Scarlet Witch subs out well for Mystique in that setup as well...
Hey guys, so I've been working on Magic the Gathering: Puzzle Quest for a few months now (I couldn't talk about it!) and there's an announcement thread and all.
If you guys want to join in, I figure a few of you guys would probably enjoy the game, and is partly why the reason I've been playing MPQ for the past few months like crazy.
Okay I think I found my best Iron Fist team for now until I can get a Cyclops built.
Iron Fist/Black Panther/Mystique
My colors are Blue Green Black Purple Yellow leaving only the Red open which is manageable given those are for Fist's strike tiles anyhow. Black Panther Yellow Strike tiles are always ridiculous and the two together on my build puts out some serious damage each turn. Mystique uses her blue ability to create around 10 tiles of either purple or black...both equate to MASSIVE damage for my team (plus it generally generates 5 of a kinds and cascades with those strike tiles added to the damage).
Team runs away pretty fast and doesn't really need to worry about putting up shields, or stealing AP to stay viable versus legit teams. Been testing it in lightning rounds and vs and so far even though Iron Fist is max and BP and Mystique are both low 100's its still killing max level teams including some that are using 4 stars like Xforce Wolvy and Nick Fury.
Neat thing is Mystique is pretty healthy and seems to hold tile priority on the overlapping colors with IronFist and Panther so she takes a lot of the focus off of them early on making her a sturdy meathshield and supporter in general who does little stuff like small stunning folks if we have to do so by using shapeshift if say Iron Fist died, and by mainly rocking the battery property.
I'm pretty happy with this. I just got to watch out for Loki and Daredevil shenanigans and I'm pretty set.
Hell yeah I'd be down to play
Just tried this with a fully covered Mystique @ 102 and a lacking IF also at 102. They were backed by a max BP.
Holy black cascades. Amazing!
Try switching out to PX/IF/MQ
sigh...I dont chase four stars. I don't have Xforce, Prof X, Nick Fury, Carnage, Sam WIlson or whoever else built in any mannger yet. We go through this a lot lol. I think you're the only one here who has that kind of firepower regularly.
What in particular do you refer to? Maybe we can help you out.Any open alliance slots? Just came back after a long hiatus and I am addicted again, user is Indigo-7. Happy to do my part, still learning some of the newer mechanics.
This character is still undergoing final balancing passes, but a brief ability rundown:
Green - Deals damage to enemy team, plus bonus damage for each Blue tile on the board
Blue - Stuns the target and places a Countdown tile. Use again to destroy the Countdown tile and deal damage to target
Purple - Transforms Red tiles to Blue tiles, drains Red AP from the enemy. (IceIX - Hulkbuster-buster?)
hope you wanted more 4 stars.
Mr fantastic
other 4 star
hope you wanted more 4 stars.
Mr fantastic
other 4 star
Either just make more 3 stars or come up with some other way to allow folks to earn more 4 stars. As is getting first place or grinding max points in an event is just more than a bit too much effort for folks to justify the cost of making room for them. They eat up space and time for far too slow a return. Honestly if I could get into a drawing for 3 stars with the chance of 4 stars that was equivalent to the current odds on hero tokens for 2 and 3 stars I'd pay 30 recruit tokens just for a shot to roll the dice.
What in particular do you refer to? Maybe we can help you out.
I really wish I could gift covers to alliance members for moments like'd probably end up breaking the game economy and killing things though![]()
Oh, the team-up power ups, selecting "end times" to events, the taco vault. After a few hoirs I've gotten use to it so all good!
They got rid of healing staying permanent post battle hehe, I guess people were abusing it.
Anyway, lots of new covers to collect! If there is a spare alliance spot, happy to do my bit - Indigo-7 is my user.
I thought that the first major change was the rags nerf. And cstorm nerf
And that the thorverine nerf was well after the gold characters/TUs came out, since that came at the same time as fat thor, whereas the TUs came out with mohawk storm. And regardless, that combo never worked because the enviro power was in red, not yellow
I thought that the first major change was the rags nerf. And cstorm nerf
And that the thorverine nerf was well after the gold characters/TUs came out, since that came at the same time as fat thor, whereas the TUs came out with mohawk storm. And regardless, that combo never worked because the enviro power was in red, not yellow
Oh yeah I forgot about the Ragnarok nerf. Hell I forgot so hard that I generally forget he's in the game lol.
I posted this in the other thread, but if you guys are interested in knowing how Magic Puzzle Quest plays in a bit more detail:
It explains some of our core mechanics and how we adapted MTG to Puzzle Quest.
Oh wow this is pretty neat stuff.
EDIT: Made a post on this in the other thread. Hopefully it generates hype. Also...should us PC folks hope for it there too? I use steam for MPQ...still not certain how to link my account to my tablet. I keep thinking that I'll end up creating a new account, linking both to facebook and the new account that has nothing would overwrite my 600+ hour one or something...
For now, I don't know if there's a PC version planned - we're full-blown into the mobile version.
As for MPQ, as far as I know, you can't link your PC and mobile versions together, even through Facebook.
For now, I don't know if there's a PC version planned - we're full-blown into the mobile version.
As for MPQ, as far as I know, you can't link your PC and mobile versions together, even through Facebook.
Sweet. Looks like the resupply on day 670 is a Star Lord cover. I still don't have a single cover looks like 7 **** characters so I'll take it. Maybe it'll be usable by 2017?
Sweet. Looks like the resupply on day 670 is a Star Lord cover. I still don't have a single cover looks like 7 **** characters so I'll take it. Maybe it'll be usable by 2017?
One can only hope.
^ This is exactly my problem with the 4*'s.
A majority of them I only have one cover on one color, soooo why are they taking up space? Because occasionally they are required in PvE. Otherwise they are only awarded as top prize, which in 500+ days of playing i've never gotten close. Really it doesn't feel like the 3-4* transition has been thought out at all. Just YaY! New character!
When folks start ignoring new characters for ANY reason then it is time to address the issue IMO.
Hey guys, I've been playing this for almost 2 months now and I'm having a lot of fun but right now I'm having some issues choosing what characters to focus on. So here's what I've got(ordered by level):
Carnage(0/1/0, level 70)
Star-Lord(1/0/0, level 70)
Thor 2*(5/2/5, level 63)
Captain Marvel 2*(4/5/3, level 62)
Storm 2*(3/4/0, level 54)
Kamala Khan(1/1/0, level 43)
Sam Wilson(Falcon)(1/0/1, level 43)
The Hood(1/1/0, level 43)
The Punisher(1/0/1, level 43)
Black Panther(0/1/0, level 40)
Psylocke(0/1/0, level 40)
Magneto 2*(1/2/3, level 39)
Wolverine 2*(1/3/0)
Also I have 3* Black Widow's green power and 3* Human Torch black power in my rewards waiting. As you can see I have a lot of characters that I've kept in the hopes of finding more covers for them, but I've ran out of roster space and I don't know what to keep. Should I spend more on roster space or are there characters in this list that I should just bail on? I'm thinking of removing Star-Lord, The Hood and Punisher since they don't seem that strong anyway.
Hey guys, I've been playing this for almost 2 months now and I'm having a lot of fun but right now I'm having some issues choosing what characters to focus on. So here's what I've got(ordered by level):
Carnage(0/1/0, level 70)
Star-Lord(1/0/0, level 70)
Thor 2*(5/2/5, level 63)
Captain Marvel 2*(4/5/3, level 62)
Storm 2*(3/4/0, level 54)
Kamala Khan(1/1/0, level 43)
Sam Wilson(Falcon)(1/0/1, level 43)
The Hood(1/1/0, level 43)
The Punisher(1/0/1, level 43)
Black Panther(0/1/0, level 40)
Psylocke(0/1/0, level 40)
Magneto 2*(1/2/3, level 39)
Wolverine 2*(1/3/0)
Also I have 3* Black Widow's green power and 3* Human Torch black power in my rewards waiting. As you can see I have a lot of characters that I've kept in the hopes of finding more covers for them, but I've ran out of roster space and I don't know what to keep. Should I spend more on roster space or are there characters in this list that I should just bail on? I'm thinking of removing Star-Lord, The Hood and Punisher since they don't seem that strong anyway.
I think both active alliances are full right now, but you can chat in here and ask for advice.Just started playing.
Any newb advice? How do I join the GAF group?
Get rid of Psylocke and keep 3 star BW. Level Thor to 94 asap.
I would if I had the iso8 to spare, though at least I finally got the covers for Carol and Thor, I had the reverse problem a couple of weeks ago.Get rid of Psylocke and keep 3 star BW. Level Thor to 94 asap.
She is useful against special tile generators. She does extra damage for each one with her purple. Green is a good board shaker too. Not the best, but not bad either.Your avatar reminds me, is SG any good? I got my 13th for her today but never use her. I mostly do PVP.
Get 2* BW to tank blue for Storm. At some point BW also gets an extra AP, getting you to Storm's Blue faster.Thanks for the advice, getting more slots was my priority as well, sadly they're becoming more and more expensive. When I was just starting out I spent a lot of my coins on covers and deleted a couple of decent covers I got, but I blame that on the game intentionally not explaining anything to me.
The only problem I'm running into now is my Storm. She's great but really hard to use in PvP since she's so frail. I guess she's better in PvE. Captain Marvel is okay but her red and yellow powers are mostly useless, she's a nice tanky clean-up though.
Thor's been my MVP in most games, he outputs ridiculous damage. Magneto's pretty cool as well but I need more levels on him, should synergize well with Storm.
You guys will only be in the newbie brackets for a few events, so make it count. Wait for an event with the rewards you really want and be able to grind hard in those events to make sure you get all 3 covers. Until then, completely play through the prologue nodes and get every HP, token, and cover reward.