Actually, yeah, it'd be okay. IF and only if, they switch the major rewards to progressions, instead of placement, like the gauntlent
I got two 4* characters fully covered today.
First I pulled a Deadpool cover from the DDQ, which in turn gave me the last 4* Deadpool I needed. He's level 250 now-I'll start leveling him soon.
Secondly I pulled a Nick Fury from a Coversquirrel token-which makes him 5/3/5 for me.
it's currently full, don't know if there is anyone who is completely burnt out to replace.I'm sadly trapped at the last fight on Liberty Island in the Venom Bomb story. How full is the current alliance? I'm looking for a good one since I've taken to playing more rigorously.
2 for 2 so far this season getting the 1000 reward in the PVPs.
So that's an extra Carnage and Cyclops cover for me. I hope I can get in the next one as it's a Kate Bishop and I don't even have one of them-but I imagine that one will be more competitive.
Perhaps Ive been really unlucky, but in the new PVE system, in three days not once have I scored the token from the node on the first play through...or any successive play through. I do not like that at all.
So, how bad are the forums burning down with the new placement mechanism?
Whelp, I don't have a clue what's going on in PvE...but i'm in 83rd place overall?? I've barely gone through the nodes once, and i'm coming in top 20. So, I like the changes, I guess? Also champed She-Hulk and pulled a Blue Iceman cover! YaY!
Who's good to Champ next? I should have the iso for one in the next few days:
- Human Torch- 2 covers
- Grey Suit Widow- 1 cover
- Loki- 1 cover
All are currently at level 127, so it's just shy of 100k to champ them. But I'm working through champions slowly, The ones below are alreadychamped:
- Hulk
- BPanther
- Thor
- Beast
- Deadpool
- CAmerica
- Doom
- Blade
- Cage
- Magneto
- KK
I could wait for the deadpol daily to use the iso on IronFist or Falcon, just not sure who's best to prioritize.
IF is the answer to like 75% of marvel puzzle quest until you reach 4 star land.
IF + Cage + Falcon does great against most things, especially waves as you can just build strike defense and attack tiles up and murderize later stuff.
Got my season 10 pack. All 2 stars and one lone 4 star-a Jean Grey cover! A green-of which I'm already at 5 covers for.
Looks like along with Moon Knight-they are showing screenshots of the MVP program in the background:
0 Legendary Token
1 1000 ISO
2 100 HP
3 Heroic Token
4 3 CP
5 1000 ISO
6 100 HP
7 Heroic Token
8 1000 ISO
9 500 ISO
10 100 HP
11 500 ISO
12 3 CP
13 Legendary Token
14 100 HP
15 Heroic Token
16 1000 ISO
17 500 ISO
18 100 HP
19 Heroic Token
20 3 CP
21 1000 ISO
22 100 HP
23 Heroic Token
24 1000 ISO
25 1000 ISO
26 100 HP
27 Heroic Token
28 1500 ISO
moon knight specs.
aka 2 Legendary tokens, 6 Heroic tokens, 9500 ISO, 700 HP, 9 CP
beat blade on the first try with my level 130 or so electra with 74 hp left lol.
got a green goblin purple cover for my troubles.
I got a Red Cyclops cover. At least it wasn't a duplicate, I guess.
beat blade on the first try with my level 130 or so electra with 74 hp left lol.
got a green goblin purple cover for my troubles.
I know not many play on steam with me (and this might help people in general)
but if you want to support the VIP stuff with a small discount best buy is running a buy one get one 20% off on select gaming credit and steam credit is one of them (itunes and google play does not seem to be some of them)