Here are the overall changes that we made for Galactus on run 2. Please use this thread for comments.
Ability changes
- Galactus will now place fewer Countdown tiles in later rounds, with those tiles also lasting longer. At maximum, he'll be placing 2 tiles that last for 2 turns instead of up to 4 tiles with 1 turn.
- Countdown tiles placed by Galactus now deal ~50% more damage each when they go off. So while there are less of them, you'll want to focus more on them in later rounds.
- Cosmic tiles created by Countdown tiles going off have been reduced slightly in later rounds to a maximum of 4.
- AP gained per Cosmic tile destroyed by Galactus has been greatly reduced. Now he gains a static 1 AP per tile, meaning he needs a full 28 (minus cascade gathered AP) to use his Wrath.
Mission changes
- Eliminated the steady rise in scaling that occurred in earlier rounds.
- Galactus Minion nodes now have an Anniversary token in place of their old Standard token drop
- Galactus Boss nodes now have a +All AP Boost in place of the Crit Multiplier Boost
- Personal progression reward tiers have been reduced starting at Tier 3 by around ~14%-24%. That Legendary Token should be *far* more achievable now, especially with the difficulty changes above.
Overall, this is going to make the Galactus rounds more based on damage taken from Cosmic tiles for players with rosters that don't have quite as much health, but leave Cosmic Wrath to be a real threat in later rounds. That being said, even if a player completely fails to take down any Cosmic tiles on the first run in a later round, it's not an instant Cosmic Wrath as it was before. In test, this allowed for *greatly* increased roster variability in earlier rounds and a still very wide roster choice in later rounds. Some strategies that worked before will remain the same (sap Galactus's AP, massive board shake, etc), others aren't so board luck based.