I just downloaded this game a couple days ago as something to do during downtime at work, and wow it's pretty addicting. Any tips for newbies though? I guess I kinda suck at this game, I wasn't able to beat the final Juggernaut match until I landed a level 40 Scarlet Witch from the Ultron hero recruiter thing. Also, what should I be buying with my gold token? More slots or more heroes?
And what am I supposed to do when my team gets wiped and I don't have anymore heals? Literally just wait an hour until everyone is healed up?
Don't be afraid to spend money on the game-but use it only to buy slots.
Play through all the story missions until you can beat them and get all the rewards from them.
Be sure to log in at least once a day and complete one match to get your login bonus.
Some may disagree with me here, but try.to level up all your one star characters at first, then move onto leveling up your 2 star characters. I skip out on Yelena and Moonstone though. Just sell those covers. Juggernaut is going to be an important character down the line because whenever there is an event where he is "boosted" he can do a ton of damage.
If you can join an alliance so they can send you free stuff throughout the day.