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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble

the lack of character preview in this game really does make purchases hard... I guess youtube videos... but they seem to do drastic skill changes often enough... idk.
the lack of character preview in this game really does make purchases hard... I guess youtube videos... but they seem to do drastic skill changes often enough... idk.

imo don't watch the youtube vids, part of the fun of leveling up is seeing the skills first when you get them. Although sometimes you see other players so the skills are ruined but it's still better
Game is pure fan service, really just pick your favorite heroes.

well, i didn't realize to later that say, iron man is all about doing ground pounds and shooting missiles while running in circles.

well they did they say the beam moves will be buffed and maybe get a few punching moves lol.

And I don't even know many of the cast in this. Not really a marvel guy.


For fun, going to try doing some red terminals tonight with my level 41 Thing. Tier 2. Let's say...8 pm central time. So if anyone is interested just try to be on then. If no one is on I'll just alt it up or play something else.

Probably best to be around 40ish I would think.
the lack of character preview in this game really does make purchases hard... I guess youtube videos... but they seem to do drastic skill changes often enough... idk.

Check this guy's channel, he's systematically going through all the skills of every hero
He's done
Rocket Raccoon
Ms Marvel
Jean Grey
Black Panther
Captain America


Haven't had a chance to patch the game and try out for myself but from what I gather on the official forums Spidey is actually worse now. Awesome...


There must be something wrong with parties right now, sometimes I some slow ass loading screen when I joined a party or something I get booted...


There must be something wrong with parties right now, sometimes I some slow ass loading screen when I joined a party or something I get booted...

Yeah, just checking the forum there's some issues with the auto-party system I think. I left one group and I was still getting their chat messages until I zoned to Tower and back.


Well, Web Em All is now pretty much shit. My rank 2 ranged basic attack kills enemies faster than my rank 10 (can't upgrade again until level 45) web em all. It also costs over 40 spirit to channel it long enough to kill a single punk in t3 dailies.

I wish I could have been able to test this before committing my points first.
Speaking of Witch, are her binding skills of any use vs bosses? I haven't noticed them doing DoT after hitting a boss and they rarely stun them either. Typically I end up dropping my flaming circle of doom on a boss and run around to keep em in it while I blast off baisc attacks for more damage. Am I doing it wrong?

Man, flight is crazy fast now compared to before.
I love it so much. :D


Speaking of Witch, are her binding skills of any use vs bosses? I haven't noticed them doing DoT after hitting a boss and they rarely stun them either. Typically I end up dropping my flaming circle of doom on a boss and run around to keep em in it while I blast off baisc attacks for more damage. Am I doing it wrong?

I love it so much. :D

CC wise they are worthless, but I'm fairly sure Ravenous still does damage to bosses though it's hard to tell. I usually throw down combusting and fire some ravenous bindings off while using basics to get the spirit back up again. You can get some defense penetration to beef up the basics at least a little bit, so at least it's something.

Still, her basics are butt. I change it up on some bosses depending on who it is.


Got another hero token tonight (My 4th one). It was Ms Marvel, which I already own.

Definitely rested XP makes much more of a difference than the 46 special item find I have on my gear, or at least that has been my experience in leveling 1 character to 40, 2 to 30 and 1 to 22ish.


Well, I picked up Hulk today and played a bunch of the story since I had nothin' better to do. I think I'm level 16 and just started chapter 6. He's a beast, probably too much so at the lower levels. I'm glad I went with my gut instead of buying one of the heroes that had better sale reductions; he's fun as heck to play and I get to hear him make fun of all the other Avengers whenever one walks by.

Still have 1,000 spacebucks that I'm not sure what to do with yet... contemplating either buying his Mr. Fixit costume or just holding them until that War one shows up (though I suspect it might be more than 1,000 when it gets released).

What level do you usually wind up around when the story is finished?
Is defense penetration worth investing in?
Today, I found an artifact that gives me 67% DP. My Storm has a nice pair of purple gloves that give her 33% DP. Obviously, if I combine the two, I should be able to bypass enemy defense altogether.
Do tough enemies have high defense or just a lot of health, I wonder?


Yeah and with the new attack speed on his basic attack he's just crazy fun, love all the changes so far!

Yea I've played around with a couple my guys last night and I really am liking the changes. I do like that Gaz is more into buffing then just nerfing everything. Course who knows how long that will last. I'll enjoy it till then.


Buffing and making every character seem powerful while keeping balance is always the way to go. Though this game doesn't really have much of a good PvP yet, so the balancing thing isn't as hard.
Buffing and making every character seem powerful while keeping balance is always the way to go. Though this game doesn't really have much of a good PvP yet, so the balancing thing isn't as hard.

PVP is going to always be a huge cluster fuck in this game. The amount of characters, abilities, and constantly adding more.


So which characters are the ones with them crazy AOE effects moves? Marvel? Jean grey? Storm?

Jean, Scarlet Witch, Storm.

Most characters have some sort of AoE, like Thor, Cable and even Spiderman or Hulk, but the ones above are the ones I think it's their bread and butter.
Scarlet Witch has some insane AOE. I think Iron Man's micro missles do good AOE damage too. More so since the new patch.

still not a big fan of them though even though they are the most effective build still (channeled thing still has ass range). It's just mindless shoot and run around like a duck.
go iron man if you want to be ranged with good def.

iron man is still kinda only great against bosses atm though. Has like the worst basic attack in the game. So slow...


still not a big fan of them though even though they are the most effective build still (channeled thing still has ass range). It's just mindless shoot and run around like a duck.

True. I miss my barrage build. That used to be insanely awesome but then the broke the tracking on it. They've never even said it's a bug so I assume it's intentional but that's made that useless. Hence I have a build that has both that and micromissles built up. Allows me to pump out stationary dps and mobile dps when needed. Makes it so easy to stay alive with him now too.


tagged by Blackace
True. I miss my barrage build. That used to be insanely awesome but then the broke the tracking on it. They've never even said it's a bug so I assume it's intentional but that's made that useless. Hence I have a build that has both that and micromissles built up. Allows me to pump out stationary dps and mobile dps when needed. Makes it so easy to stay alive with him now too.
Yeah the tracking on both his basic and barrage is horrible, you couldn't hit a moving snail with that shit.

I was thinking of a missile build but now I'm thinking of transitioning into a beam build. Unibeam too hot.
Still super dumb that repulsor beam moves for ironman isn't unlocked until lvl 30. It's freaking iron man's signature thing!

Most people would have finished the campaign by then!

shield overload is super op now too, but yeah... not really what i came for when i bought iron man lol. At least flight is faster even though i still much prefer his shoulder charge move for evading.


tagged by Blackace
Still super dumb that repulsor beam moves for ironman isn't unlocked until lvl 30. It's freaking iron man's signature thing!

Most people would have finished the campaign by then!

shield overload is super op now too, but yeah... not really what i came for when i bought iron man lol. At least flight is faster even though i still much prefer his shoulder charge move for evading.
They moved up flight to level 14 since the beta, which is even more annoying. I mean c'mon. Think it was at 8 or something before but it's definitely higher now.
Game really needs a timer or something cube shard runs, can't remember when I last did some of these bosses :/ Are there different timers between the different tiers and colors? Or is it all the same?


I wish there was a waiting room or some other mechanic that people who want to do Group Challenges can wait around in.
Typing "LFG" every 30 seconds and getting no responses, gets tiring.

Yeah, or at least implemented a better chat to get the previous messages with the up key. It's 2013, it has been a while that I didn't see that in a game...


Yeah, or at least implemented a better chat to get the previous messages with the up key. It's 2013, it has been a while that I didn't see that in a game...

we are working on a way where us GAFfers can group with each other. Maybe we can even make a schedule?
Man playing with heroes that have saved up rested xp definitely seems to increase drop rates. Got a Deadpool Xmen costume off a random mob while lvling Deadpool today, also got a bout 4 artifacts today as well
Man playing with heroes that have saved up rested xp definitely seems to increase drop rates. Got a Deadpool Xmen costume off a random mob while lvling Deadpool today, also got a bout 4 artifacts today as well

Geez, I did about 4 or 5 first-run dailys today, with rested xp and I got one or 2 purple item drops, from all the bosses combined.
Some people have all the luck.
Geez, I did about 4 or 5 first-run dailys today, with rested xp and I got one or 2 purple item drops, from all the bosses combined.
Some people have all the luck.

well to be far, of the artifacts, the only good one was a tooth, the others consisted of a doom mask, and 2 pet related ones. I also was running with a decent amount of drop rarity/special item find as well
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