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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


How do you even trade? Had no idea it was possible currently. Aren't they still working on a trade system? I swear I heard they say something like on that C2 presentation that was posted here.

I think I saw Doomsaw say that the backend for trading system was recently finished. Not sure how long it'll take before it'll be totally up and running.


Did I miss out on the free random hero thing?

Not sure where to put in the code.

E: Looks like I missed out. Took me forever to download the update today. :(


Did I miss out on the free random hero thing?

Not sure where to put in the code.

E: Looks like I missed out. Took me forever to download the update today. :(

I think it should still be available. Log into the website. Go to your profile. Click redeem key, and enter it there.

Edit: Maybe not? Orcz is showing it as expired. Still, doesn't hurt to try.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I see people refer to stuff as "going for a blessing" like in the post earlier, what does that mean? It sounds like you trade the item to someone and in return they bless one of your items, but the game doesn't really have trading so I'm not sure how that would work.


ohh you lazy ppl!!!

D.Brevik explains why Marvel us is F2P; claims he doesnt want ppl to have to pay to play that way more ppl can play.

explained one shot terminals, explained raids, explained new achievement system, explained benefits of achievement system, showed trading screen shots, showed raid screen shots, and showed a screenshot of what the next chapter in story will be about.
with that in mind, let me ask questions.
What is the story with heroes looking green, like nameks. that is the next chapter story.
Does anyone stream and want to stream with me?
They also teased Dr. Doom and Havok as playable characters...and revealed that Josh Keaton is doing the voice for Captain Mar-vell enhanced Ms. Marvel costume.


Gonna have to give cliff notes, not gonna sit through a 50 some odd minute video.

Yes, I watched all of that. It was pretty insightful. I would recommend everyone thats into the game to watch it.

Basically they said how the game came about and how they work at Gaz.

They also said the Marvel license is great and that they want to go really crazy with the number of playable heroes.

They showed some new costumes (posted on the last page) and revealed the voice actor for the Captain Mar-Vell character, which will be an enhanced costume for Ms. Marvel.

They explained how the new systems (omega, infinite, those hexagon things, raids, trade, etc) will work, showed the cutscene for the Wakanda storyline (new chapter in story mode) and teased where they are going after that with the story.

Basically they showed what looked like Green Goblin with Captain America's mask (?). Something like that. I don't really know what that means because I don't follow the comics, so maybe someone can help me here.

Edit: Beaten.


Basically they showed what looked like Green Goblin with Captain America's mask (?). Something like that. I don't really know what that means because I don't follow the comics, so maybe someone can help me here.


D.Brevik explains why Marvel us is F2P; claims he doesnt want ppl to have to pay to play that way more ppl can play.

The real reason is money.


Did they look like this?



If we're getting Skrull models as alts/bosses, I'm hoping that's a lead in to getting a playable Super Skrull at some point.

It's kinda cool that they're doing a "Secret Invasion" storyline. I'd like to see a vampire one, Age of Apocalypse, and a Murderworld one at some point.


Is anyone of you guys on the TC? How is Sue? I hear she's pretty meh kinda like Gambit was originally, which makes me sad, cause I was looking forward to her a lot.

I think she is pretty cool. People complain about everything everytime on the official forums, so I don't think thats a really good parameter to go by honestly.

Being honest, what people seem to be complaining about and what I actually agree is that invisibility makes up for almost nothing about her character. There is like, two powers related to that and one of them is a passive ability. I mean, I kinda feel for the devs because I don't see how they would make that work in-game without making it game-breaking or really shallow, so I can't really blame them? I guess.

Outside of that, she seems like a great crowd clearer, even more than Storm/Jean/Scarlet Witch. There is this power that she drops a massive, uhm, circular platform that is just awesome/extremely useful. I was really close to buying her pre-order bundle.

Lord Phol

They also teased Dr. Doom and Havok as playable characters...and revealed that Josh Keaton is doing the voice for Captain Mar-vell enhanced Ms. Marvel costume.

Ooo Havok and Doom, I'd love me some of that!
Watching the C2E2, lots of good stuff. The One-Shots will be great, love the motion comics in this game!


Neo Member
Out of 4 free heroes I got over the weekend 2 were dupes (Punisher, Daredevil) and I have way under half of the roster. I got Hulk and Cage who were though and I wasn't really excited about either but played a couple games of X-Def with Luke Cage and wow he is a lot of fun.


I see people refer to stuff as "going for a blessing" like in the post earlier, what does that mean? It sounds like you trade the item to someone and in return they bless one of your items, but the game doesn't really have trading so I'm not sure how that would work.

You can trade in 100 odin marks for a blessing. You can "bless" any artifact to gain certain bonuses and with 4 artifact slots, each hero can have 4 blessings.

Blessings (for whatever reason) are basically the main currency in this game. There are very few things that can't be bought for blessing(s) though at some point, the number of blessings people want for certain things is astronomical.

For trading blessings, the recipe to move a blessing to another artifact is 1000 gold and that's it. So if they were using the blessing on one of their soulbound items, they would transfer it to a shitty artifact they have lying around and give you that shitty artifact with a blessing on it (which you would then take and transfer to... hopefully... a non-shitty artifact on your character). You can tell an artifact is blessed because the color is more yellowish.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Oh, that's kind of tricky. With how many character there are in this game I can't see even buying blessings since I'd be saving all my marks for legendaries.


Hey all! I just started playing this last night and I didn't want to stop playing. I have just been doing the story so far, I think I am level 14. Is there anything a new player should know? Maybe some do's and dont's?

Edit: I chose human torch as my starter. Is he any good?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The first major "do/don"t is DO donate (alt+ right click) all unwanted gear to the crafter and enchanter, DON'T sell them for credits.

Torch seems pretty cool, if I were able to trade my original starter for one of the current ones it would probably be him.


Hey all! I just started playing this last night and I didn't want to stop playing. I have just been doing the story so far, I think I am level 14. Is there anything a new player should know? Maybe some do's and dont's?

Edit: I chose human torch as my starter. Is he any good?

Some general tips are:

1. Your first priority should be to level your crafter (Hank Pym), so donate unwanted items to him, don't sell them for credits.
2. Don't pick up crafting elements (nanotech filaments, enhanced genomes, etc) unless you know you are going to need them. They are very common, and very easy to get lower tiers with crafting recipes.
3. Don't buy anything with Eternity Splinters other than heroes (or a random hero box if you want a quick, cheap roster and you are not after a particular one).
4. After level 20, you get access to legendary quests, and it is highly recommended to do them. They provide very good experience rewards if you want to level up fast, and they also give out "Odin Marks", that can be exchanged for Blessings or Legendary items. Legendary items are more of an endgame thing, but it is good to accumulate Odin Marks in the meantime.
5. Here's a LINK to the rewards that you can get once on every difficulty. It's likely you will outlevel and skip some chapters later on, but you can go back and collect them if you desire. It's missing +5 Spirit from beating
in Chapter 9.
6. Try each of the other areas at least once to see if you like them (Midtown Manhattan, X-Defense, Holo-Sim and Terminals). People like doing X-Defense because it has a good return in items and experience vs the time it takes to complete the mode.
7. Terminals give out a daily reward called Cube Shards than can be exchanged for certain items. I recommend getting Fortune Cards only with them from the Cube Shard vendor.


If you can, level Cyclops one of your early heroes because his synergy is an extra 10% XP. He also has a really stupid leveling build - put on relic of Lemuria, and if you can, get the Ouroboros artifact. Then just spam his ricochet shot and he can hardly lose any health.

Your first character will feel like it is taking forever when you get to level 50-60, so this week is a great time to level when they have a server bonus on. After the first one, it gets easier and easier. Now when I start a new character I usually hit level two by killing one mob, and often before I kill a mob if it is X-Defense. It generally takes 2 rounds of X-Defense and I'm at 20. Then I start doing legendary quests, which are great XP.
I got back into this due to the big ten event and my dissapointment in Reaper. I played around with some of the stuff I had on my account and settled on Cyclops. I took him to level 47 (my highest before was 40) in less than a day. I'm having a lot of fun. I'd been keeping track of the game so when they offered up the Phoenix 5 chase costume a couple weeks back I bought it. Found a ghostrider flame costume affix which went awesome with the costume.

Is there a gaf super group? I'm hoping to hit 60 today. Going to level Wanda after I gear Scott a bit.


I got back into this due to the big ten event and my dissapointment in Reaper. I played around with some of the stuff I had on my account and settled on Cyclops. I took him to level 47 (my highest before was 40) in less than a day. I'm having a lot of fun. I'd been keeping track of the game so when they offered up the Phoenix 5 chase costume a couple weeks back I bought it. Found a ghostrider flame costume affix which went awesome with the costume.

Is there a gaf super group? I'm hoping to hit 60 today. Going to level Wanda after I gear Scott a bit.

Welcome back, and Don't Fear The Reaper. :p

Also, yes, we have a supergroup, send a message to inky and he will add you.

Wanda is amazing. Mine is already level 60 and she is probably the most fun I had with a character yet.
Welcome back, and Don't Fear The Reaper. :p

Also, yes, we have a supergroup, send a message to inky and he will add you.

Wanda is amazing. Mine is already level 60 and she is probably the most fun I had with a character yet.

Will do. My in game name is UltraShadowStar

I have quite a few characters. Had a bunch of free steam credit and thought I'd support especially with the b1g1 sale. I have:

Cyclops (my favorite, but I love the character so there's a bias)
Scarlet Witch (House of M costume)
Ms. Marvel (ugh why did I waste credit on her chase costume, it looks awful in game)
Human Torch
Black Widow
Black Panther (I almost want to play him just for Shuri)
Emma Frost (I wish I enjoyed her play style for her Phoenix 5 costume)
Ghost Rider (I hear he's fun, but bugged)

I plan to play Wanda then Ms. Marvel.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I love how Ghost Rider has motorcycles as an equippable slot. That is so silly.


Whoo. Finally. My first costume out of the Mark 1 FCs.
And I had already given up hope months ago of ever getting a costume out of fortune cards.
Also found a 10 splinter drop today. Been a couple of months since the last one.


Apparently they decided to also up the drop for specific runes this week too. One kind a day.

I mean, wow. Every week from now on will be disappointing after what they are giving us now. lol


Apparently they decided to also up the drop for specific runes this week too. One kind a day.

I mean, wow. Every week from now on will be disappointing after what they are giving us now. lol

I got a Sif and a Ymir in one xdefense match this evening.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
My initial BOGO luck did not carry through to yesterday. I bought storm, as she was my last 450g hero, and Taskmaster's costume. The hero BOGO was a dupe (nightcrawler) and the costume BOGO was for a hero I don't have. Ooohhhh well.
To my surprise I actually ended up getting a costume I didnt have (Punisher Marvel NOW) from the free costume box, considering I probably have 90% of the costumes.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I'm stilla bit bummed I missed out on that free thor code from a while back. Apparently some site is going to have free teamup codes sometime soon, but I don't know if they will be first-come first-serve or one of those "like our facebook page for a chance to win" nonsense. Probably the latter.
I bought the Kate Bishop costume and received female Deadpool. Not a bad deal, I suppose, though I'll never play Deadpool enough to get my money's worth out of it.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Level your crafter npc to 20 and then the recipe costs 3 costumes and 2 unstable molecules.

I hear molecules have a very shitty droprate. They only drop in cosmic stuff, I assume?


I hear molecules have a very shitty droprate. They only drop in cosmic stuff, I assume?

Nah, they drop anywhere, and YMMV really. They used to have the shittiest drop rate, but they improved it and at some point I had like 40. This event is particularly good to get them. I seem to get them "often" in terminals and Midtown.
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