Dr Campino
I have had some bad 4 star luck lately. My last two in as many days have been Fury and IW covers, which are useless to me.
I have had some bad 4 star luck lately. My last two in as many days have been Fury and IW covers, which are useless to me.
Dalek your PVP grinds amaze me. Maybe its the brackets I get stuck in since I unknowingly leveled up Silver Surfer like an idiot. But after the first three matches of any PVP I'm stacked against fully leveled 4 star teams. I just can't do the grind enough to keep up. So I stay in the PVE.
I imgine it shouldn't be that hard to win with a 5/0/0 if you level him up beast's powers aren't all that strong. most annoying one might be the healing one but I would imagine if you denied him blue and green until you got 24 green you would likely live, and likely be able to do 7k or so damage with your green getting him close to death.
I don't remember who it was but someone in this thread posted a guide about how to hit 1000 in each event. It doesn't always work for me-and it depends on how many whales are in it-but if it's a cover I want, I'll do it. I know pretty quickly if it's a tough slice, and I knew the Captain Marvel one I was in was pretty tame so I took the risk.
The big tips I remember were that you get to 300-400 and then stop. When there's like 30 hours left, get to 500-600. And at that point you should shield. Queue up fights that are over 30 points - you should never attack someone under 30 points because they will retaliate and you'll lost points. When you get to 800 or so, shield again and wait for everyone to attack you. When the attacks cool off, queue up fights, heal your characters and wait for health packs to regen.
And of course my fully maxed Hulkbuster and Iron Fist help a lot.
And as of lately I always join the 4th or 5th slice. The Whales seem to take the 2nd and 3rd so they're brutal.
30 hours? way too soon to start shielding. Float at 600-ish and make your first push at like 8 hours, for 800, and then go for 1k at 3 hours.
Once again you came through, thanks Zulux!
Nailed it first try....even if it was a little close.
Edit: that netted me my first red Deadpool bringing him to 1/2/3. The long long road to usefulness begins
due to the mags cover today I got a legendary token and got a red cover for red hulk.
I think I am taking most people's luck.
OK I give up on the Drax. Every time I go to grind Im about 5 places behind where I was the last time. I get more pissed missing a reward by 5 places than 80..
Me too buddy. I clearly nearly every node 7 times and I came in 175.
I just dumped 110k ISO into Falcon to champion him. Come at me bro.
I like Falcon!
Yeah mine is at like Lv 155, not far to champion him.
He's such a solid support character. Mine's at 169 and the Falcon/Cage/Fist combo is my daily "go-to" for the Deadpool Daily. Sure, you don't have an offensive red or blue, but both passives are very helpful.
My Jean is near Lv 150, almost good and usable. Hulkbuster still needs a bunch of red.Man, level 208 Jean and maxed Hulkbuster make a strong combo. I got to 1000 in the Cyclops PVP without shielding once. I was only attacked a few times as well. It's like a whole new world.
Well that explains the 10 pack I won today having just one three star and all the rest were two stars ;'(
No Drax for me. Sucks. I'm in the top 150.
I joined a decent bracket and landed at 49th. I'm happy with that, but it's yet another dip into the HP to buy a slot for a single-covered character I won't be able to use in 2016.
So there's that.
Pulled the legendary out of the Deadpool vault this morning...then I pulled a Chulk with it. fees bad man.
Whales are people that spend a ton of money on the game. So if they release a five-star green goblin and then the next day you see a player with a fully leveled and maxed green goblin he's a whale
Ah, thanks. I decided ages ago that if I spent any money on it I'd, in effect, lost the game.
Still winning!
I spend money on the game-just not as much as the Whales. I spend more time playing this game than any other so I have no qualms against paying the developers.
But the whales are spending thousands on the game-make no mistake. To get a fully covered Green Goblin from a Legendary Token means spending 100 bucks on a pack with a guaranteed token-which gives you SMALL chance of a 5 star-and the percentage of getting a SPECIFIC 5 star like GG is even smaller. We're talking insane amounts of money.
Could I see that roster lolthe biggest confirmed whale I know of in MPQ has been reported to customer support multiple times, they have cleared him multiple times and it is said they spend over 10k a month on the game.
that person has multiple champed 5 stars on their roster with at least one of them being max champed.
Could I see that roster lol
The whale to end all whales
Pulled the legendary out of the Deadpool vault this morning...then I pulled a Chulk with it. fees bad man.
I think I'm in the minority of people who really like Heroic events. Quick stages, my team is always highly powered, and I can grind down a bunch and finish high.
Currently hovering around 20th, it's great.
Yeah when 1/3 of the roster is 4* characters like ghost Rider that I only have a handful of covers for-another 1/3 is weak but boosted 2*s-and my main 3*s need health packs every other fight....no fun.
is the team I am running which isn't going to horrible against the level 130-140s I am facing.
with the upcoming civil war event we might see multiple new 4/5 star characters. (as none of the new characters will be 1 2 or 3 stars) I wonder if this will be like when they introduced hulkbuster and the other character and just ran the same event twice back to back with different rewards. either way people might need some more roster spots and we might need to decide what side we want the alliance to be onIf you mean new characters to be released: Warmachine, Winter Soldier, new Cap and IM (Unsure if these two are playable, probably tied to the Civil War event where you have to pick a team) and Kate Bishop have all been spoiled by code hackers. As always them being in the code means nothing. They have to put m in for testing purposes.