 2 unannounced characters from the pack. Obviously they can do whatever they want, which is what they are doing by pushing back some and pushing up others. So going from being a distant third, Mr. F. is not only finally confirmed but also being fast-tracked for June, which kinda points at the poll being a waste of time, as it felt like the plan all along anyway, especially if the reason for Silver Surfer's delay is the rumored Galactus raid and that they want all the FF team in for that first. I think I'm allowed to roll my eyes at that.
The 2014 Presale Pack 2 is live, featuring Invisible Woman, Psylocke, and the now fully confirmed Mr. Fantastic.

Poor Kepow.

Edit: Changed wording.

I already have The Thing and Human Torch. I think I'll be down for completing Marvel's finest family. Hopefully there's significant synergy between the four and killer costumes. Have they discussed how Mister Fantastic might play? Or Invisible Woman for that matter?


Also, this is interesting from Doomsaw:

Unfortunately, we don't have time for April Fool's stuff. Too busy.

We do have 5 new playable heroes being announced tomorrow, but I believe that's just coincidental timing more than anything.

What new characters is he talking about? Maybe he is just talking about the order in which they are going to be released? Or maybe from a future advance pack (2015)?

Edit: Well, here is the answer:

We're just announcing them, they aren't being released tomorrow. It's best to announce near the start of a quarter for investment reasons, or whatever.

New heroes indeed. Wow.

Two fine ladies and a douche.

My comment was made mainly because Psylocke is included in the second wave. If the second wave consisted of Psylocke alone it would still be the best wave of character


Can I only buy Psylocke?


Edit: Well. Not right now. But you can buy every hero standalone or a hero pack that comes with his/her stash space, alt costume and some other items in whatever month he'she is scheduled to launch. Which means you will be able to buy her in May.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
i guess this confirms Reed as the june hero, assuming they keep up with the 1 a month pace, which they probably wont with Surfer already announced as being 2015

April Fools?



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
team ups work almost exactly like diablo 3 helper dudes, they have 4 tier of spells to choose 1 in each, and 4 gear slots



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Game is gonna be even easier with them :) I'm not sure I like it...

hard to get any easier than it already is. also you can use them as a passive just for the inventory, or use them as a 30sec cooldown spell instead

edit: was kinda hating Dr.Strange, just kept dying over and over again no matter how much I tried to avoid stuff, now he's growing on me. For people that cry about defense and/or dodge not working in the game, good lord play Dr.Strange with and without the defense/dodge passive, its a world of difference.

having to juggle which incantations to use and when is cool, basically im always trying to trigger double flames of falthine. At the moment Im using flames of falthine, demons of denak, crimson bands of cyttorak (which I dont like and want to drop), ancient eye and ancient training passive. I want to get vapors, it sounds good (and hopefully looks good), and Im thinking of getting seal of vishanti for group play (dropping bands of cyttorak) which would drop my dps but would add a nice dmg and defense boost to the group, seeing as it lasts 8 secs and only has a 12 sec cd, so its almost always up.

Im also using images of ikkon with just 1 point to draw mobs attention away from me/the group and build up the incantation bar.


Looks like all 5 announcements today are April Fool's. Second one is "Hot Dog Vendor" :)

XP was so great this weekend - I took Cyclops and Human Torch 1-60 from Saturday through last night.

RNG is also crazy - I've gotten 25+ uru-forged drops in the same 3 days. Still no pet though. I want Old Lace...


I wish I could give you one. I've found 3 Old Laces and I never use them. They are really easy to miss too, because they look like regular purple drops. The first time I got one it was at the Mandarin terminal, and I almost left it behind because I thought it was random Emma gear or something, until silly me put 2 and 2 together.
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