How'd we get knocked back down to 19/20?

How'd we get knocked back down to 19/20?
Your strategy is sound overall but I would advocate to not use the boost.
Guys, try not to use too many boosts because it really saps your ISO that you could use towards leveling up your squad.
After drawing a cover from a standard pack, I'm feeling the itch for some Black Panther (even after I sold one cover last week.)
Any advice for when to start pushing for the PvP-based, top-50 reward? I'm sitting at about 77th right now... <.<
start pushing around 4 hours before the event is going to end, at 3 hours if you are in a spot you like shield for 3 hours and call it good, maybe come back for one last match around 4-5 min to go if it makes a big difference.
If by 2 hours left to go if you don't have the spot you want you likely won't get it and should either shield or be ready to just grind for the next two hours to hold your spot or fall a bit.
Duane left because he was not going to have time to devote to the game. It sounds like he'll be back at some point, though.
The time commitment is starting to kill it for me too. I have a pretty strong team now but I don't know how much longer I can keep it up. It's all starting to just blend together, and none of it seems very fun anymore. I think I'm in the top 3 for the season though, so maybe it's my fault and should ease back.
Welp, my buddy quit and Turnbuckle took leave. Vengers still open? I play daily
We started another alliance and have 20 slots. I can't play every single day but a lot of who's there do and we're looking for more that can contribute. That other alliance I had was just filled with commanders who would only contribute 200-400 points (and frequently 0) to a lot of events and we couldn't ax em so we started over.
Shaolin Marvel, if interested. But Gafvengers will likely be more productive
We still need a 20th player in GAF-Vengers!
You whore!
lol j/k, gl man
Lohawk Storm?
Official designation plz.
start pushing around 4 hours before the event is going to end, at 3 hours if you are in a spot you like shield for 3 hours and call it good, maybe come back for one last match around 4-5 min to go if it makes a big difference.
If by 2 hours left to go if you don't have the spot you want you likely won't get it and should either shield or be ready to just grind for the next two hours to hold your spot or fall a bit.
I DECLAER her nick name to be Stawk.
I followed your advice and it work out perfectly! I had to use the 8-hour shield though as people started laying into me right around the 3:30 mark.
Came in 17th, got the cover, and 150 HP to make up for the shield. Thanks for the advice!
if you have the HP and don't mind spending it on an 8 hour shield you can also start earlier... the main reason I do 4 is to save the 75hp... and it's rare that I am free 9 hours before an event but not 4 (9 hours is usually 3 am or 3pm for me, 3am I typically am either in bed because I have work in the morning, or up because I don't have work and thus can just get up early to grind... and 3pm i am either about to leave for work or don't have work)
Yeah, this was the first time I'd decided to go for a top 50 reward. I was a bit unsure about how many points I'd need to secure my place.
I went for 450 and then shielded up.
I'll probably lie low for a while so I can get bracketed down again. As for BP himself, I'm not sure how I feel about his skills. Anything that gives AP to the other team is pretty risky - his AoE looks like it'll hit hard at later levels and I like his Protect Tile skill. Jury is still out though if I'll work on building him or not.
God Dammit. A three star version of Modern Storm? They're really trying to make me quit this game, huh? At this rate they're gonna make a three star OBW, just to make sure I'm playing the same team at all times.
sad panda... tied for 25th and thus got 26th
I guess your cover went....
Down in flames
I'm sorry
Sorry Gaf-vengers I had moved on to another team.
It fees like the grind is hitting a lot of us at once. Gafvengers is down a couple members and it's hard to get motivated with the drastic rubberbanding going on.
It fees like the grind is hitting a lot of us at once. Gafvengers is down a couple members and it's hard to get motivated with the drastic rubberbanding going on.
Yeah, I uninstalled the game again and haven't played since Friday. I'm sure I'll play again sometime, but having a multi-part, weeklong PVE event going on along with the demands of Season II it's just too much to juggle. PVE especially because of the lowered points you get from subsequent nodes; a system that makes it to where you need to come back every couple of hours to maximize your points/time invested. And the rules behind the scenes feel like they're always changing so you never really know what the best approach is.
Same...if I had any intention of sticking around seriously I'd probably be a legit nightmare with Thor/Hulk/TorchYep. I'd also like to throw in:
-Being paired up against like leveled teams/brackets, making leveling pretty much worthless. What's the harm in randomly matching groups up?
-An ever increasing ceiling on PvE events (I tapped out all my prizes, and I'm probably 500 in my bracket)
-And lots of these exploitative 1*/2* characters being rebranded. Making sure you're not leveling past them, and will constantly be fighting Thor/Daken/Storm/ect...
-PvE being taken out of the season.
I'm on my last leg. It's funny though, I've been getting really lucking getting covers lately. I think realizing that it hasn't changed a thing is what's pushing me away from the game.
It fees like the grind is hitting a lot of us at once. Gafvengers is down a couple members and it's hard to get motivated with the drastic rubberbanding going on.
it's all good, I obviously have scaled back myself. I really only plan on going for stuff that I want, and with the changes to PVE I am basically screwed there since I have a job *shrugs* I will just have to get the characters from future events.I think I'm about done guys. when Mike and Askani left, and it became apparent that we would no longer be finding ourself in the top 100, I realized I am not actually having fun anymore. When I thought about trying to maintain a top 200 ranking to get Lstorm, I realize I don't really care. This past PVE event's extreme grind sort of broke the camel's back. Work is busy, family life is busy, and all of my free time (not spent posting on GAF) was going towards MPQ. I think I need to tone things down regarding this game.
Unless you have someone better lined up, I can stay in GAFvengers for the rest of this season (I have over 5000 in the season standings, and over 25k in the current PVE event), but I can't commit to more than casual scores in the coming PVP events, and I'm not going to push in the remainder of the PVE event. After season 2, I will probably bow out. The pressures of the alliance system, D3's messed PVE brackets, and the awards stinginess have drained a lot of the fun out of this game.