Ares/storm/OBW continue to work for me. Using teamups to end goon rounds as to not 'waste' AP.
1st round tends to be trickiest. Ate a pistol shot to the face on black widow cause I matched the wrong way. I try to get Ares lowish so that yellow -> red will clear wave 2 for me. I try not to spend green at all first 2 rounds. Use blue to delay countdown tiles as needed, don't "waste" 4 in a rows so early as they have a good chance of destroying countdown tiles. End round with a damaging teamup (my teamup load out is 2 damage teamups and 1 'board shake' teamup).
2nd round, ares yellow -> red to clear. Had enough blue to stun too (stupid hulk).
3rd round I gather AP again and abuse 30+ green storm. It's a free AP round, I finished with a green storm power but otherwise, would of used other teamup.
4th round unleash the stuns from blue, ares yellow -> red again. Miscalculated my health so I didn't get the bonus damage from ares which I thought was going to be rough (enemy had 24+ black and a black panther) but I managed to perma stun him. Only ability comp used was a world rupture which wasn't bad at all.
My Ares isn't covered maxed 3/4/5 at level 86, 3/5/5 OBW at level 85, and a level 70 storm 4/5/4.