Hopefully the next event is just a "catchup" event where folks can try to get some of these new folks like Daredevil, Hulk, Punsiher, Psylocke, and Black Panther to let me rest.
You do realize these events are bracketed and that you are free to join them whenever, right?Burning out seems to be what I may do unless they shorten the length of these events. A full week? Really? Seriously have some dead days for us to recover.
You do realize these events are bracketed and that you are free to join them whenever, right?
125k = 8000 ISO
I think you misunderstand. You are free to join a bracket whenever you wish. This latest event was a 6 day event for me. It's only a 10 day event if you make it be.In his defense the events have gotten longer though. Events used to be 4-5 days, and this past one was 10 and the one before that was 8, on top of the fact that they ran one right into the other, for anyone who wants to play and be somewhat competitive or get new heroes, you have to play quite a bit and doing so for over half a month is a bit painful. There are also some heroes where you just won't get their covers for a while, and it would be nice if they went back and reused/updated some old events for the chance to get those covers again.
Nice haul at the end there
2 BPs
Blue IM40
Purp GBW
Rill nice.
I think you misunderstand. You are free to join a bracket whenever you wish. This latest event was a 6 day event for me. It's only a 10 day event if you make it be.
Nice haul at the end there
2 BPs
Blue IM40
Purp GBW
Rill nice.
Yes but the individual brackets don't offer the kinds of rewards people want, the overarching event is where the valuable rewards remain. In theory you could play for only 6 days just check your phone more frequently, or spend money for medkits, but it's going to end up being the same amount of work/time committed.
You still misunderstand. The "overarching event" is also bracketed.Yes but the individual brackets don't offer the kinds of rewards people want, the overarching event is where the valuable rewards remain. In theory you could play for only 6 days just check your phone more frequently, or spend money for medkits, but it's going to end up being the same amount of work/time committed.
You still misunderstand. The "overarching event" is also bracketed.
I get that there's this fear that if you join an event 4 days late, you're missing out on 4 days of missions and rewards. But here's where that fear is somewhat illogical, as your post tells, the valuable reward remains in the main event.
125k and top 25 finish? Sounds reasonably well. The point of my post was not arguing you can't do well by playing the 10 days, but rather if you feel that 10 day event is too long for you that you can also have success by joining late and doing a 6 or 7 day event.
For reference, again "my" event was 6 days. Roughly the same strategy of playing only once in each sub (no resets). 110k progression and top 10 placement. 10th place in my bracket iirc was under 100k. I only pushed to 110k at the end for the Punisher.
You miss out on iso and tokens, but you can more easily guarantee the BPx3. It all comes down to which you prefer. And it seemed the earlier poster cared more about BP, so that's why I posted hinting in that direction. But if you care more for iso/tokens/etc, then yes, 10 day makes more sense for you.
Ugh, they have to make Iron Man Mk40 a reward through the days I'm super busy.
Also a general fuck you to whoever put me in 6th at the literal last minute.
Of course, if what you care about is ISO, then you want these long events. Cutting them short just means fewer opportunities for rewards, since all in all even the 8k progression reward isn't that big of a deal compared to a few days' worth of placement rewards, first-time completion bonuses, and mission prizes.
I've been playing too much lately, but on the other hand I've picked up 2 red and 1 yellow 4* Wolverine in the last Psylocke and Magneto tournaments and the PvE that just ended.
Panther is a screwy character. His yellow and his blue are just bad; the only thing his yellow has going for it is that it's an active yellow rather than some other color. But his black is game-winning. More damage than GSBW's sniper rifle on a less-crowded color for less AP. I feel like the developers are very bad at balancing abilities that are supposed to have significant drawbacks. Patch + anybody with a stun or a cheap damage-dealing skill is just obviously the best way to kill things, and Panther looks to be able to kill teams before they can make use of the AP he's giving them and is a huge deterrent on defense even if you can make use of all 5 (!) AP to wipe his team.
I just looked up his move.... 646 damage to all enemies at level 15... and the only drawback is he gives 5ap of the color they match for the most damage.... that is going to be really scary at high levels.
Found a dude's team who has a lvl 105 Black Panther with almost full covers *eyeroll*.EDIT: Found another dude even higher with the yellow covers too. LOL. Doubt these are legit players but anyhoo...
Here's a screenshot of how that badboy plays out.
so... basically... when we get stuck facing him boosted in pvp, or at level 230 in pve it will be if they get 12 black ap you lose as you will likely be looking at about 7k damage to all of your characters if he does that move in that case lol.
also it seems like 1 star storm, 2 star widow and black panther will be a well balanced team (aside from maybe hp :P) as storm gets green and red, widow blue and purple, and panther yellow and black, with storms red feeding pathers yellow with event, her green feeding them all ap, widows purple stealing ap, her blue healing, and panthers yellow and black killing. could be a fun team.
so... basically... when we get stuck facing him boosted in pvp, or at level 230 in pve it will be if they get 12 black ap you lose as you will likely be looking at about 7k damage to all of your characters if he does that move in that case lol.
also it seems like 1 star storm, 2 star widow and black panther will be a well balanced team (aside from maybe hp) as storm gets green and red, widow blue and purple, and panther yellow and black, with storms red feeding pathers yellow with event, her green feeding them all ap, widows purple stealing ap, her blue healing, and panthers yellow and black killing. could be a fun team.
her red pops the tiles and gives you the ap you would have gotten if she had matched them (aka 3 event per tile) which would fuel panthers yellow move decently as you usually can get 30 or so event ap with a single red storm move. (plus it's no uncommon for a few matches to happen right after you remove 10 tiles from the boardPretty much except Storm's red there only pop's environment tiles...all it does is clear space to yield more actual AP when her green hits. She'd battery quicker but she caps at 50. For the life lead (and damage perks) you might also try a Classic Storm/Panther/ Thor team.
If healthy and filled with covers any single character in it is capable of running the whole opposition's team alone, but together Thor/Storm battery everyone. While remaining the best pound for pound damaging batteries he could hope for.
her red pops the tiles and gives you the ap you would have gotten if she had matched them (aka 3 event per tile) which would fuel panthers yellow move decently as you usually can get 30 or so event ap with a single red storm move. (plus it's no uncommon for a few matches to happen right after you remove 10 tiles from the board)
I've personally found 1star storm and thor to be a such a better battery that I would use her at 50 over classic at 85... 1star's ability to remove pointless event tiles plus her in general more effective green move works a lot better to create a non stop battery.
I also don't like running a team without my widow... sure other teams can kill faster, but teams with widow rarely ever have to use health packs... which is a plus for someone who refuses to spend any money on health packs ever.
don't get me wrong, I like classic storm, her blue move is awesome.... i really wish her green move kept the 6 bonus tiles you had before the 5th cover instead of just making it 1 per ap you have... her green ratio would then be better than the original pretty much all the time.. instead you have to have 20 green ap for classic storm's green move to have a better tiles destroyed vs ap spent ratio than 1 star storm :/
also it seems like 1 star storm, 2 star widow and black panther will be a well balanced team (aside from maybe hp) as storm gets green and red, widow blue and purple, and panther yellow and black, with storms red feeding pathers yellow with event, her green feeding them all ap, widows purple stealing ap, her blue healing, and panthers yellow and black killing. could be a fun team.
Storm will be tanking red and green and Widow's passive won't fire on black or blue - you're going to go through a lot of health packs resurrecting Storm and Widow's pretty much only being used for her purple and an occasional heal.
I think Storm can make sense for a strategy based on getting 12 black as quickly as possible, but she needs red and green coverage from Punisher or Patch or someone like that. Probably Hood is better than Widow if Widow only leads on purple.
Defensively, I feel like Patch/Panther/Hood is the way to go, provided the AI saves black for Panther. At equal levels Patch takes red, green, and purple, so there are three colors (red, green, black) that the enemy needs to worry about and Hood makes it very difficult to deny them all while also making it really hard to focus on Panther first.
I don't have a usable hood :/
I would goof around with him more if i did lol.
Spider-man's blue and yellow abilities are stupid op and need a nerf badly.
That is all. EOM
His Blue is really the problem. It's like a 3 turn stun that costs a couple AP (I almost think it's 3 or 4) and generates web tiles like they are going out of style. After 4-5 turns even if you have his whole team down to 1 HP he can conceivably heal them all back to full. Spider-Man is OP, but the saving grace is the fact that nobody can seem to get a good number of his covers. I have had mine sitting at level 43 for like a month now...
Sorry I think that was my fault. I was in danger of dropping out of the top 10 so I played one more match. By the end of it, I didn't expect to place #4 at 11:59 pm. Those Oscars really made me look for a distraction.
Thanks to this whole event, I now have a formidable Classic Storm, MN Magneto, and I won covers for Black Panther, Psylocke, Rangnarok, Punisher and Daredevil. Now I can start transitioning from two star to three star characters.
This PvP is pissing me off right now. Spent maybe an hour to get to the top spots (really need model 43 covers) and now I'm getting attacked faster than I can even fight. How the hell can you win these things if I'm fighting matches for 15 measly points and returning to -30 every time?
Got me man.
I didn't shield last night and woke up to a -215.
Lots of competition and you look like an easy target. Best thing to do in my opinion is to wake up really early. Like in the middle of the night. Get to the top, hit it with an 8 hour shield and ride it out...
How bad do you want those covers?
BTW, Hulk Event. Nice. Now I can relax... oh, wait, new Thor? Damn...
yeah a new thor that seems to be basically the same as the old thor except slightly higher hp and yellow damage, and of course a higher level cap.
ROFL at the three star THOR that is the same as the original 2 star Thor.
Long live the king
Fuck me...another 9 day event. Another new cover. You're killing me, guys.
Second verse, same as the first
A little bit louder and a little bit worse...