Fuck it, buy 10.
also someone explain Nova/Sam/Rich to me. Don't really know the character, who is Richard Rider, why is he cool, why does everyone hate Sam?
Richard Rider is the original Nova from the 70s or 80s or someshit. He had a series nobody cared about, then came back and was in the New Warriors for a while in the 90s. He is good buddies with Darkhawk which gives you an idea how high profile and popular his character was (I'm only half joking)
The reason people like him is he was basically the main character of the Annihilation storyline from 2006, where he got a massive powerup and was at the center of a huge cosmic marvel event. Everyone loved Annhiliation because it was awesome, it singlehandedly got me back into comics. He wasn't the only old-ass cosmic marvel character they brought back and turned cool around that time, some during the event and some afterwards as a result of said event...the current Guardians of the Galaxy are an example.
Sam is disliked because he replaced Rich, pretty much. His book is alright, I really liked the issues with Beta Ray Bill.
Sam is disliked in the context of this game because almost all Nova fans are fans of the Richard Rider version of the character. So making him the default option was odd. It would be kind of like putting in a Sorcerer Supreme character with Brother Voodoo and having Doctor Strange be the enhanced costume.
I'm a bit concerned at having Sam as the base for other reasons, mainly that his powerset is slightly different from Rich. But since the ult is summoning the Nova Corps I have a good feeling that they'll fudge it enough to make everyone happy.