OBW makes this game not fun. That character singlehandedly breaks the game. Break is the appropriate word to use as well, and not hyperbole.
On the bright side, I managed to nab 3 X-Force covers in the past two days. One via a daily reward, one via Starfall token and one via a PvE token.
I have to agree. It's to the point where I literally use her in every situation. She's been boosted the past 2 PvE events so I use her there, and is required for anything resembling sustainability in PvP. It's stupid, and I'm sick of fighting *Featured*\OBW\Thor and *Featured*\OBW\Ares. I didn't even give a shit about Starfall if anyone noticed. I am a bit more compelled for the Magneto event but fighting dozens of battles up to 700+ points where I'm fighting the same 2-3 team comps is silly. We need another character with a heal to make OBW less prevalent, or at least nerf her a bit--I honestly think they should seriously consider changing how either Recon or Espionage work, because she can single handedly win against like 3+ heroes with the skillset she has.
I'm hoping the buff X-Force one of these days. I have maxed out Green and 1-2 of the other covers but stopped dumping ISO on him because Astonishing is pretty much better in every way. His heal is just so bad that I can't justify using him (not sure how it does at 5 yellow but I doubt it's drastically better).