I'm in the same boat, with 150k in the bank, but can also champ either Hood, Spider-Man or Quicksilver. Doubt i'll get the required 200k+ iSo in the next few days so i need to spend it somewhere. Thoughts?
IMO, save it for leveling up 4*s
I'm in the same boat, with 150k in the bank, but can also champ either Hood, Spider-Man or Quicksilver. Doubt i'll get the required 200k+ iSo in the next few days so i need to spend it somewhere. Thoughts?
Champing him makes him better. He needs that extra health.Ugh. Done. I hate the thought of wasting 270k ISO but the thought of tossing 4* covers is worse!
Who knows, maybe they will make X Force decent again one day...
Ugh. Done. I hate the thought of wasting 270k ISO but the thought of tossing 4* covers is worse!
Who knows, maybe they will make X Force decent again one day...
I hate it too. The pains of being in 4 star world. I just championed Star-Lord, should have Mr. Fantastic championed in a few days. After that I have Thing, Invisible Woman and TA Hulk.
I'd much rather champion others but it's how the covers fall. I keep getting Thing and IW so I might as well champion. My Carnage for example has 5 red covers and 3 and 4 in the other colors. I've probably received 6 duplicate red covers for him that have to be sold because the game just wont let me max him out.
i believe I will start champing 4 stars in early 2017
9 more 3 stars to go I think.
then I will move onto my 4 stars.
to be fair I only have 2 useful 4 stars that can be champed right now anyways. quake and x23 lol
I've got 2 left that I care about (Psylocke and Cyclops), and then the 2 that I don't give a shit about (Sentry and Rags). After I get the first 2 done, I'll probably use the ISO to level up all my 4 stars to the highest between "win their Crash" level and where my top 10 3* characters are (which is about 180 right now). Not champing 4* until I can get a few of them done at the same time, including one good one (right now, my Peggy is sitting at 11 covers so she's likely to be the good one). In other words, I'm not screwing up my PvE scaling just for the sake of not throwing away a 4* cover.
I have a full page of 5 stars.... some champ 4 stars isn't going to change much even if my 5 stars haven't been leveled at all.
That's until your champ 4* is boosted to 370.
I hate it too. The pains of being in 4 star world. I just championed Star-Lord, should have Mr. Fantastic championed in a few days. After that I have Thing, Invisible Woman and TA Hulk.
I'd much rather champion others but it's how the covers fall. I keep getting Thing and IW so I might as well champion. My Carnage for example has 5 red covers and 3 and 4 in the other colors. I've probably received 6 duplicate red covers for him that have to be sold because the game just wont let me max him out.
Man I wish I had that kind of ISO flow, to waste about a million on 4*s that are arguably worse than a fair number of 3*s. No matter how bad it stings I can't really ever see a point where I'd waste ISO on people like mr fantastic and IW. At least thing and TA hulk have....theoretical niches
FINALLY got another blue Ant-Man cover after tons of duplicate covers. He's finally fully covered for me. Maybe I'll Champion him next instead of Thing.
Hi, all.
We've got some update news regarding S.H.I.E.L.D. Clearance Levels and Ranks. Here's Anthony at Demiurge to tell you about it:
"Starting with the Enemy of the State Story Event, S.H.I.E.L.D. Clearance Level 8 will be available in all Story Events. S.H.I.E.L.D. Clearance Level 8 will be available in Versus Events starting with the first offseason event after the Power Gem Season has concluded. The minimum level to enter S.H.I.E.L.D. Clearance Level 8 is S.H.I.E.L.D. Rank 52.
Starting with the Daily patch on Wednesday, the maximum S.H.I.E.L.D. Rank you can achieve will be 125 (up from 100). The amount of Iso-8 given when reaching S.H.I.E.L.D. Rank 100 has been decreased from 100,000 Iso-8 to 52,500 Iso-8, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Rank 125 now has that increased Iso-8 reward. All players who have already achieved S.H.I.E.L.D. Rank 100 will get to keep the increased Iso-8 for that level."
Thank you!
yay shield clearence level 8 though at the rank jump I am not sure if I will be able to use rank 9 when it comes out as I am only 59 or so.
So what's different with level 8? All I'm seeing is that the 4* cover requires a pretty obnoxious level of grinding, so even though that's the only cover I need for cykes, I'm probably not going to bother
A little bit more ISO, a little bit more HP, moving the guaranteed 4* cover to top 10 (which, yes, does require a lot of grinding), and the biggest thing is that the 3* covers extend down to top 200 now instead of just top 50. If you don't care about your 3*, it's not a big difference. But as someone who has basically just finished leveling their 3* and is at Shield Rank 57, I'd say that it's about right for the Shield Rank they have it pegged at (52).
I'm pretty sure the 4* is at top 10 right now? Because I decided to grind for it this time, rather than bothering with EotS, which looks like at least 4 days worth of grinding
I have not had this problem, But I wish it was more like that for me. Would speed progression quite a bit.I don't know what is up-but ever since Luke Cage was introduced nearly all my Legendary Tokens have been Luke Cage. He's already at 2/1/4 for me.
So what's different with level 8? All I'm seeing is that the 4* cover requires a pretty obnoxious level of grinding, so even though that's the only cover I need for cykes, I'm probably not going to bother
I have not had this problem, But I wish it was more like that for me. Would speed progression quite a bit.
I have not had this problem, But I wish it was more like that for me. Would speed progression quite a bit.
I don't know what is up-but ever since Luke Cage was introduced nearly all my Legendary Tokens have been Luke Cage. He's already at 2/1/4 for me.
Yellow Cyclops cover is a progression award in Enemy of the State. That will fully cover him for me!
given mine is 5/1/4 I think.... that is a nice cover for me![]()
oh... I thought you were talking about the 4 star version >.> edit: just checked he was... so then we were talking about the 4 star versionIt's strangely comforting to know that even the pro-est pros still have 3*s looking for covers.
Today I FINALLY got my my FIRST Doctor Doom purple lmao
I'm far to lazy to read through your characters and give you in depth advice right now.The ones i'm considering dropping are Gamora, Drax Iron Man 3 star, Psylocke, Scarlet Witch and Bullseye 3 star. I don't care about Devil Dinosaur, Howard Duck or Quake but I see them popping up as required and being hard to get later. So I guess i'm looking for feeback, should I drop any of them, just get more spots? I'm still hunting for a Gwenpool and Spider-Gwen because i'm a sucker for those characters.
I also hate my alliance. I just picked one so I could join an event but they are wortheless and do nothing and are leeching of my VIP renews and purchases. If Gaf gets an opening I would like in. I play everyday. Thanks in advance.
Ok, good advice, thank you all. I guess that confirms that its not just my OCD at play but for once it was right to try and keep everyone. I save my tokens for spots but sometimes I just can't get enough in time before a character is about to expire and i'm compelled to hit that buy button. I have been using tacos as soon as I get them though so thats good advice to hold on to them.
I see the Eye of Agamatto!
heh ended up getting cyclops from the enemy vault.
this is just sad looking
I wonder how many red or blue covers I will have to sell before I can even think about champing him![]()
Looks like my Jean Gray with 5/1/5 Ive pulled so many dupes of purple and Green, I just need Blues![]()
Honestly my advice for your roster? RUN!
As far and as fast away from this game as you can. As quickly as you can.
I got 5000 ISO from the Halloween vault-best prize in my opinion.
5000 ISO is nice, but mine has a Ghost Rider black in there. I actually have enough HP to buy the vault out, so I have to decide if that's something I want to do here.
5000 ISO is nice, but mine has a Ghost Rider black in there. I actually have enough HP to buy the vault out, so I have to decide if that's something I want to do here.
will you need any slots soon?
I mean it's not a great vault, but at the same time it's not far off from a 1 to 1 trade for HP to ISO if you bought it (which is always a horrible idea but still)