Ragnarok, Rocket and Groot (also have two extra covers expiring in 10 days), LCap (also with two extra covers expiring in 12 days), Punisher, plus one of next week's DDs is LThor, which will max cover him as well. And Sunday's DD will give me a Patch cover, who I already have maxed out and ready to champion.
Cap & Thor are 3* powerhouses. I've noticed Cap getting used less and less these days but he was my main 3* for months. Totally worth it in my books.
Getting a duplicate Invisible Woman cover from a hard earned Legendary Token is the worst feeling.
I don't have a single fully covered 4* and I've received 8 or 9 green IW tokens in my 800 days playing. I know that feeling.
Speaking of which, purple 4* Jean Grey in 5 days! Granted, I only have one of her covers but I'll take it.