well that didn't take long to get confirmed lol.
same cost for nearly double the damage and sort of half the AP drain.
a little cheaper, a little more damage, more focused AP drain, loss of stun. not a big update here
and just yes here.... cheaper that the original 2 cover move, and adds way more AP.
looks like he will be a great battery, thus an obvious 5 yellow now. red or blue would depend on what you want, but he could actually be worth playing now with that battery.
also DDQ is gonna get a lot more random with the missions.
iron man update will go live likely next week.
about two weeks after that Vision will get an update.
I was working on KK anyways to level up, but I think my lazy cap and iron man might be after as really that looks like a great PVE now especially against goons.
match to 6 yellow, protect your tiles you get 12 red, 12 blue, 9 green, 3 purple.
cap can then easily start doing red and blue nukes of tiles, each time healing the team thanks to KK
when you get green you can do a team attack and purple can be used with that too targeting the useless black
and yellow can just be used to recharge more