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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble

One my system, when a phoenix starts throwing their fire storm out in xdefense, my system just starts running at 5 frames per second and my video card fan starts sounding like a hair dryer.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
they are changing one of my biggest pet peeves on this weeks patch, heroes with multiple types of powers

like hawkeye, some of his spells use energy instead physical like most of his spells, fuck off with that shit

or storm, one of her auras is physical >_>

Lord Phol

Holy shit!

Big Ten Weekend

You voted for your favorite 10 in game events from the last 10 months, so we're bringing them back this weekend, all at once.

The ten events for this weekend are:

- Easter basket & Easter Egg Hunt (We'll just keep this running through the next patch and Beast will remain)

- Don't Fear the Reaper Event (live tuning scheduled buffs)

- Christmas Gifts (Every Day on Login)

- Buy-One, Get-One for Heroes

- Fortune Favors You (free Fortune Card each day and special Fortune Card bundle in store)

- Pot of Gold (with St. Patrick's Day loot items)

- Valentine's Day (with Cupid's Arrows and other drops)

- More Cowbell!

- Chinese New Year (Fireworks Launcher and Daily Red Envelopes)

- Australia Day (Aussie Flags, Koalas, Pyro mega-buff)

To top thinigs off, we'll also be boosting SIF, RIF and Exp along with Plays with the Devs



Damn, I'll most likely be busy with Dark Souls 2 on PC.

Lord Phol

Yeah I'm gonna try to save my Gs until then, bet there's gonna be some good sales! Game launched 4th July so about 1 and a half month until the anniversary.

Edit: Yeah would have preferred a BOGO for costumes as well. On another note the upcoming patch looks pretty rad, but I'm more hyped for the May patch! Lots of goodies coming in May, Psychic Ninja (and potential new main) included.
Oh wow they are doing BOGO for heroes again? Very nice.

I would have rather had a BOGO deal for costumes again as I missed it the one time it was up. Oh wells, maybe I will finally pick up Luke Cage so I can use the Noir costume I crafted.


We've completed the tech to automate events like Odin's Bounty. This will open up some amazing things we can do. Imagine a world boss challenge every 30 minutes throughout the day, with a special unique item dropping from each one.

This is nuts. I hope they pull it off. I used to play a Korean MMO which had world bosses spawning certain times at specified random spots. When the time came people would party up, wait at the spots and farm the world bosses. If you were part of the killing party, it would give out tons of loot to share, including rare items on certain occassions.

I actually remember suggesting this during beta, so I love they are doing something similar in the future.
I take full credit for this one :p


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
yeah...sorry Gaz, its Dark Souls 2 weekend no matter how much stuff you throw at me. Good for people with no other gaming plans tho


I grabbed Black Widow so I could take her to 30 before her rework. Holy hell, she's so much fun already. Multiple functional movement powers (not just a roll or charge), two DoTs, flashy moves (remote detonation mines, rolling grenades with physics that allow cool tricks). And they're adding more stealth. It's early, but she may have vaulted to the top of my roster.

Noticed in the patch notes that they're finally getting around to removing the Life Leech cores. I assume this will apply to the cores already on costumes as well as those in my stash. Oh well, at least I don't have to continue hoarding them like gold bullion.


I picked BW as my free hero when I started playing (not that long ago) and a friend told me she was considered one of the weaker heroes. I had a lot of fun playing her (who doesn't love blowing the crap out of stuff with grenades?) and am really looking forward to trying the rework. She'll probably be the first hero I prestige.

I really wanted to buy her chase costume a couple weeks back but there just seemed something morally wrong with paying over $10 for a digital outfit :)


Oh, is anyone on now that can invite me to the supergroup? I'll be on for the next 30 minutes or so.

Name is "teggygah".


I really wanted to buy her chase costume a couple weeks back but there just seemed something morally wrong with paying over $10 for a digital outfit :)

That's one school of thought; another is that it's morally wrong to play as Nightcrawler in some newfangled costume when I can restore his classic look by sliding a few 0s and 1s their way. ;)


Is she out Thursday?

Not sure. They just said by the end of this month and certainly before Mothers Day (which I think is around May 5th or something lol).

But supposedly she should be up on test center (+ Black Widow review) tonight. The weird thing is they didn't even show some teasers for her like they did with Strange.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I have one account with DD, thing and Scarlet witch, and another with Human Torch and Storm. I dunno which char I actually want to play so I can actually a level someone up, get splinters for more chars, and hit a decent level to really get a feel for the game.



In Development

We are working on the following things, to be released in the coming weeks and months.

Mac alpha testing is underway. Closed beta will begin once we need more testers.

We're finishing up our matchmaking algorithm for PVP. This means any PVP matches that result in uneven teams will have compensatory buffs to try and even up the teams. This may also be used for "leavers" in PVP and X-Defense.

We're in the alpha testing stage for raid zones. They look beautiful and intimidating. They should launch alongside our completely 100% free game expansion in June.

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.

The animation team has completed work on Psylocke and she is working her way through to the VFX and SFX pipeline. She will likely launch in late May. It's hard not to love a psychic ninja with a cool outfit.

We're working on additional crafting quality of life improvements and crafting recipes.

More runeword recipes, including a Runeword themed week in the near future.

We've completed the tech to automate events like Odin's Bounty. This will open up some amazing things we can do. Imagine a world boss challenge every 30 minutes throughout the day, with a special unique item dropping from each one.

Trading back end is completed. Next step is to finish the front end of the system in May. Pretty excited for that.

Our alternate advancement inspired system is in development, with the back-end completed. Additional UI and design should have it launch in the second half of May.

We have some shared daily quests coming and a veteran reward feature rolling with the next big patch.

Achievement back-end work is 50% done. It looks like it will be ready in June.

The Wakandan Mine One-Shot Story chapter will be ready in less than 3 weeks
Wow. They're really impressive. I don't think I've been this invested in a game since WoW back in the day.

I also loved how I could basically turn it into my Winter Soldier movie tie-in game by getting the costume and Falcon.


Seems like May and June will be crazy in terms of new content :) Ooohh, do I see Pyro buff? My DD can't wait to farm him in Cosmic Terminal :p
Wow. They're really impressive. I don't think I've been this invested in a game since WoW back in the day.

I also loved how I could basically turn it into my Winter Soldier movie tie-in game by getting the costume and Falcon.

I luckily crafted the Winter Soldier Cap costume in the blender this weekend. Now saving up the splinters to get him. I'll probably buy Falcon with G's eventually.

But I agree totally, and it's their plan all along. Trick us into creating
a playable version of our favorite comic book movies.
Marvel NOW Moon Knight courtesy of TheDink



The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I think I'm gonna try out my level 1 Scarlet Witch later tonight. I've generally heard she's pretty good, is that still accurate? Also, as I don't have any high level chars, would I be best off just playing through the chapters entirely due many quests giving specific rewards, or use some form of faster/powerleveling and just go back to do those later?


I think I'm gonna try out my level 1 Scarlet Witch later tonight. I've generally heard she's pretty good, is that still accurate? Also, as I don't have any high level chars, would I be best off just playing through the chapters entirely due many quests giving specific rewards, or use some form of faster/powerleveling and just go back to do those later?

Yeah, she is still good. I have her as my main. Scarlet Witch is pretty powerful and bewildering hex can be somewhat OP, but she is also fragile. But you can probably offset that with Ravenous Binding.

Well, if you're already familiar with the map layouts, you could probably do both. Scarlet Witch starts with a teleport, so zipping your way to quest rewards should be quick. Whenever you feel underleveled for the story because of bypassing everything, you can always jump into something else to powerlevel.


Test center is up with Invisible Woman and Black Widow review.

Sue's powers are pretty amazing. I also think they changed the game-s UI a bit. It looks smaller for some reason. But I can't really tell, so I might be wrong on this.

Edit: Yeah, its new.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Yeah, she is still good. I have her as my main. Scarlet Witch is pretty powerful and bewildering hex can be somewhat OP, but she is also fragile. But you can probably offset that with Ravenous Binding.

Well, if you're already familiar with the map layouts, you could probably do both. Scarlet Witch starts with a teleport, so zipping your way to quest rewards should be quick. Whenever you feel underleveled for the story because of bypassing everything, you can always jump into something else to powerlevel.

Naa I don't know shit bout no layouts, I'm pretty much a fresh out the womb noob with this game.

Lord Phol

I don't read much MK in comics, but isn't that mostly how he's drawn?

Yeah kind of but it usually "flows" better and behaves more like a real cape. Looks a bit weird in this game with it being so stiff and wide to me.
On the subject of TC, Sue is looking great, her "slam" move is incredible. Black widow also seems nice and the UI is pretty small on my TV :s.
X-Force Nightcrawler is a definite buy!
Hitting 60 seems like a pretty huge leap in difficulty. I'm struggling on x-def after wave 10 now and cosmic terminals take a long time to get through. Where's the best place to go cosmic hunting?


They are Life on Hit cores now (300-400~ life per hit) in the TC.

Ohhhh... hmm you mean they are retroactively changing the original old Cores we found at launch?

I've got a lot of those. Surely they aren't retroactively changing those, you mean just new types of Cores with life-on-hit?

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
beta ray bill is on test center as team up but cant be brought either

also siege loki costume and nightcrawler costume

sue only has 6k hp at 60 lol




Whats up with this Invisible Woman power where a spiked ball just keeps clipping everywhere like its attached to the floor? Like, seriously, I hope thats a bug because it looks awful, and its a shame because her other powers look cool.

Also, this post is a pretty obvious hint that She-Hulk will be a team-up really soon (before being playable).
What are Invisible Woman's synergy bonuses? I'm still debating purchasing her stand-alone pack or the bundle with Mr Fantastic and Psylocke.

As for the new team-ups, Beta Ray Bill was teased, but I'm not sure that She-Hulk was. I hope the next four aren't far off. I have wanted She-Hulk to be playable for sometime, alongside Spider-Woman. I'm happy with a team-up for the moment though.
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