Yes, it's intended to be that hard. Compare how little work it is compared to the pve one, which takes like 2-3 days of optimal grinding (or playing the majority of the event a bit looser). Or the 1.3k token...which actually isn't that hard, but still requires a little more time
to be fair the 3 star cover is also little work compared to pvp or pve.
It won't hurt anything to make the node easier and basically be an as long as you have a single cover of this 4 star you can potentially get another 4 or maybe even a 5 star cover every 5 days.
i mean to max cover a single character with extreme luck it would still take 65 days or a little over 2 months which is more than twice as long as it will take for them to introduce 2+ more 4/5 stars. without grinding the pve/pvp or spending money you will never be able to have a top tier team even if they did it so it wouldn't be bad for them to give that carrot to people and perhaps motivate them.
Even if you don't want to make it a complete gimme with one cover but instead make it level 100 and 4 covers or so to do it that would still be way better and likely get them more money. People who are happy with a game are more likely to spend. And if someone is missing a single cover from competing and getting something they might just break down and spend it, unlikely what is going on right now where in order to do most of these you will have to spend like $100-$150 to even have a chance if you already have 1 of each cover.
granted people who devote their life to this game tend to be more on the side of THERE SHOULD BE NO EASY ONE ONLY THE BEST SHOULD GET IT, and they also tend to be the whales, thus I guess making it so only the best can get the tokens, and they are only useful to those people in rare cases, means you have a carrot for them, and in general it's just a little bit of iso *shrugs*
Personally I am hoping they make the nodes easier, but alas at this time there isn't any pvp or pve I couldn't do if I wanted to with my roster so it doesn't matter much if I can start covering my 4 stars. every 150 days or so I will at least get a token+2 4 stars