I have all 3 Logans at 63. Welcome to the Terror Dome.
to bad one of them is terrible (the 4 star) and the other two can't be played at the same time
I have all 3 Logans at 63. Welcome to the Terror Dome.
to bad one of them is terrible (the 4 star) and the other two can't be played at the same time![]()
It's not one of those where it forces you to use a certain one for a certain node?
in different news I think my final build on patch is going to be 5/4/4 as it fits my play style with him the best![]()
kk I will promote you (and send you some free games)
since petmis bought an extra slot I would say it's their call if you can take it![]()
I went with a safer 3-5-5.
It makes easy to "clean" the negative tiles of green.
It gives max damage on red (and the negative tiles of red are only half damage than the positive ones)
And gives full regen.
This PVE event is a piece of cake with a 141 Patch (plus 85 OBW and 85 Thor). And the past PVE event was also very easy with a 85 Ares.
Aw crap lol.I have all 3 Logans at 63. Welcome to the Terror Dome.
I have 1150 G. Without Steve Rogers I cannot do a couple of the PVE encounters. Is it worth taking a shot or two at the 200 G Super Soldier pack?
That'd be better spent joining a gaf alliance
Gaf-Kanada has open slots!
- S.H.I.E.L.D. code hackers have subverted a portion of H.A.M.M.E.R. communications frequencies that have enabled them to allow Agents that are in Alliances to talk directly to one another. Alliance Chat may be accessed from within the Alliance tab.
- Alliance Leaderboards now occupy their own tab instead of using multiple taps to get there.
- S.H.I.E.L.D. has improved their Alliance member tracking technology and now allows members to view the individual Event scores within an Alliance.
- The top three Alliance players in an Event are indicated by trophies next to their names on the Alliance Leaderboards. S.H.I.E.L.D. congratulates the top performers!
- Scrolling on any supported menu screen now accelerates depending on the strength of the swipe used.
- S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents using PC interfaces may use their mouse wheel to scroll through supported menu screens.
- Selling a rewarded 1*/2* character from the Rewards Cache has been streamlined to show only one popup to show the sell price. 3*/4* star characters still have a two popup system to confirm the sale.
- The Critical tile is now more gem-like and better displays that it works with all varied colors.
- The download size of the application on iOS has been reduced to under 100MB to allow users on cellular networks to download the app. Additional assets will be downloaded in the background while the game is running.
I can help with the kanda alliance if you need it, but can't really afford another slot atm with all these new charas coming out.
This next pvp will be brutal patch on patch.
I am trying to find the alliance but it says no results match...
EDIT: Never mind, I found it. I have joined! And I still have G to go looking for Steve Rogers! Or am I supposed to do something with it first?
So glad to see my Alliance talking off![]()
Even at 4, Anger is a BEAST.
I do I do!Who needs facebook friends?
I need some to get more iso
I do I do!
but first... I need them to implement facebook friends in the steam version of the game![]()
im not even sure what it does aside from it would allow me to assist my wife in doing better :/one of my best friends play on steam and I on fb, is a drag
I'm discussing with a friend about if this game is popular or not. He was surprised to know that we are divided on brackets in the PVE and PVP
Is there an estmation of how many actual players has this game? (not downloads)
Is matchmaking/brackets to some extent based off your highest level character? Should I be careful pushing one over 85?
I need to figure out the new way to tank. Even though I've been throwing lightning rounds and only got top 100 last tournament, I'm still seeing walls of 141s
Join a tourney in the first few seconds it starts (literally) and win a match against lvl1 bots with your own lvl1s or whatever lowest lvls you have.I need to figure out the new way to tank. Even though I've been throwing lightning rounds and only got top 100 last tournament, I'm still seeing walls of 141s
are you tonner... or who is tonner?
you must be tonner
the way building the alliance works is after you join we ask you buy the next slot (in this case it would be 1100 HP) which would make it so you don't have enough for a hunt of steve... but on the flip side with a few more people in the alliance it's likely you will get one from the wolverine event.
if you are cool with buying the next slot I will add and promote you.
Yep, I want to follow protocol so please do whatever needs to be done so I can buy the next slot. Especially while I can still afford it.
kk I will get that set up'
so who is NervousXtian?
Wow. X-force Wolveriene sucks. I have him at ~50 and he's buffed to over level 80, and he's still worthless. You would think 4* charcters would be amazing, but both of them can't hold their own even at higher levels.
There was one pve event where you fought a lvl150 or so xforce. His strike tiles did +18 damage *yawn*.
I have a 2-star Thor max leveled at 5/4/4 and I just got a yellow card for him. What's the suggested build out for him?
inviso woman looks at least usable now (she was super bad before her buff) but yeah x-force is bad... patch easily destroys him.
Usable is a far from from a legendary though. And while her powers are pretty good, they take way too long to build for how much HP she has. Sure her invisible power is potentially really good, but when are you going to have 18 yellow built up? There are lots of characters that will make better use of it in a fraction of the time.
kk I will get that set up'
so who is NervousXtian?
It's me.. how does this work.. when I'm in do I buy the next slot to open up?
yup that is how we have been doing it, the next slot i think is 1200hp
if that's cool I can add you to it (and it will be very close to competing for 3 star covers in the big event if not actually competing for it.)
Go for it.. I'm down.
It's the only chance I'll have to compete for better covers.. 3-stars are just too hard to come by without paying.