I got the Gwenpool cover from her PVP. small victories from this Anniversary I guess.
Buying covers at the equivalent of 6 pulls? Unless you have most of the 4*s already max covered but don't have the ISO to champion them, that seems really silly. The chance to get a 5* cover alone
And with my very last Anniversary token I pulled the 2,900 hero point card!![]()
Now my question is that I'd always planned on buying another 10 pack, but should I reset the vault before I do? I have 4 Dino covers and 3 other 4 star covers (Cho Blue, Sam Yellow [which I have zero of right now] and Nova Red [which I have one of right now]). I should earn 2 more tokens for season placement, and there's still one daily deal single token left, so I guess I should wait until I pull those to make sure.
I already spent all my anniversary ISO.
Got a QS from one of the tokens, which I used to champion. And then I got a xpool from the legendary, which I championed on a whim (and got trash out, I think a xforce cover?). 200-something thousand ISO didn't last long at all![]()
I hit day 1088 on the daily and the reward was a heroic 10 pack. That surprised me.
You are 14 days ahead of me. What did you do with all the Moonstone covers?
Haha I haven't opened it. I do have a green goblin coming up in a day or two also.
Edit* 0 Moonstones two 3* black Widow 3* spider man 3* Mystique
You are 14 days ahead of me. What did you do with all the Moonstone covers?
I'm at...971. Yeah, I probably shouldn't have quit in disgust for a few months. Twice.
....Nah, the real bad decision was coming back
840 here.
Decided to buy one more 10 pack of my refreshed Anniversary vault before it went away. Got 2 more Dino covers to get him to 2/3/4. Which means when day 365 comes on Friday, he'll become my first fully covered 4 star.
I really thought you were in front of me in days o.o;
Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) -> War Machine (James Rhodes)
Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) -> Quake (Daisy Johnson)
the only one that really hurts for me is SW as I am close to getting that first prof x cover from her.
Sleight of Hand - 10 AP
Turns 1-3 selected non-Countdown tiles into 3-turn Countdown tiles which deal damage to the target.
Upgrades include targeting Countdown tiles as well as dealing team damage when the Countdowns expire.
Everyone With Me - Passive
Whenever an enemy fires a power, place a Countdown tile that gains AP in a random color. While at least one of these tiles is on the board, friendly powers have their AP costs reduced.
Upgrades include more AP colors, More AP returned, and higher AP-cost reduction.
There can only be 4 of these friendly Countdown tiles at any one point.
Oldest Trick in the Book - 8 AP
Deals damage plus additional damage for every friendly Countdown tile.
Up to six countdown tiles
Update details for Star-Lord:
Also seasons will no longer be named by their number, but rather by Infinity Gem name-first up is "Power Gem". No gameplay changes because of this-just naming convention.
Just started this game about 2 months and boy it's a struggle for new players to achieve anything with 2 star characters.
Got a few 2-star championee but few of the best ones so I can't process far in the events
Slow and steady. Not sure if I renew my VIP
Does kind of imply some kind of event every six months, though, no?
At 2 months you just need to have the expectation that it's a slow grind. Just take it slow and steady.
For most of us here when a 4 star character comes out it's a full year at least before we have that character fully covered.
At 2 months you just need to have the expectation that it's a slow grind. Just take it slow and steady.
For most of us here when a 4 star character comes out it's a full year at least before we have that character fully covered.
they are claiming it's just a name change thing.
we will see.
i wish it was only around a year![]()
At 2 months you just need to have the expectation that it's a slow grind. Just take it slow and steady.
For most of us here when a 4 star character comes out it's a full year at least before we have that character fully covered.
Yeah I'm just grinding away with my best 2 star characters. Wish I had MnMags and OBW higher.
Beat Big Enchilada for the first time last night so I am slowly collecting some 3-star characters
Yeah I'm just grinding away with my best 2 star characters. Wish I had MnMags and OBW higher.
Beat Big Enchilada for the first time last night so I am slowly collecting some 3-star characters
Get all the story modes complete too to build up your ISO. I'd focus more on PVE than PVP if I were you.
Good job on beating the Big Enchilada - you'll start to do that more and more and it'll be your gateway into a broader roster.
Others may have differing opinions, but for my money Thor, OBW & Storm are the main 2* characters you need to worry about leveling. I know some people really like Mags but I never spent much time with him.
These are both great points. So true.
those three were my mains, but when I did my champ cycle I switched to 2 star mags, hawkeye, and storm that works really well.
mags generates blue for storm's AOE
which causes hawkeye's 5 star match to go off and do a lot of damage
and hawkeye also has a nice red aoe.
makes short work of the two two star nodes.
What do you do when the last mode knocks out two of your mains? I'm leaving 6000 iso on the table today because the rest of my 2s are only like level 29.
Good job on beating the Big Enchilada - you'll start to do that more and more and it'll be your gateway into a broader roster.
Others may have differing opinions, but for my money Thor, OBW & Storm are the main 2* characters you need to worry about leveling. I know some people really like Mags but I never spent much time with him.
I have every single 2 star champed, so uh, just slot in someone else >.>
actually i take that back, I finished one 2 star that i never used and sold the champ to free up a new spot to start again so there is one I don't have champed but still.
yeah i only have 3 champed and I'm already working on my 3*s to champ so I don't the ISO to spare. It's such a conundrum! I think after I champ Spidey (i have two covers for him waiting) I'm going to funnel all my ISO back to those 2*s...
I did a cycle for a while where I would champ the 3 star that the 2 star feeds into and then the 2 star.
so now every 2 star champ cover I get improves a 3 star that leads to me eventually getting 4 star covers.
though at the start I champed all my max level 2 stars so all of my storm covers went to waste as I champed other 3 stars that were of more interest to me first... but the second cycle of storm is going fine.