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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


I play the game directly; my patch already went through. Too bad I'm stuck at work.

I actually think the stat rework is the weakest point of the patch. I'm not sure I like what they did with it tbh.

Seriously? GMan you too? Even if there are still some wrinkles to iron out, I think overall it's brilliant and logically consistent:
  • Uncapped, constant bonuses. Previously the scaling was finite and nonlinear such that certain statistical plateaus were more valuable.
  • Durability gives better energy defense plus health.
  • Speed gives attack speed and dodge.
  • Intelligence gives mental defense, crit, and summon damage.
  • Strength is predictable, but still improved with linear scaling.
  • Energy now benefits mental damage characters like my non-Phoenix Jean.
  • Fighting now benefits all builds.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Nightcrawler is also on my shortlist for BOGO purchase, just because I've always thought he looks cool and seems to have cool abilities/build options. As long as he's not dogshit underpowered (which I have not seen indicated on forums) he should be a safe bet.

Jesus christ at 1100+ hours and no costume drops. Is there any other way to get them, aside from G purchases? Fortune cards right?


Nightcrawler is also on my shortlist for BOGO purchase, just because I've always thought he looks cool and seems to have cool abilities/build options. As long as he's not dogshit underpowered (which I have not seen indicated on forums) he should be a safe bet.

Jesus christ at 1100+ hours and no costume drops. Is there any other way to get them, aside from G purchases? Fortune cards right?

Nightcrawler is cool and he's not underpowered. He is very squishy. NC is one of my favorite characters and I really tried to like him, but the play style doesn't click for me. Very hit-and-run, and you have to use his swords for best dps.

Costumes do come from fortune cards, but only specifically listed ones. You can also throw unwanted costumes into a crafting blender for a random costume. Best to pony up to the bar for costumes, but check them out first on the Test Center.


Validate the game files a couple of times guys if you have problem d/l patch from Steam. It worked for me at 4th or 5th try.


@Moondrop: In theory that's correct, but let's not kid ourselves. Crit/Brutal ratings are still the most sought after stats because the game is not complex or hard enough to require not going mostly for damage builds. They were not perfect and needed to be more useful, but I don't think this is the right way.

As a few others mentioned earlier, it doesn't fit the lore either, and I kinda mind that sort of thing. I prefer a static range to work with, if we are talking about basic stats all heroes share. I would've preferred if they worked like starting attributes in RPGs, where you get a pool of points, some limits depending on the type of character you choose, and you can distribute these points as you wish within those boundaries.

And lastly, it also nerfs a few of the things I liked about stats, like move speed (I prioritize MS in ARPGs since forever), and severely nerfs EXP gain, which is extremely useful when you have a roster of 30+ characters to level up and prestige. It also nerfs the IAS to my mental damage characters, which now I have to build around that or get Speed points.


I play the game directly; my patch already went through. Too bad I'm stuck at work.

Seriously? GMan you too? Even if there are still some wrinkles to iron out, I think overall it's brilliant and logically consistent:
  • Uncapped, constant bonuses. Previously the scaling was finite and nonlinear such that certain statistical plateaus were more valuable.
  • Durability gives better energy defense plus health.
  • Speed gives attack speed and dodge.
  • Intelligence gives mental defense, crit, and summon damage.
  • Strength is predictable, but still improved with linear scaling.
  • Energy now benefits mental damage characters like my non-Phoenix Jean.
  • Fighting now benefits all builds.

i think you misread my post. i was talking bout stream. to me there is no weak point of a patch. Can i double post? i wnat to say something in a separate post?


@Moondrop: In theory that's correct, but let's not kid ourselves. Crit/Brutal ratings are still the most sought after stats because the game is not complex or hard enough to require not going mostly for damage builds. They were not perfect and needed to be more useful, but I don't think this is the right way.
You are correct about the fundamental nature of this game and dps. However one way of diversifying things is to distribute dps-improving bonuses across multiple stats, as this change does.

As a few others mentioned earlier, it doesn't fit the lore either, and I kinda mind that sort of thing. I prefer a static range to work with, if we are talking about basic stats all heroes share. I would've preferred if they worked like starting attributes in RPGs, where you get a pool of points, some limits depending on the type of character you choose, and you can distribute these points as you wish within those boundaries.
If by "lore" you mean the old 1-8 bar graphs on the backs of old trading cards, then no thank you. I would argue that this system will functionally act as a pool/distribution system, in that each hero starts with a canonical distribution and you can boost their stats a bit in selected areas through gearing.

And lastly, it also nerfs a few of the things I liked about stats, like move speed (I prioritize MS in ARPGs since forever), and severely nerfs EXP gain, which is extremely useful when you have a roster of 30+ characters to level up and prestige. It also nerfs the IAS to my mental damage characters, which now I have to build around that or get Speed points.
Indeed, the XP nerf is severe, and I pointed out that they sneaked it through the patch notes. I agree move speed is very valuable in ARPGs, but the loss is modest, and diminishing returns seem to hit move speed pretty hard. IAS to mental characters is a nerf, but is balanced by the buffs from the energy change. Besides, if Psylocke and Jean Grey were to fire psychic bolts at each other simultaneously, who's would strike first? ;P


I probably wont have a working internet connection until Sunday. Fml why did this have to happen now? I am so fucking pissed off. ;-;


If by "lore" you mean the old 1-8 bar graphs on the backs of old trading cards, then no thank you.

No, by Lore I mean that it doesn't make sense for Daredevil to be able to boost his strength attribute as much as Hulk can. I don't know or think they were based exactly on trading cards, more like it makes sense for certain characters to have certain limits.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
What exactly is brutal strike? Like a doublecrit or something?
No, by Lore I mean that it doesn't make sense for Daredevil to be able to boost his strength attribute as much as Hulk can. I don't know or think they were based exactly on trading cards, more like it makes sense for certain characters to have certain limits.


The stuff on the back of trading cards comes from an official Marvel endorsed handbook that has been updated every few years for a long time. It is the official listing of power levels and powers within continuity and is something that writers and artists actually look at for reference (though they often tweak it for story reasons). It means there is a clear separation between the kinds of threats and tasks that someone like Daredevil can accomplish vs somebody like Hulk.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Aww none of the new costumes from Test Center made it to live, not sure if I'm still gonna BOGO any costumes.

Yup, pretty much! It's crit on ur crit!



No, by Lore I mean that it doesn't make sense for Daredevil to be able to boost his strength attribute as much as Hulk can. I don't know or think they were based exactly on trading cards, more like it makes sense for certain characters to have certain limits.

I'm kind of confused about this.
With the old system, Daredevil could already boost his strength attribute as much as Hulk.
So I'm not sure what the difference is in regards to lore from the old system to the new one.


No, by Lore I mean that it doesn't make sense for Daredevil to be able to boost his strength attribute as much as Hulk can. I don't know or think they were based exactly on trading cards, more like it makes sense for certain characters to have certain limits.
Is that example true though, re: Daredevil and Hulk? I believe Hulk has a higher strength attribute at 60. Both can increase their strength through cores and insignias, but I would wager Hulk can receive more strength bonuses from his uniques than Daredevil. So Hulk should have stronger base and maximum potential strength than Daredevil post-patch.

The stuff on the back of trading cards comes from an official Marvel endorsed handbook that has been updated every few years for a long time. It is the official listing of power levels and powers within continuity and is something that writers and artists actually look at for reference (though they often tweak it for story reasons).
Yeah, I want as little of this in the game as possible.


I'm kind of confused about this.
With the old system, Daredevil could already boost his strength attribute as much as Hulk.
So I'm not sure what the difference is in regards to lore from the old system to the new one.

Could he? I'm not really sure he could as it is mostly dependent on cores + unique specific attributes and maybe Uru gear, but there was a limit. I'm pretty sure Hulk could max it while DD couldn't.

And I'm not saying the old system was perfect. I was all for a change because it was obvious most of it wasn't doing anything, but I don't think this was the right way.


Man, the text is sooooo freaking tiny now. Saved my g's up for the next bogo sell so spent them today. No dupes from my boxes! Got Strange/Iron Man, boxes were Taskmaster and Squirrel Girl.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
People posting their BOGO hauls on the official forums, I cant wait to do significantly worse than all of them and be super jealous. 3 DAREDEVIL ULT UPGRADES INC.


Could he? I'm not really sure he could as it is mostly dependent on cores + unique specific attributes and maybe Uru gear, but there was a limit. I'm pretty sure Hulk could max it while DD couldn't.

And I'm not saying the old system was perfect. I was all for a change because it was obvious most of it wasn't doing anything, but I don't think this was the right way.

Well, I can't say for sure, and I'm certain it'd be a terrible way to build daredevil, but you can get strength from norn stones, uniques(slot 1 and slot 2 any hero), costume core, runewords, dum dum insignia. That's +6. Not sure if that's enough to max out, but it'd be close.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!

What is the difference between RIF and SIF? Does one only effect item rarity (more purples than greens) and the other makes you more likely to get costumes or artifact type stuff?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
You can use your mouse to get a tooltip in-game, but I believe it's...
RIF: Slot 1-5 gear (color and uniques), artifacts
SIF: Cores, relics, costumes, splinters, retcons, fortune cards, etc.

Ah ok thanks.

Cores are like, costume blanks with stats, right? They don't affect your look at all, but get like socketed into your costume?
Ah ok thanks.

Cores are like, costume blanks with stats, right? They don't affect your look at all, but get like socketed into your costume?

Exactly. You can add 4 bonuses (can be offensive or defensive) to your costume and a core. They just changed cores some in this patch. Before, cores could come with just a SIF/RIF bonus and nothing else (with up to 2 additional bonuses) but now they are going to drop with the SIF/RIF bonus and one other. I'm not sure if that means they can now have 4 bonuses or if it just means you won't get any with only 1.


So they finally got rid of mind controlling bosses? Took them long enough.
Still, I would have preferred it to work a little bit (perhaps on bosses known to be rather weak-minded) rather than completely removing it.


Ah ok thanks.

Cores are like, costume blanks with stats, right? They don't affect your look at all, but get like socketed into your costume?

To follow up on Tonner, you can apply four "affixes" of stats to your costume in addition to the core at the crafter. Also, cores come in 5-6 types that apply to only a subset of heroes, e.g. most mutants use Activated X-Genes, fighters like Cap, Widow, and Panther use Vibranium Ore.

So they finally got rid of mind controlling bosses? Took them long enough.
They're going to have to remake non-Phoenix Jean from scratch. She already had the lowest TTK, they've already taken away her shield, now she can't even interrupt a boss with a brief fear or confusion. Literally all she can do is apply DoT and kite in circles. :(


So they finally got rid of mind controlling bosses? Took them long enough.
Still, I would have preferred it to work a little bit (perhaps on bosses known to be rather weak-minded) rather than completely removing it.

I'm honestly surprised it lasted as long as it did.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Also, use RNDMCSTM for a free random costume box. RNDMHRO for a free random hero box. <3 Gaz.


damn im actually hyped on this game for pretty much the first time ever. Neat.

Looks like the random hero is full-on too, not just cheapies.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I'll be pretty damn pumped if I get home and find one of the 600 splinter dudes out of that box. I've had that free hearbreaker ironman costume sitting in my stash forever, a free iron man would be a nice get.


Kinda unlucky day for me:

BOGO = Repeated Spidey Costume
Random Costume Box = Repeated Cap Costume
Blender Try 1 = Repeated Dr. Strange Costume
Blender Try 2 = Storm's X-Men Uniform (yuck)

Then I opened 40 MK I cards:


Notbad.jpg I guess. Now I'm only missing Iron Man's from FC Mk I.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
What's the blender? Going off context ti looks like some way to turn unwanted costumes into other costumes?


Yes, it's a level 20 recipe in your crafter that let's you take 3 costumes, 2 unstable molecules and 200k credits and it gives you a new costume.

There's no guarantee you'll get something new or different, but if you have repeated costumes might as well do something with them.


I have my internet connection back. Thank god. Now for some MH fun!

Edit: Got Taskmaster from the hero box, ffs. I hate him... Oh well. Its free, I can't complain.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
How can you hate a guy with a shield and a bow and a sword and a skullface!?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
One more:

What does it mean when a costume is Enhanced?
I bought rocket's office space costume, got captain America reborn. Immediately put it in the blender, got a dupe fear itself thing costume.
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