Here is the new info on Doom with his new 3rd power. Sounds solid to me, I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out. I like the idea of the active/passive purple. You aren't going to have too stupid of a number of trap tiles as you have to match purple to get the points to fire the ability, but at max level if you have say 4 on the board you are still looking at about 5.5k damage for 10 purple.
Doctor Doom (Classic)
3 Star Rarity (Rare)
At Max Level: HP: 8500 Tile damage: 11/12/79/61/13/70
Summon Demons - Black 12 AP
Doctor Doom summons a cadre of demonic creatures, converting 3 basic Red tiles into Attack tiles of strength 44.
Level 2: Attack tiles (demons) are strength 52.
Level 3: Summons 4 demons.
Level 4: Summons 5 demons.
Level 5: Summons 6 demons of strength 60.
Max Level: Summons 6 demons of strength 190.
Technopathic Strike - Blue 9 AP
Doctor Doom lashes out with his sinister inventions, swaying the battle in his favor. Transforms 6 basic Blue tiles to Black tiles.
Level 2: Transforms 7 tiles.
Level 3: Transforms 8 tiles.
Level 4: Transforms 9 tiles.
Level 5: Transforms all basic Blue tiles.
Diabolical Plot - Purple 10 AP
Doom deals 137 to the enemy, plus 137 for each of Doom's Trap tiles on the board. Disarms all of Doom's Trap tiles. PASSIVE: At the beginning of each turn, Doom places a

urple: Trap tile.
Level 2: Doom deals 164 damage plus 164 damage for each of his Traps.
Level 3: Doom deals 192 damage plus 192 damage for each of his Traps.
Level 4: Doom deals 247 damage plus 247 damage for each of his Traps.
Level 5: Doom deals 356 damage plus 356 damage for each of his Traps.
Max Level: Doom deals 1131 damage plus 1131 damage for each of his Traps.