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Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign |OT| Welcome To Marvel [5m23s]!

I hate that ** Storm's green is stronger than Patch's. Every time I pair the two she ends up getting dangerously low on health while I build toward Patch's strike tile move.


I hate that ** Storm's green is stronger than Patch's. Every time I pair the two she ends up getting dangerously low on health while I build toward Patch's strike tile move.

raise patch's level? two star storm should be no where near patch's green match.
now three star storm on the other hand would be.
raise patch's level? two star storm should be no where near patch's green match.
now three star storm on the other hand would be.

I just checked....my 114 patch (maxed for my covers) is hitting for 59 while Storm is hitting for....oh, 55. Ok. I just got my fifth green cover for Patch so I guess this is no longer a problem. Ignore me.

I also just noticed Patch has a red cover...I haven't seen that. Sitting at 5 green & 3 yellow now.


I just checked....my 114 patch (maxed for my covers) is hitting for 59 while Storm is hitting for....oh, 55. Ok. I just got my fifth green cover for Patch so I guess this is no longer a problem. Ignore me.

I also just noticed Patch has a red cover...I haven't seen that. Sitting at 5 green & 3 yellow now.

im still confused... your storm at 59 should be hitting for 35

heck at 69 it's only 41

I'm guessing you are looking at boosted numbers? because if so it's quite frequent that 2 stars will out do 3 stars as the way the characters are designed attack damage wise 1 stars rise the fastest then 2 then 3 then 4, so if you boost a 2 to anywhere near the same level as a 3 the 2 will have way better attack numbers.
I just checked....my 114 patch (maxed for my covers) is hitting for 59 while Storm is hitting for....oh, 55. Ok. I just got my fifth green cover for Patch so I guess this is no longer a problem. Ignore me.

im still confused... your storm at 59 should be hitting for 35

heck at 69 it's only 41

I'm guessing you are looking at boosted numbers? because if so it's quite frequent that 2 stars will out do 3 stars as the way the characters are designed attack damage wise 1 stars rise the fastest then 2 then 3 then 4, so if you boost a 2 to anywhere near the same level as a 3 the 2 will have way better attack numbers.

I probably wasn't clear. Storm is maxed at level 94 and hitting for 55 on green. The leveling to get Patch from 106 to 114 pushed him over the top so he's now hitting for 59.


Well, I just realized I would have to get top 50 in the Osborn Heroic PVE event going on right now to make it worth it. I have my Hood's black at a max of 5, and that's all you get for top 150.

I guess I'l focus on the PVP then.
Well, I just realized I would have to get top 50 in the Osborn Heroic PVE event going on right now to make it worth it. I have my Hood's black at a max of 5, and that's all you get for top 150.

I guess I'l focus on the PVP then.

Same here. I'm just going for the Subevent tokens.


LOL! This is abusable as fuck. I'm goin through story mode fighting low level fudd version of enemies, netting a ton of team up cards at no effort and getting retarded good stuff out of PVE off it. BRB...off to go and get a shitload of Venom snares.. Powers are only as good as the versions of the character you got them from though, but All I need is a stun from Venom. Plus if there are any PVP matches that are winnable load up every event to slam the PVE

However, there doesn't really seem to be a way to know who a team equipped in PVP so I just fought a Hawkeye MN Mags team that happened to have Wind Storm (c. Storm blue) Onslaught (ares green) and Adamantium Slash (wolverine red) equipped.

There is officially no strategy in counterpicking now. Its all random.
Thanks Obama.
LOL! This is abusable as fuck. I'm goin through story mode fighting low level fudd version of enemies, netting a ton of team up cards at no effort and getting retarded good stuff out of PVE off it. BRB...off to go and get a shitload of Venom snares.. Powers are only as good as the versions of the character you got them from though, but All I need is a stun from Venom. Plus if there are any PVP matches that are winnable load up every event to slam the PVE

However, there doesn't really seem to be a way to know who a team equipped in PVP so I just fought a Hawkeye MN Mags team that happened to have Wind Storm (c. Storm blue) Onslaught (ares green) and Adamantium Slash (wolverine red) equipped.

There is officially no strategy in counterpicking now. Its all random.
Thanks Obama.

And you also can never go into PVP without full power back up. It's almost like Hearthstone strategy now.


And you also can never go into PVP without full power back up. It's almost like Hearthstone strategy now.

Yeah...plan to go all in every match or go broke. I keep seeing myself rank up when I dont play and lose when I do. Its pretty random now. I essentially just put in a team with a high level Adamantium slash, Wind Storm, and a cheap Symbiote Snare and put Ares/Thor on my real team. All the health and damage plus stuns and a backup attack for the team.

Game is pretty well random mode now. They need to AT LEAST have a way to view team up powers that are equipped on your opponent's team before you take them on. Hell PVE seems like every team has a Backpocket Sentry equipped and PVP means I'm fighting Storm/Thor powers on every team.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I'm about to delete this.

They destroyed the best early/mid team-up with Storm/Thor two-fold... enviro gone.. and switched her red to yellow.. with yellow being a key move for Thor.

I have no want to fuck with the team-up mechanic... I hate to be that guy.. but I think I'm officially done with this game.


I like the team-ups. It makes the special tiles more significant, in that I actively look to make those matches now. I enjoy the minute-to-minute game play more.

I also don't get frustrated if I get beaten now. It's out of my hands even more than it was.


Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah...figured folks would start doing what I am soon once they caught on.

Best team now? Fuck synergy. It means little.

Go for powerhouse dudes with lots of health. They get augmented by all the utility things you could ask for. Storm team ups covers shell out often for wind storm now meaning I now have a stun for Ares/Thor. Thor still batteries for Ares heavily and his tile distribution is such that with both max leveled disperse the damage evenly so neither wears out too soon. hell...I'm even considering using Hulk more now given how he could live long enough to run at least 3 major team up moves a match which is usually a guaranteed winning combo given the amount of Ares you can get now.

Most of the teams I see now are Ares/Thor. There's still some good in OBW given she messes with folks, provides a battery, and health buffers the onslaught but honestly when I see one it just results in Ares/Thor having aggressive recon which is diiiiiiiiiirty. Betting I could take Daken/Ares/Thor through PVP season with team ups and get a helluva long way in matches now.

Things feel random as fuck right now. Can't predict what tools are in a match when you choose an opponent, can't prioritize for shit because you HAVE to prioritize team up tiles as much or harder than prioritizing targets on the opposing team. Kinda just throws a wrench in how to manage the board. Not even sure Yellow Black Panther covers are worth prioritizing now in spite of their strength given the strategic advantage team up tiles give.

This game...is a mess. Strategy is just gone all to hell.


Double post but here's my thoughts on this.

They've not really been cool with Storm/Thor since they accidently created it solving Thor/Verine in an earlier patch, but as you can tell...they really liked their Thor design idea so wanted to tweak Storm somehow. I said VERY early after the Thor-verine patch they needed to change Storm's colors to fix that and they did...but it seems they noticed ANOTHER problem Storm was going to create that I was very big on trying to make a team out of.

Black Panther can put ridiculously 150+ tiles on the board at the cost of Environmental tiles. That meant Storm's super cheap red ability could easily net Black Panther huge damaging tools on the board...and then create cascades after wards to throw down a shitload of damage. The idea was for 5 red, she'd clear all environmental tiles, get a small cascade and I'd be well on my way to strike tiles. Then I'd just keep it rolling and eventually be watching her cascades do ridiculous damage as the entire cascade would impact them with the bonuses but without the initial tile clear risking popping the strike tiles unlike her green would have.

Well ...if this was as scary as I thought it should be then my theory is they thought they'd prevent this by removing environmental tiles fueling from her somehow since many environments weren't really on par with others anyhow nor did they actually seem to really fit as strongly into the game's theme as the rest of the stuff they've shoved in so far. Also it was likely done to keep people collecting since if they didn't have a character they could simply beat a character to get to try out their powers in a fight to try and encourage them to BUY MORE PACKS.

If this was why...which I hope my theory is wrong...then it was very shortsighted as it damaged one of the biggest core aspects of why people play and that reason is team building. When you can equip ANY abilities into a match, even in a limited fashion, it eliminates the reason to focus too hard on team strategies...now you just load the cannons and tank away.

If this was done to prevent the potential BP/Mohawk/G. Thor team in season mode I'm sad because simply making Black Panther absorb a portion of his own health to create those tiles that he'd get back if they were popped instead of him absorbing Environmental AP would have sufficed.

Most likely though...it was just an additional snub to Storm cascade and combinations that would have been a problem in pursuit of their real goal to tantalize folks by letting them try other characters they beat to make them want to buy more packs.


Yeah, uh, the defensive team ups are random (supposedly based either on your roster, or your selected team it was unclear).

And it's always been Russian rolutte, especially in 2* land with OBW


Deadpool enters the game...shortly before that pure chaos and madness overtake the logic of the game and tear it asunder. Fitting environment for his arrival I guess.BTW doesn't this mean we can go into PVE now and take out those impossible lvl 200 venoms and net super cheap powers that are waaaaaaaaaaaay stronger than anything those abilities were ever supposed to be allowed to do in the players hands? Wouldn't be easy, but it'd be fucking troll worthy considering PVE clearing as it scales should net you those.

Also...I think this team up thing could be fixed if they doubled the cost of the damned things. It'd take forever to get them and then it wouldn't really impact the necessity for team building while it would still give folks a taste of what they dont have to encourage them into buying more packs if thats what they want.
Yeah, uh, the defensive team ups are random (supposedly based either on your roster, or your selected team it was unclear).

Can't wait to get a bunch of Bagman team-ups defensively!

This update is questionable. I understand the idea, but it just doesn't work. The game is literally a lottery at this point. They went from Environmental tiles being pretty worthless (except that they were used for a handful of abilities like BP's, and Oasis enviro were nice) to Team-Up tiles being the primary focus, over actually using your own characters abilities. I played one match earlier and was destroyed by a much lower level team because a BP strike came out and basically wiped my team when he had 1 character left. What is the point of even playing if they can just randomly win at the end?

Also...I think this team up thing could be fixed if they doubled the cost of the damned things. It'd take forever to get them and then it wouldn't really impact the necessity for team building while it would still give folks a taste of what they dont have to encourage them into buying more packs if thats what they want.

Isn't it only like 12 AP right now? That's kind of a joke. Double it to 24 and it becomes less impactful--as it should be.


Can't wait to get a bunch of Bagman team-ups defensively!

This update is questionable. I understand the idea, but it just doesn't work. The game is literally a lottery at this point. They went from Environmental tiles being pretty worthless (except that they were used for a handful of abilities like BP's, and Oasis enviro were nice) to Team-Up tiles being the primary focus, over actually using your own characters abilities. I played one match earlier and was destroyed by a much lower level team because a BP strike came out and basically wiped my team when he had 1 character left. What is the point of even playing if they can just randomly win at the end?

Isn't it only like 12 AP right now? That's kind of a joke. Double it to 24 and it becomes less impactful--as it should be.

Thus my reasoning behind the suggestion. And 12 is only for some of them. Venom stuns only cost me 4 :|
Some teams should not be able to have stuns that cheaply. Especially since I can equip 3 of anything since they didn't limit how many of any team up power you could put. I think several other things I've used only cost 8.


That's only a 1 time use though. And the only other worthwhile one to farm from the prologue would be rag's moves. Unfortunately there's no ares that you can farm easily
Question about MNMagneto. I have him at 4-5-4 right now with an extra red card available. When I use him I generally have OBW on the team as well, so blue is typically used by her. Would it be advisable to go to 3-5-5?


Question about MNMagneto. I have him at 4-5-4 right now with an extra red card available. When I use him I generally have OBW on the team as well, so blue is typically used by her. Would it be advisable to go to 3-5-5?

OBW has pretty poor synergy with him, his best power is his purple, but so is hers. You do need a good blue to spend it though (his blue sucks)


OBW has pretty poor synergy with him, his best power is his purple, but so is hers. You do need a good blue to spend it though (his blue sucks)

Best users of MN Mags and his blue tile creating are C. Storm's wind storm and Dr. Doom's Teknopathic Strike.
I guess after the change to healing OBW-MNM is not the best pairing, but I still use Mags purple to generate blue to allow her to 'heal'. I also use critical enhancements and place Mags' blues in such a way as to make 1-2 criticals each time. I'll have to try some of these other team suggestions (I Have a 94 CStorm but my Doom is only 1-4 and level 78).

Anyway, the question remains - is 3-5-5 MNM better than 4-5-4?


I guess after the change to healing OBW-MNM is not the best pairing, but I still use Mags purple to generate blue to allow her to 'heal'. I also use critical enhancements and place Mags' blues in such a way as to make 1-2 criticals each time. I'll have to try some of these other team suggestions (I Have a 94 CStorm but my Doom is only 1-4 and level 78).

Anyway, the question remains - is 3-5-5 MNM better than 4-5-4?

Depends what you use it for, the 5th cover for red makes it cost significantly more, but unlike the blue, it collects the tiles it destroys, and does a ton more damage to boot.


hmmm it seems the next step of the team up mechcanic is for alliance members to be able to send their characters on team up missions to other players in their alliance (likely limited to one at a time) where that other person can use their character as a team up (not sure if this means they fully use the character or if the team up ap in general is just used for that character)


hmmm it seems the next step of the team up mechcanic is for alliance members to be able to send their characters on team up missions to other players in their alliance (likely limited to one at a time) where that other person can use their character as a team up (not sure if this means they fully use the character or if the team up ap in general is just used for that character)

O_O Wow we about to wreck shit.


Why was i kicked out of gaf-kanada?

Ok, it could be a display error... When I try to rejoin it says: You have to leave your current alliance first...


so after a bit of playing with the team up mechanics my thoughts are....
it's very poorly implemented.

playing through the pve event netted me a bunch of useless venom cards... I wish I could delete them without using them.
beyond that, the team up tile damage isn't effected by strike tiles... that was a painful discovery as a 4 match of them with 2k in strike tile damage only netted me 250 damage or so and thus the enemy got a turn :/
beyond that it just seems to remove the feeling of being in different locations... the event tiles weren't well balanced but at least the stages felt different, now they all feel the same and it's kind of boring :/
I'm not a huge fan of the team-up mechanic, but I haven't had that much trouble with it. Generally my team can either wipe out the opposition before they get too powerful. I still don't like the loss of some of those environment tiles, they added something different depending on the match.

As for progress, I hit the 60,000 pt level in the Heroic PvE thing, netting me the Captain Marvel cover I was after. Now 3/2/1 for her, max leveled to Lv 78 with about 4000 health, not bad for a brand new character.

Focusing on the Cage Match PvP because I really want/need more lazy Thor covers, he should be one of my regulars but needs more covers first. I won't be able to play much tomorrow so I'm aiming to score high tonight and shield for a day, hoping that will be enough for some decent placement.
I don't think it's going to be possible for me to get top 5 for this PVP, but the next tier is within reach (shielded at 8th place). I'd love to get a Red lazy Thor, but that ain't happening.

Any strategies to breaking shield near the end to move up? I'm always scared to death that I'm going to go down in rank rather than up...


It's pretty god damn amazing. I'm dedicating myself to doing everything I can to get Top 5 this event. Managed to get in before the scaling mechanics kicked in and I did the entire first set against level 15-40 characters. Easy 2000 points (max is 10000 so I imagine it's going to plateau pretty early).
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