So here's what I'm wondering...
I finished 9th in Heroic Juggernaut (yay, 3 free 3* Iron Man covers).
Now this new ISO-8 brotherhood event is kicking my ass - I'm sitting at 4k points doing exactly what I normally do while I see people in the same sub as me sitting at 13k points.
WTF is going on? I read this post about weird scaling, rubberbanding and such that makes you earn less points, and even though I've never had the 4* necessary to do all 3 bonus missions, I always have the 3* and the 2* to do them.
Typically those bonus missions give me close to 600 points when they're full, but this time they're giving me 340 when they're full, which really, *really* lowers my potential points.
Does anybody know why that could be? If I understand correctly, it might be because I grinded the shit out the juggernaut event (I wanted to see how high I could go) and the rubberbanding is hitting me hard, but I don't know.