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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble

so hows Sue? Im amost done with DS2, should be back in this full time at least around when Psylocke comes out

Very squishy nuker. She has absolutely ridiculous damage output, and her invisibility can get you out of clinch situations nicely. She's got some really cool moves, though some are shared with other characters (like a bouncing basic). You can counteract the squishiness with several shield powers/passives and heal-on-hit items, though, so that's something. She also seems to be a really good X-Def/Raid character because she has several group buffs.

Has moves from Cyclops (bouncing sphere basic), Iron Man (bubble ordinance drop), and Ms. Marvel (ground pound) that I'm using on her. If she had a Bodyslide-like teleport, she'd be the perfect character for me.

Isn't in her powerset, alas. Though she more than a lot of other squishies would benefit heavily from being able to teleport.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Speaking of bogo, I wasn't eligible for it for buying hulk marvel now before it started, apparently I bought it on April 17th. Oh well at least they replied


175 splinters bought me another Random Hero.

Ghost Rider what!!!!!!

He seems pretty cool. I'll play more of him for sure!


so im gathering fortune cards and mystery boxes, the ones from beast, till i have enough to fill an entire stash. should i do a livestream when i open all of them???


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Psylocke is coming out in May, I guess?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
of course, followed by Venom :p

Yeah man I'm already prepared for Venom to suck or just be boring, because he's the character I want to play most.

I'll be so mad and unsurprised if he's a 1350g/600 splinter character, too. His model and animations are already in the game, but he's quite popular so gaz could get away with it.



Psylocke will end up being the biggest disappointment since Gambit.


Are you sure you want to add Frostinferno to your ignore list?

He has a model, yes, but that is going to be upgraded. He has animations, yes, but it's unlikely player Venom will use the same, and even if he did, there's no doubt that he'd get a bunch of other animations.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I guess, Taskmaster is pretty much just Taskmaster, though so I was just off that precedent.

Also if Venom gets a carnage enhanced skin I will straight up shit.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Taskmaster is a 200 splinter hero, though.

That's kind of my point, any "new" content (playable characters, teamups) that are based on existing content SHOULD cost less as the require less work, but that won't necessarily hold true.

The Spiderman team-up, for example, is in the cheapest cost tier, but the Beta Ray Bill one won't be, despite the model and animations already existing via the Thor costume.
That's kind of my point, any "new" content (playable characters, teamups) that are based on existing content SHOULD cost less as the require less work, but that won't necessarily hold true.

The Spiderman team-up, for example, is in the cheapest cost tier, but the Beta Ray Bill one won't be, despite the model and animations already existing via the Thor costume.

Yes, but Taskmaster also didn't require new tech like Venom does because he is almost entirely just a copypaste of moves with different textures.
Venom will require a LOT of work put into animations alone, given his ability to use his tendrils, and goop about.

Just because there's already an NPC model in the game, even if it's animated, doesn't make a character to be less time/resource-intensive to make.
Still better than being cut from the game.

I still hate Capcom/Marvel so much for that awful roster.

I felt the UMvC3 roster on Marvel's side was incredibly well done. There was not a single character I would've cut in retrospect. I also feel like the representation of series was well-done. Every Marvel character that took the place of an MvC2 veteran was incredibly unique in their playstyle, too.
The only choices I would consider questionable are Taskmaster (who ended up being a fan favorite) and Rocket Raccoon (who, with MvC3, got his first major exposure to people beyond comic readers in preparation for the GotG film; and ended up being pretty damn popular as well).


I felt the UMvC3 roster on Marvel's side was incredibly well done. There was not a single character I would've cut in retrospect. I also feel like the representation of series was well-done. Every Marvel character that took the place of an MvC2 veteran was incredibly unique in their playstyle, too.
The only choices I would consider questionable are Taskmaster (who ended up being a fan favorite) and Rocket Raccoon (who, with MvC3, got his first major exposure to people beyond comic readers in preparation for the GotG film; and ended up being pretty damn popular as well).

I strongly disagree, but of course that's is a very personal subject.

Out of 25 characters, only *FOUR* are females. That's total crap. It should be half... I'm a big fan of female comic characters, and Marvel has a ton of good ones.


I strongly disagree, but of course that's is a very personal subject.

Out of 25 characters, only *FOUR* are females. That's total crap. It should be half... I'm a big fan of female comic characters, and Marvel has a ton of good ones.


I mean, not only that, but... Who in their right mind would choose Nemesis and Taskmaster for the game?
Like seriously, just no.
I strongly disagree, but of course that's is a very personal subject.

Out of 25 characters, only *FOUR* are females. That's total crap. It should be half... I'm a big fan of female comic characters, and Marvel has a ton of good ones.

Who would you cut for more female characters, then?
Spidey, Wolverine, Cap, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Deadpool, Magneto, Jean, Storm, Doom: obvious
Sentinel: bone for 90s/MvC2 fans
Skrull: combination of the Fanta4
X-23 and She-Hulk: add more females, were having decently popular book series around the time of MvC3
MODOK: a baddie in everything Marvel-related in the last decade or so
Dormammu, Strange: magical side of the MU
Nova, Rocket: cosmic side of the MU, first exposure of Rocket in prep of GotG
Ghost Rider: popular
Iron Fist: Marvel's main martial artist in their fighting game is a no-brainer
Taskmaster: the most questionable choice, but has been gaining popularity due to his series with Deadpool, the UDON book etc. before the game, and Marvel has been putting him into a lot of stuff since MvC3
Shuma-Gorath: Capcom wanted him in

So since you said you would have half of the roster be female - who would the 8-9 additional characters you would boot be, then?


I mean, not only that, but... Who in their right mind would choose Nemesis and Taskmaster for the game?
Like seriously, just no.

Nemesis isn't a Marvel character, though. That's why I specifically addressed the Marvel side of the roster. The Capcom side was seriously dumb in many regards.


Who would you cut for more female characters, then?
Spidey, Wolverine, Cap, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Deadpool, Magneto, Jean, Storm, Doom: obvious
Sentinel: bone for 90s/MvC2 fans
Skrull: combination of the Fanta4
X-23 and She-Hulk: add more females, were having decently popular book series around the time of MvC3
MODOK: a baddie in everything Marvel-related in the last decade or so
Dormammu, Strange: magical side of the MU
Nova, Rocket: cosmic side of the MU, first exposure of Rocket in prep of GotG
Ghost Rider: popular
Iron Fist: Marvel's main martial artist in their fighting game is a no-brainer
Taskmaster: the most questionable choice, but has been gaining popularity due to his series with Deadpool, the UDON book etc. before the game, and Marvel has been putting him into a lot of stuff since MvC3
Shuma-Gorath: Capcom wanted him in

I would cut all these easily: She-Hulk, MODOK, Dormammu, Nova, Taskmaster and Shuma Gorath.

Characters like Psylocke, Gambit, Rogue being left out was just an incredibly lame move imo.
I would cut all these easily: She-Hulk, MODOK, Dormammu, Nova, Taskmaster and Shuma Gorath.

Characters like Psylocke, Gambit, Rogue being left out was just an incredibly lame move imo.

Then your roster would look like this - let's say Shulk, MODOK and Nova stay in (since they're the biggest names in that list of 6, and you name only 3 to take the spots):

Wolverine, Magneto, Jean, Storm, Deadpool, Sentinel, X-23, Psylocke, Rogue, Gambit (10 X-Men-related)
Cap, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, She-Hulk, MODOK, Hawkeye (7 Avengers-related)
Doom, Skrull (2 Fanta4)
Strange, Ghost Rider (2 magic/horror)
Rocket, Nova (2 cosmic)
Iron Fist (1 other)

If we struck MODOK, She-Hulk and Nova, we'd be at 10 X-Men, 5 Avengers, 2 Fanta4, 2 magic, 1 cosmic and 1 other (i.e. half the roster being X-Men).

You see where I'm going?

That said, no. Rogue, Gambit and Psylocke were incredibly boring characters moveset-wise in MvC2. Compared to Dormammu, Taskmaster, She-Hulk, Shuma or MODOK, none of those 3 proposed X-Men characters were anything interesting in the slightest. Only Nova has a fairly plain moveset.


Who would you cut for more female characters, then?
Spidey, Wolverine, Cap, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Deadpool, Magneto, Jean, Storm, Doom: obvious
Sentinel: bone for 90s/MvC2 fans
Skrull: combination of the Fanta4
X-23 and She-Hulk: add more females, were having decently popular book series around the time of MvC3
MODOK: a baddie in everything Marvel-related in the last decade or so
Dormammu, Strange: magical side of the MU
Nova, Rocket: cosmic side of the MU, first exposure of Rocket in prep of GotG
Ghost Rider: popular
Iron Fist: Marvel's main martial artist in their fighting game is a no-brainer
Taskmaster: the most questionable choice, but has been gaining popularity due to his series with Deadpool, the UDON book etc. before the game, and Marvel has been putting him into a lot of stuff since MvC3
Shuma-Gorath: Capcom wanted him in

I could easily cut --

Doom (debatable between him or Magneto, I think you only need one)
Iron Fist
She-Hulk (don't need her with Hulk)

That's just what I think.


Then your roster would look like this - let's say Shulk, MODOK and Nova stay in (since they're the biggest names in that list of 6, and you name only 3 to take the spots):

Wolverine, Magneto, Jean, Storm, Deadpool, Sentinel, X-23, Psylocke, Rogue, Gambit (10 X-Men-related)
Cap, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, She-Hulk, MODOK, Hawkeye (7 Avengers-related)
Doom, Skrull (2 Fanta4)
Strange, Ghost Rider (2 magic/horror)
Rocket, Nova (2 cosmic)
Iron Fist (1 other)

If we struck MODOK, She-Hulk and Nova, we'd be at 10 X-Men, 5 Avengers, 2 Fanta4, 2 magic, 1 cosmic and 1 other (i.e. half the roster being X-Men).

You see where I'm going?

That said, no. Rogue, Gambit and Psylocke were incredibly boring characters moveset-wise in MvC2. Compared to Dormammu, Taskmaster, She-Hulk, Shuma or MODOK, none of those 3 proposed X-Men characters were anything interesting in the slightest. Only Nova has a fairly plain moveset.

I see no problems in having more X-Men characters. Like, at all. I don't like the idea of adding characters for the sake of variety just to cut iconic and recognizable/ traditional ones. If they were so inclined to variety they would've probably noticed the incredibly one sided roster, gender wise. I mean, UMVC didn't add a single freaking female. lol

And I guess we will have to agree to disagree on those three characters I mentioned (not so much on Rogue, because I can see why some found her boring) then, because they were lots of fun to play as. Psylocke's moveset is anything but boring, come on.


So how about that Marvel Heroes game eh? Gonna be sad when the Reaper events are over :(

Over 700 splinters now trying to debate on who to get. How is Ghost Rider? Thinking of grabbing him, his abilities look pretty neat.
I see no problems in having more X-Men characters. Like, at all.

I do, and it seems so does Marvel, because both them and me realized that the Marvel universe is consisting of many more parts than the X-Men sub universe. And especially considering that they don't even own the film rights to those characters.

And I guess we will have to agree to disagree on those three characters I mentioned (not so much on Rogue, because I can see why some found her boring) then, because they were lots of fun to play as. Psylocke's moveset is anything but boring, come on.

I mained Rogue in MvC2, and Psylocke was a secondary. I find both their movesets to be really plain and boring. Gambit I don't remember much of, but he also was kinda plain.

Opposing: Shuma, the only charge character in MvC3; Dormammu with his power of creation/destruction mechanic; MODOK with his shields, mines and charging beam super; She-Hulk with her movement mechanic; Taskmaster who is an all-around character with no particular strength... only Nova has a plain moveset out of those 6, and even he has the unique red health/Nova Force mechanic to make him stand out over most MvC2 characters.

I don't like the idea of adding characters for the sake of variety just to cut iconic and recognizable/ traditional ones. If they were so inclined to variety they would've probably noticed the incredibly one sided roster, gender wise. I mean, UMVC didn't add a single freaking female. lol

I prefer unique gameplay and a showcase of more interesting characters over catering to people who are stuck in their 90s X-Men cartoon. Add more females? Sure. But not at the cost of gameplay. It's a fact that the MU is leaning much more towards male characters than female ones. A video game based on a traditionally more male-inclined medium and for a more male-inclined audience is, in my opinion, not a good platform to advocate gender equality, or enforce an equal distribution of genders. I already discussed this on the Marvel Heroes forums too (though with a different topic).


Who would you replace them with?

A lot of the ones from MH, so I don't have anyone totally weird in mind.

Sue Storm
Ms. Marvel
Emma Frost
Scarlet Witch
Black Widow
Kitty Pryde

And there are plenty of more obscure females like Domino, M (Monet St. Croix), Silver Sable (already in MH), Blink, Jubilee, Black Cat, Dazzler, etc
Over 700 splinters now trying to debate on who to get. How is Ghost Rider? Thinking of grabbing him, his abilities look pretty neat.

Ghost Rider is super fun, easily one of my favorites in the game. Though if you don't have them yet, you should try Sue, Strange or Nightcrawler - I find them more enticing than GR.

A lot of the ones from MH, so I don't have anyone totally weird in mind.

While I disagree with your base position about having an equally male/female roster, I can't judge you for leaning heavily towards one single series. I like the mix of characters and sub-universes you have represented there (even though I think exchanging Magneto, Doom, Hawkeye or Dr. Strange for Gamora, Crystal, Kitty or especially Jubilee would be really dumb).


So how about that Marvel Heroes game eh? Gonna be sad when the Reaper events are over :(

Over 700 splinters now trying to debate on who to get. How is Ghost Rider? Thinking of grabbing him, his abilities look pretty neat.

He's cool. Very flashy and pretty powerful. I like him a lot. If no else catches your eye, go for it. I'm at 500ish myself, with 2 heroes to go and tons of team ups coming, so I feel I'm low on splinters now.

I didn't play much this past weekend and during this event, but I would say I played enough. Had a ton of work (still do!) and I am actually going back on the road this weekend to finish the project that was postponed from last weekend, but I'm glad I got that break. The timing for it was actually pretty neat considering I was going to be away for the whole month instead, so I'm glad it coincided with this massive event. Pretty lucky there.


I do, and it seems so does Marvel, because both them and me realized that the Marvel universe is consisting of many more parts than the X-Men sub universe. And especially considering that they don't even own the film rights to those characters.

I bet it'd be a different tune if Marvel had full movie rights for X-Men. That whole situation is an abomination.

But I'm not factoring that into the discussion. Also I'm not considering potential movesets whatsoever, that's a different subject.
I bet it'd be a different tune if Marvel had full movie rights for X-Men. That whole situation is an abomination.

But I'm not factoring that into the discussion.

I agree, but it's definitely a position to consider - Marvel isn't just selecting characters at random, and they're not just letting studios pick whatever they want liked they did in the 90s/early 2000s. It's definitely a reason why Marvel was requesting Rocket Raccoon be added to the roster in Ultimate, and perhaps even Hawkeye. Marvel has become incredibly self-conscious about the depiction of their properties in video games, and rightfully so - it's a place to expose people to their stuff.

Also I'm not considering potential movesets whatsoever, that's a different subject.

I am only when comparing characters that were cut in comparison to characters that were added (and are suggested to being cut). :)


While I disagree with your base position about having an equally male/female roster, I can't judge you for leaning heavily towards one single series. I like the mix of characters and sub-universes you have represented there

It doesn't need to be 50%, but certainly more than 4 out of 25.

IMO every Marvel game needs to have at least 30% to 40% of the roster be female. (for Marvel games that pull from entire universe)
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