I've always hated their matchmaking system. Proper matchmaking should give you a 50/50 shot of winning, but if you're always being paired up with like players you're never going to see the real benefit of leveling. If I go into an event with a fully leveled hero that is required, I should have a huge advantage in the event for all the work I put in prior. Allowing me to compete for the top spot so I can try and earn some 4* characters or more Heroic tokens to keep making progress. Instead I'm just thrown into a deeper pool and can't even make the top 200 even though I've cleared the board a couple of times. Harder nodes for less points. Why even bother?
I think what could help is lower the amount of players in each bracket. Instead of 600 people competing in the same event, make it 100 or something. I remember they had 20 for the She-Thor lightning round and I had a great time playing that because I felt like I had a chance. You would see real progress and would actually work around the other players. It felt like a real competition. If I enter any other lightning round though, I'll be sitting around the lower end of a 1000 even after finishing 10 matches and getting anywhere near the top doesn't even seem possible. (Seriously, how do people get so many points in such a short amount of time while I'm slumming it in 20 point fights all the time?)
I think what could help is lower the amount of players in each bracket. Instead of 600 people competing in the same event, make it 100 or something. I remember they had 20 for the She-Thor lightning round and I had a great time playing that because I felt like I had a chance. You would see real progress and would actually work around the other players. It felt like a real competition. If I enter any other lightning round though, I'll be sitting around the lower end of a 1000 even after finishing 10 matches and getting anywhere near the top doesn't even seem possible. (Seriously, how do people get so many points in such a short amount of time while I'm slumming it in 20 point fights all the time?)