Hahahahaha, Fortunately I finished 15th. Two covers for meeeee.
Also, it's so nice to get real alliance rewards for a change.
I think we can do better than just top 500!
Hahahahaha, Fortunately I finished 15th. Two covers for meeeee.
Also, it's so nice to get real alliance rewards for a change.
I think we can do better than just top 500!
3 Devil Dinosaur daily rewards in a row?
Does this seem odd to anybody else?
3 Devil Dinosaur daily rewards in a row?
Does this seem odd to anybody else?
You get one of each color as your daily reward on day 365, day 366, and day 367Jesus Christ I gotta get on that.
You get one of each color as your daily reward on day 365, day 366, and day 367
I've had a good day today, I'm about half way through the 3rd section of Gauntlet and getting solid wins despite my opponents being at level 200 at this point. Plus on top of my Lazy Daken cover I got for completing section two this morning, I got a 2nd one out of a token I earned. Puts me to 1/3/3 hopefully I can get some use out of him soon. I could really use a 3* with a good, solid purple.
Where can I see the date I started? Is that anywhere in the Android app?
Edit: Never mind - I see my first post in this thread where I had no idea how the covers worked. Nov 3, 2013. I guess I'm close!!!
I was only top 50.Heh, fortunately finished 25th in the Capt. Marvel PvP, scoring me two more Blade covers. Took me 820 pts to get that finish, too.
"A mutant waits in the shadows"
Nightcrawler? That was at least my first thought.
Kitty Pryde?
if so I know an event I will be trying hard on.Kitty Pryde?
So they are boosting all alliances to 20 slots from here on out, you don't have to buy slots with HP anymore. I think it is a good change, and it looks like they are going to work with alliances that recently bought slots to get them their HP back. For alliances that have had all slots for a while, they feel that the extra ISO/Covers you have gotten from being in a large alliance have paid for your investment and then some. Should be a good change for the game though.
So still figuring out how to start out in this...
What does it mean when I read people saying they need to let nodes 'refresh'?
Do most people not play the versus / PVE stuff until right before it ends? I played the blade PVP thing for awhile and was winning over and over, got several cool covers, but now the teams I am against are all way over my level and I can't win any of them.
To get the re-supply, I have to finish a mission, correct? I can't replay a mission and get the resupply?
If you go into a fight you did already, in the top left is a number of points you get for winning the fight. If you do it right after you beat it, it is less points. There is a timer associated to it that will tell you when it gets to its full value again.
I like to play the VS with maybe 5 or 6 hours left, lets me get a higher rank before I get swatted back down. You can skip fights in hopes of lower ranking ones again, but at some point you just need to walk away.
Resupply is just completing a match, pvp or pve. don't think it matters.
All that said, I finally made a profile for FB trading.
Cool. I could use a PVE to refresh my ISO, anyway.
if I could give you my 70k iso I would o.o;
as for Mystique, if she is good I expect to see her paired with xforce a lot as his big bad move is black and she would control a lot of the board.
if she isn't good then she will be just another character to ignore in the giant pool of characters to ignore as instead of balancing the weaker characters into more competitive characters they just continue to push out new ones :/
Yeah, I have mine at Lv145 (I think) so it should be a proper whoopin'Blade seems like he could be quite useful at higher levels. Too bad I missed him entirely...
My Level 104 LThor is crushing fools in this PVP, though.
Yeah, I have mine at Lv145 (I think) so it should be a proper whoopin'
I have the damndest time getting covers for him. Green is maxed, but R2 Y1 sucks. Really want that yellow. I should just pay $100 or so to max it out (kidding, of course...or am I?).
I have the damndest time getting covers for him. Green is maxed, but R2 Y1 sucks. Really want that yellow. I should just pay $100 or so to max it out (kidding, of course...or am I?).
I've been maining Patch for months now at lvl 127 and I still don't have a single red cover.
My Lazy Thor is only at 1/2/5 so I think that would put him around 100 were I to level him up. Worthwhile?
Also, my hood is 5/0/4. Worth leveling that?
Hood's biggest ability is his blue, so I would hold off on investing in him unless you can get 5 blue covers. Lazy Thor is arguably the best character in the game, he has high HP, all his abilities do good to great damage, and his yellow can cause cascades and empowers his green which does massive damage. Personally I run my LThor at level 166 at 3/5/5 but you can go 4/4/5 as well. He is surely worth investing in if you can get the rest of his covers.
I have never been a fan of Patch. His abilities are too double edged sword for my liking. If Loki were more viable he and Patch would be a great team up, because then you run Patch's green, then use Loki's black to turn the strike tiles your opponent gets into protect tiles for you. Personally my other most liked characters at 3* level are Black Panther for strike/protect/massive party damage, and Punisher for strike tiles and great finishing ability for high HP targets once you get them below a certain % of health.
Im using Panther Wolverine +other and they wipe the computer on their own. So many tiles for bonus damage most 3 tile pairs hit for over 1200. I coupled them with MN Mags to take advantage of this with his ability to place 5 blue. Figured it'd create some super high damage cascades to instant wipe with and its working out well.
Mystique looks good. I could see her getting as much play as Hood or more as a thief character.
This PvE reminds me how much I hate fighting Juggs, especially one that's buffed.
Panther's yellow makes fights way easier, though.
Sadly, mine is 5/3/1, so my yellow rocks but the black is lacking.Yeah if I didn't have a 5/3/5 166 Panther I'd probably be really struggling with headbutts for days. Plus only top 20 get two covers this time. Ouch!
I got a Falcon from a standard token today. Pretty good. Now I just need to get a slot to put him in.
I've been maining Patch for months now at lvl 127 and I still don't have a single red cover.
My Lazy Thor is only at 1/2/5 so I think that would put him around 100 were I to level him up. Worthwhile?
Also, my hood is 5/0/4. Worth leveling that?
Your LThor would be 104, I think, like mine. But I see that you can only get him to 94. He's not as powerful without a good yellow. My yellow at 1 only adds a few greens. I could see him pairing well with Hawkeye's Speedshot (same with GSBW).
The problem with sniper rifle with gsbw is that horrible 19 ap cost. Even with deceptive tactics and LThors yellow i can't see a situation where you would wait for that over casting Call the Storm.
On another note my current alliance has gone mostly inactive and I have 4 open slots if anyone here wants to join a more casual alliance. We have never ranked high enough in alliance rankings for covers but with some fresh blood we might do better. The alliance name is Pa La Pinga and its a private alliance so search us out and if you want to join request it and let me know who you are in here.
God damn so many of the new characs look so def. I wish it wasn't so hard to get them without a maxed x-force.