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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


How often are Character Tokens located? I just got that one at the beginning of the game and that was it. I was curious to know how random they really are. I figured that once you complete the final quest that MAYBE you get another one. Is this true? Are they completely random after the first or are they given on specific quests?

I don't think they're that rare. I've gotten 2 hero drops now (not counting the Prologue one).

And I've played maybe a total of 20 hours... that's not bad.
How often are Character Tokens located? I just got that one at the beginning of the game and that was it. I was curious to know how random they really are. I figured that once you complete the final quest that MAYBE you get another one. Is this true? Are they completely random after the first or are they given on specific quests?

You get an additional starter character at the end of the prologue and after you beat the game. All characters can be had as rare drops but needless to say looking at their pricing model it is safe to assume they will be extremely infrequent.


You get one for finishing the prologue and one for finishing the story. Those are only starter characters and there's nothing to stop one or both of them from being repeats.

Other characters can be found as random drops from enemies but they're really rare.

It seems like this is a bug.


So hold onto those tokens, unless you really like your character and want to upgrade your characters ultimate attack.
I don't think they're that rare. I've gotten 2 hero drops now (not counting the Prologue one).

And I've played maybe a total of 20 hours... that's not bad.

Ive played close to 30 hours now. Ive had ZERO hero drops. Its pretty bad... for me.
On the bright side, once I finished the story and got my free character, I was relieved to not get a duplicate. 3 free unique chars is pretty solid.
I really wish they would "auto-group" people for those daily challenges.
Starting a group is too much of a hassle and playing alone is boring and difficult.
So has anyone been able to add "G" via Steam?

Never brings me to the Steam client to add funds to wallet.

Any workarounds?

I'm enjoying Thing and Daredevil but would really like to add Cable and perhaps another...


I really want Jean Grey :( I've found 2 fortune cards so far. A friend of mine started and he got Scarlet Witch from a mob in Hell's Kitchen -.-

Jean is awesome.

She absolutely obliterates packs with Phoenix form, but is very mediocre against bosses.

She has a ranged AOE stun with good damage, two point blank AOEs (one that has a larger radius but costs energy and another that's a persistent aura but drains her Phoenix Force), and then at level 16, she gets her dash in Phoenix form, which damages enemies in the path and explodes at the end point. Lot of fun to stun groups from afar, dash in with the explosion, and then finish off any stragglers with her point blank AoE. Then at level 20 she gets another AoE spell that sucks in all enemies, similar to Dark Seer's Vacuum in Dota.

Overall, a really strong character. I also have a glove weapon that gives her energy on kill, which increases her sustainability.


I want to play a "mage" like character but cannot for the life of me decide if i want Storm, Jean, Scarlett.. I want someone who can hold their own solo.

I would actually settle with just a character who has pretty damn good survival odds but can also deal the damage.


Also, it'd be nice if the available characters in the OP had labels instead of just pictures. Am I supposed to be able to recognize all those characters by their 3d render portrait?

Yes, at least your favorites. That, or click the links and find out more about the game and all the info I didn't put in there if you don't know who any of these people are. =)

I had a name tag layer in photoshop and I deactivated it when I made the "starter hero" one. I forgot to activate it again, and only now realized it was not there now that you mentioned it. If it bothers you that much I'll fix it once I'm back home, although I don't think it makes a difference for anyone but you *shrugs*

I wonder if there any chance of this Gamora chick being the unknown future character?
I mean, damn...

The "+?" is supposed to mean there are more characters coming, not just one. I suspect Gambit, Nigthcrawler, She Hulk, Dr. Strange, Iron Fist, etc. will be the next in line after the remaining characters listed in the OP.

There's a Guardians of the Galaxy movie coming up next year, so I think it's likely we see more tie-in characters in the future, so Gamora is a real possibility out of the bunch.

I want to play a "mage" like character but cannot for the life of me decide if i want Storm, Jean, Scarlett.. I want someone who can hold their own solo.

I would actually settle with just a character who has pretty damn good survival odds but can also deal the damage.

I'd go with Storm too. She is more support-y than the others, but she also has more crowd control and escapes that allow her to move around and survive better. She is a beast at high levels too.


Jean Grey's phoenix form absolutely melted groups of enemies in beta (though to charge it you had to constantly kill/get hurt to do so). Its more of an encompassing circle of fire around you than a ranged aoe but was extremely effective. Survivability is your biggest issue with her, as well as maintaining your meter during boss fights. I believe Storm, Thor and Scarlet Witch are also aoe characters but I don't have that much experience with them

Storm is pretty good for solo grinding, she can even solo the group missions when she hits lvl 30 since chain lightning/lightning column/thundering bolt will just chain stun and melt everything though she is VERY squishy (apparently she got nerfed pretty hard since the beta)

I haven't seen any hero drops except for the starter ones you get at the end of the prologue (Hawkeye) and last boss (Scarlet Witch) and still have only found 1 costume (classic white Storm) though I did manage to get a few retcons. A friend is lvl 40+ and he hasn't found any heroes yet outside of the starters, and 0 costumes. The drop rates do seem to be insanely low (I have like 7 friends playing the game and none of them have had heroes drop yet outside the starters)


why does iron man have a billion more costumes than other folks?

Hmmmm you can't get the iron man 3 movie suit anymore?

That's because he's had most of those costumes at one point in time. All the costumes are from actually appearances or were used if not come from the movies. Iron Man has had a lot of tweaks here and there over the decades. His armory was shown to have tons of costumes that looked pretty cool but didn't even get used.


If any of you guys use randomly generated passwords like me and you're also frustrated with not being able to paste your password into the login screen, you can use AutoHotkey to do so. Here's a single line that will do it for you:

^!v::Send %clipboard%

You'd have to put that in a script and load it. It creates a hotkey ctrl+alt+V which will type out whatever is in your clipboard. So copy your password, go to the login screen's password field, and hit ctrl+alt+v and it will 'paste' it into the password field. If I didn't have an option like this available I'd just say fuck this game and uninstall it.


why does iron man have a billion more costumes than other folks?

Hmmmm you can't get the iron man 3 movie suit anymore?
Because he has about 1000 different suits.

That and Iron Man is on fire right now. They would be stupid to try and not cash in on the billion dollar box office monster that is Iron Man 3.


How is Colossus at later level soloing? Like terminal stuff? I played Storm and Jean Grey to 14-15 today but wasn't really feeling them. Got Hulk/Colossus to 15 and enjoy them both, seems that Colossus is damn near invincible when it comes to non-bosses and the bosses i did fight i really didn't have any problems. People are telling me Storm starts to get really around 20-25.
The sudden and crippling experience curve once you hit 30 has killed the game for me. I might come back if they ever put in more fulfilling endgame content.


I just consider myself lucky that the Scarlet Witch is one of my favorite characters in the books, so having her free is no problem.

As they say, lucky in games, unlucky that one of your favorite characters is stuck in the worst avengers book out right now.


I'm surprised Wolverine isn't 2000 G

Isn't he more popular than Spiderman or Ironman??

Not anymore, I think. Spiderman is spiderman and the Iron Man movies made the character insanely popular. It even affected stuff like Omnibus prices and such.
Got her to 20 and reading all the reports of her endgame she is dependent on defense which doesn't work and gets oneshot by everything while doing mediocre damage especially in groups

I should have gone Black Widow fuck I hate wasting money on shit characters damn

Got her to 25 in the closed beta and really liked her but I hear Ms Marvel probably has the best Ultimate in the game and is a great group character because of that. She has no AOE ability though and her damage is kinda mediocre, I'm still enjoying her though (lvl 15 right now). Found this about Ms M late game on reddit

I'm currently a lvl 43 Ms. Marvel. And here's my scoop!
Ok so as everyone knows... defense is crap.. and crap is defense. Max health is the main stat you want on marvel followed by dodge. I'm currently sitting at 7900 hp with 2400 regen and 16% dodge.
As for your abilities, it's really quite bland and simple when it comes to marvel. The ones you want to max out are, Mighty Punch / Photon Punch / Haymaker / Stellar Flare
From that point onward you get to make some choices depending on your gear available. Ms Marvel is not a group mission soloer, she can solo them but it takes too long to be really viable.
You'll want 1 point wonders like Escape/Charge. The heal is debatable, I currently left it as a 1 point wonder with some of my gear upping it to 4-5. The spirit regen is nice to have a few points into so that you don't seem to blow through your spirit in an instant. Some people LOVE crashdown strike, but I feel as if the spirit/energy would just be better used on another taunt (I'm talking group setting here). You'll want your frontal block, and pref if you really plan on grouping a lot (which you should as MM) than you should get a decent amount of points in it to reduce the damage as well as the spirit cost.
TLDR - Ms Marvel is an AMAZING hero to have in a group. Her solo ability is perfect for solo missions, but she's not a hero that can solo the group missions easily by herself.
Ultimate - Marvel in my opinion has the absolute best ult in the game. Make sure to switch to your + power duration gear before using (I have a 79% doom medal + 16% from gear) It makes her ultimate last a minute, and if your group can't kill any boss but doom in under a minute no matter what affix they have, well your screwed lol.
My perfect build - http://marvelbase.com/builds/generator/ms-marvel#2K2Mv2vGKGK2K2qvK


I'm surprised Wolverine isn't 2000 G

Isn't he more popular than Spiderman or Ironman??

Well just in Marvel Now alone he's one of the main characters in like 5 or so comics lol, so yeah he's really popular. Even more surprised that Deadpool is 2000g and Wolverine is definitely more popular than him

I might just bite the bullet here and buy Hulk since most likely I won't ever see him drop. The prices are pretty retarded though (1200g for Hulk and 1400g for Planet Hulk costume) I mean I knew about the founders pack and stuff like that before but I wasn't gonna put money into a game that a lot of people said had a LOT of problems during beta


I'm still salty about the second Hawkeye drop from Doom. Having just read House of M I want to play Scarlet Witch. Someone who can has the ability to change the whole world must be good lol.


It's silly how ridiculous the XP curve jumps at that point. Just hit the same wall earlier.
Same here.

I don't even know what to do right now. I can only solo up to to the 4th green terminal and all 4 give complete SHIT for xp. I cant do purple terms because for some incredibly dumb reason they didn't implement the auto-group on them.

Where do people grind for xp?


I gotta vent a few frustration after spending some time with the game.

1) Stash. I like the idea of a stash, I really do, but charging us for every single pane in real $$ instead of game money is silly. At least give us both options and hey, make the in game money price a lot. My biggest gripe with this is how you cant stack minerals, REALLY??? And I can only stack health packs to 10? Cmon now.

2) Defense/Melee. I love the Hulk character and his abilities are pretty cool, but the defense stat is 100% useless since it scales so badly instead of reducing an actual % of damage. I just get wrecked in boss fights in groups if I go near the boss. I'm constantly using all of my spirit just to move around the boss using my Leap ability. Hulk should be able to jump into a pack of mobs and just ruin shit. Fix that ASAP. This game favors ranged over other types easily.

3) Healing. Is it true other characters get a healing ability while Hulk doesn't? I have only played Hulk but how am I supposed to heal? Spam health packs over and over and over while running around avoiding mobs? Its kind of a silly way to play the game.

Those are my main complaints, but I do have some questions.

How do I see other peoples gear? I cant click on anybody.

Is there a way to see what level the zone is? I am level 18 right now and I have a feeling I MIGHT be in a zone too high, but I am just following the quest progression and farming on the way.

Can you trade items with people? I assume you can but I have no idea how to even interact with people outside the group.

Final thoughts.

This is an MMOARPG and I see tons of people running around but you dont know if they are level 1 or level 60. This is kind of disheartening because in most MMOs/ARPG's the sense of progression and gear hunt is the main driving factor to keep playing the game. I can easily see that getting boring down the line when you dont seem different than a level 1 character. I know its weird since this is a Marvel game and you dont want to change the look of many characters but maybe there is something they can do?

Regardless I still like the game although I would have much rather plunked down $40-60 for a full game instead of piecemeal and having to pay for stash upgrades and XP boosts. I dont mind paying for toons, that makes sense.
Same here.

I don't even know what to do right now. I can only solo up to to the 4th green terminal and all 4 give complete SHIT for xp. I cant do purple terms because for some incredibly dumb reason they didn't implement the auto-group on them.

Where do people grind for xp?

seems like the highest yields for exp for me atm are the madripoor/limbo challenges along with the cosmic key instances.


How come people can kick you from parties? I zone into a place, it puts me in a group with random people, they immediately kick me and I'm back at the tower. Who came up with this system? Walked all the way to the hood hideout just to get teleported back to the tower. wtf

Also I can still see their party chat after they kick me. I can't leave the group because "you're not in a group" but I can see them laughing about kicking everybody who is joining their party.

Whoever made this game is retarded.


How come people can kick you from parties? I zone into a place, it puts me in a group with random people, they immediately kick me and I'm back at the tower. Who came up with this system? Walked all the way to the hood hideout just to get teleported back to the tower. wtf

Also I can still see their party chat after they kick me. I can't leave the group because "you're not in a group" but I can see them laughing about kicking everybody who is joining their party.

Whoever made this game is retarded.

Yeah, I rather have a choice to solo instances.
How come people can kick you from parties? I zone into a place, it puts me in a group with random people, they immediately kick me and I'm back at the tower. Who came up with this system? Walked all the way to the hood hideout just to get teleported back to the tower. wtf

Also I can still see their party chat after they kick me. I can't leave the group because "you're not in a group" but I can see them laughing about kicking everybody who is joining their party.

Whoever made this game is retarded.

There is an option in the Gameplay section that lets you turn off that obnoxious auto grouping. I find it highly annoying.
How come people can kick you from parties? I zone into a place, it puts me in a group with random people, they immediately kick me and I'm back at the tower. Who came up with this system? Walked all the way to the hood hideout just to get teleported back to the tower. wtf

Also I can still see their party chat after they kick me. I can't leave the group because "you're not in a group" but I can see them laughing about kicking everybody who is joining their party.

Whoever made this game is retarded.

This is so true. Nothing quite like going into an instance, getting kicked from the party, being back in the tower and then having to suffer through 3 loading screens and running through 2 full zones to get back to where you were.

And no, it's not okay just because you can turn off the forced grouping.

The more I play, the more I'm convinced this is a thoroughly incomplete and poorly tested game. And their free to play model is designed around constantly annoying you into paying instead of enticing you to want to pay. I mean, no mat stacking? Really? That's completely lame design. This is not a coincidence, even if it does get 'fixed' in the future. I also still can't see a single reason for this to be an MMO. Especially not when their game starts to chug in a group of 6 and starts to frame when 20 people are on your screen during world boss fights. Hell the framerate tanks even if you're in the vicinity of a crafter (where there are no spells going off).


This is an MMOARPG and I see tons of people running around but you dont know if they are level 1 or level 60.

You can check peoples levels by hovering over them and pressing......CTRL was it? Or maybe it was alt, can't remember

Melee does seem to be pretty shit after lvl 30, completely agree with what you said about Hulk. I mean.....he's THE FREAKIN HULK! He should be in the middle of a fight tearing shit up

No mat stacking is obviously so people fill up their stash quicker, making them want to spend $$$ to unlock more tabs. Such a lame design


Junior Member
Is there a way to exchange in game credits for marvel points currency? I need more Heroes! Thing and DD are boring for me atm!


Is there a way to exchange in game credits for marvel points currency? I need more Heroes! Thing and DD are boring for me atm!

Nope, either spend real $$$ to unlock them or find them as a drop in game (very very very small chance of this happening) though you will get 1 more starter character after beating the last boss


This is so true. Nothing quite like going into an instance, getting kicked from the party, being back in the tower and then having to suffer through 3 loading screens and running through 2 full zones to get back to where you were.

And no, it's not okay just because you can turn off the forced grouping.

The more I play, the more I'm convinced this is a thoroughly incomplete and poorly tested game. And their free to play model is designed around constantly annoying you into paying instead of enticing you to want to pay. I mean, no mat stacking? Really? That's completely lame design. And it's not a coincidence, even if it does get 'fixed' in the future.
Agreed on all counts.

Seriously, why would you make a game where you can kick people from auto-grouped parties. And why would you make a game where getting kicked from an optional party boots you back to the home zone? Neither of those makes sense, and together they're fucking dumb.

I keep seeing similar decisions. I don't quite think this game is Neverwinter levels of bad, but it's pretty bad so far. Granted I've only played about 2 hours. Maybe it suddenly gets a ton better somehow.


seems like the highest yields for exp for me atm are the madripoor/limbo challenges along with the cosmic key instances.
The problem i have with this is i am squishy as fuck and nobody ever wants to run them.

Although the auto-grouping can be annoying from time to time it's fucking absurd that the one thing that actually needs it doesn't have it.
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