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Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign |OT| Welcome To Marvel [5m23s]!


Hopefully they do back off and take a look at their crash grabbing situation. I've had Magneto but have been holding off on really leveling him due to the upcoming nerf, I did decide to level post-nerf Spider-Man as I feel a 141 Spidey will be a great replacement for OBW (Who i bet gets some sort of nerf in the future, how I don't know) and a better detractor in PVP. Personally if I see a 141 Spidey in place of an 85 OBW i'll be skipping that match.

neither black widow nor spidey has any effect on me when it comes to skipping... heck I think the only character I actively skip anymore is hood because he is annoying... I might skip lazy daken at max level too though... those 100 in strike damage from each green match becomes painful fast.


They've totally screwed the ranking system again. I have 1200 points in Los Angeles. My highest reward node is 89. The top player in my bracket has 3120 points. He has 1 level 84 Wolverine, 2 level 70s, 3 50-60s, and all the rest under 40. Third place has 2 85's, and everyone else under 70. Fourth place has 1 85, 1 level 79, and everyone else under 60. I'm curious what enemies they are fighting and how many points they are getting.

I've barely played this because I've been waiting for my points to go up but they haven't. So I'm just spinning my wheels because why? If I play too little I get no points. If I play too much my points per match go down and don't go back up. What the hell?


They've totally screwed the ranking system again. I have 1200 points in Los Angeles. My highest reward node is 89. The top player in my bracket has 3120 points. He has 1 level 84 Wolverine, 2 level 70s, 3 50-60s, and all the rest under 40. Third place has 2 85's, and everyone else under 70. Fourth place has 1 85, 1 level 79, and everyone else under 60. I'm curious what enemies they are fighting and how many points they are getting.

I've barely played this because I've been waiting for my points to go up but they haven't. So I'm just spinning my wheels because why? If I play too little I get no points. If I play too much my points per match go down and don't go back up. What the hell?

I'm with you Askani. Same situation is happeneing to me. I bet you we were getting too many points too fast and they nerfed the points in the nodes. In 2 days I had 25000 points. Meaning I would for sure get the Daken PVE progression award.

D3 said "OH lol, that's a mistake, you aren't suppose to actually get any covers in progression"

They want to prevent us from getting anything good.


Does anyone know if scruffy still plays?

Having a big fat zero doesn't help... with 7 hours to go.

I'm not sure if he is playing PVP, but he had 0 in the current PVE event when I checked this morning. Pretty sure that has been going for 4 days now.

Are either of the (non-Fury) 4* characters worth using? I have 4-5 covers for each, which means I could level them into the 70s or 80s.


Goin in on psylocke. It'll net me a Laken making Sentry easier to get points for. Currently 16th. I'll see if I can't number 1 it before it ends.


Got to 723 in the Psylocke PVP and then threw up a shield. That's about as much as I can do GAF-vengers. Fights were starting to be worth 15 points in my bracket, which is a waste of my time.

My shield has already saved me a loss of 26 points and it has only been up 2 mins. I am currently rank 36. Hopefully I stay in the top 50.

Cobell and MPQ Scruffy, if you guys can pull up your scores a bit, we should all be able to get lazy Dakens. Only 15 slots outside the top 100.


I have never seen as much horse shit rubberbanding as I just did. 3 green 5 of a kinds in a row vs a Thor team? The shit my last half hour had was ridiculous. I don't even know man...I went from 20th on my way to the top in about 6 matches or so to fucking 50's. I dont even know if I got Laken.

I'm sorry man but fuck this game.


so... after i reach my 5k points in the season there is a good chance I am just going to coast at 300 points (to get the token) unless the event has covers I actually want (of course if everything keeps giving lazy daken I won't stop until I am max mwa ha ha >.>)


scruffy always shows up last minute... doing a run with 1-2 hours to go in any event.

I might have to stop doing this because I wasted so many health packs today because I can't heal efficiently with spiderman anymore. Before it was easy but now it was health pack after health pack since prologue healing takes way too long. That was fun while it lasted and I didn't score as high as I would have liked today though.


I might have to stop doing this because I wasted so many health packs today because I can't heal efficiently with spiderman anymore. Before it was easy but now it was health pack after health pack since prologue healing takes way too long. That was fun while it lasted and I didn't score as high as I would have liked today though.

there isn't a bonus to last minute entry... with the redoing of brackets all showing up last minute does is makes it so you have less time :/


Wat, is that one of the changes made recently? jeez i hope i havent wasted too much of my time grinding the last 2 hours if we are already bracketed even before we enter.


Wat, is that one of the changes made recently? jeez i hope i havent wasted too much of my time grinding the last 2 hours if we are already bracketed even before we enter.

Sort of... I mean I still join in late to avoid the crazies but yeah you basically already bracketed to people with similar or higher roster than you. The reason for this is to let the newcomers not be bracketed with the vets.


Wat, is that one of the changes made recently? jeez i hope i havent wasted too much of my time grinding the last 2 hours if we are already bracketed even before we enter.

the exact details aren't known, but in general people have been reporting that entering late doesn't give you any real advantage anymore... in general you are sent into a bracket with people that have a similar rating to you, thus why my brackets to even get a top 10 you usually have to have over 1k points anymore.

Im not sure if PVE stuff changed, but if it has you are likely completely screwed for the PVE as all of the points are coming from the sub events and they completely borked the points so that the first two rounds were worth more than 5 times as many points as the current two ongoing rounds are worth :/

Sort of... I mean I still join in late to avoid the crazies but yeah you basically already bracketed to people with similar or higher roster than you. The reason for this is to let the newcomers not be bracketed with the vets.

which to me is beyond stupid... newbies shouldn't be racing off and getting 3 stars from an event... they should look at the top players and strive to be there some day... it's absolutely ridiculous that someone with a single maxed 2 star character is likely going to have a way easier time getting a top 10 finish in a pvp event then someone with a single max level 3 star character. At that point you should basically have two separate events, one that the new players are put into where two stars are the reward, and maybe top 5 gets a 3 star token + a two star, and the vets have their own event that is as is.... i mean really how many times do they think they can push the vets over and violate them against their will.... they already have me only facing max level 141 teams, in brackets that unless I get up and shield early I have no chance of placing in the top 50 because with 2 hours to go I start getting attacked every 3 min or so... and the scores are so high they are stupid... it's why I keep talking about mostly ignoring pvp after I get my 5k season reward, and potentially quitting when they nerf mags...... it's just not worth it... it's getting tedious and unfun... so while it will suck to throw away all of my time at least I won't have to watch D3 continually make the game worse instead of better :/


Well, looks like I better start the PvE sooner rather than later then. Damn I joined the last PvE pretty late and managed to eke out 1st place in our alliance by 2 measly points but I guess thats out the window now. Thanks for the info guys and I blame all this on the Spiderman nerf, ruining the game a bit for me but it's still fun in spurts.


Well, looks like I better start the PvE sooner rather than later then. Damn I joined the last PvE pretty late and managed to eke out 1st place in our alliance by 2 measly points but I guess thats out the window now. Thanks for the info guys and I blame all this on the Spiderman nerf, ruining the game a bit for me but it's still fun in spurts.

aside from the overall event, each of these nodes have alliance rewards, they aren't amazing, but they are still something....

really I think what d3 needs to do the most is stop releasing so many damn characters... there are a crap ton of things that need fixed (characters with third moves, removing or updating crap characters, bracketing ect) but no they keep pushing out more characters.... and oh their solution to their programers not being able to design new characters fast enough... 3 star versions of the characters... I've been playing the game for 6 months... since then... i count 12 characters have been added... 6 months is around 24 weeks so we are getting a new character every other week... there are 41 total characters right now (soon to be 42 and 13 new characters) which means over 25% of the roster is new in 6 months... now for a number of games that wouldn't be a big deal... but when getting covers is a game of random chance that makes it less and less likely you will ever be able to build the characters you want even when spending money (as you have to have at least 1 cover to be able to power it up) of those characters there is nearly 50% 3 stars now.... which currently there is no way to buy 3 star tokens... just 2 star tokens with a low chance to get 3 stars.... they seriously need to add in 3 star tokens at this point... w/e though... when they continue to screw things up and continue to lose long term players and the new players dry up perhaps then they will figure out that the best way to get money out of people isn't to continually screw them over :p

btw some of the new bracketing info can be found in this thread which amusingly enough is about a new way to bracket people in the shield training that was supposed to not effect other brackets... but alas these are they same people who "allowed more flexibility with boosts" and told people "not to worry because the cost vs amount boosted would remain the same" but in reality nearly doubled in price because you went from 3 +3/+3 boosts for 200 iso to 5 +1/+1 boosts for 200 iso :/


I got to 816 points, and shielded with a rank of 16 in the tournament. When I woke up...I'd finished 26th, just missing the next reward level...oh, well, at least I have Lazy Daken now.


Neo Member
I got to 816 points, and shielded with a rank of 16 in the tournament. When I woke up...I'd finished 26th, just missing the next reward level...oh, well, at least I have Lazy Daken now.
Similar shielded at 13 but kept top 25.

Hopefully same again for heavy metal but will be tougher.


Very few of the changes D3 has made in MPQ have been to the benefit of the players. Maybe a couple of the nerfs, but everything else is been aimed at swindling people out of their cash. When you are a newbie player, 2* cover rewards are bread and butter. Until you have been around a few months to get 6+ covers, 3* characters aren't really that useful (other than when required for events).

PVE has definitely been re-bracketed as well. I not fight over a top 200 spot until the end of the event these last 2 events when I was easily able to pull off top 50-75 in the 5-6 events prior (with about the same effort).


Honestly the rubberbanding feels like its designed to rip you off these days too. Seems like winning in PVE still effects the rubberbanding in PVP. Do good and rack up wins in PVE and suddenly go PVP and face the shitoberfest like I did last night. Absolutely ridiculous runs...every match felt like a Storm/Thor cascade that never ended and it was just the board spawning multiple 5 of a kinds into ridiculous shit the enemy needed.

Gonna try for Sentry a bit longer, but I'm not having fun doing it. I just like the character and enjoy his stuff.


I have faced so many Storm/Mags, Storm/Thor, Storm/Wolverine, OBW/Thor, and OBW/Wolverine teams that I feel like I have mastered taking them out. I now lose to one of those like 1 in 20 or 30 times with my Storm/Mags combo. OBW is probably the biggest pain in the ass if you get some unfortunate Purple set ups (ie none for you and several for her) early on.


Oh man... I may be having to leave during this event. Might have a higher paying job but its about 3 hours away. Probably going to have to leave and do some immediate property searching for this.


Yeah I hate these 30 day events stacked onto more smaller events. I have a job, and other things to do other than a f2p game every day of my life.

That said, servers down for anyone else? All my pvp events, special pve events, and alliance stuff are all gone.
Yeah I hate these 30 day events stacked onto more smaller events. I have a job, and other things to do other than a f2p game every day of my life.

That said, servers down for anyone else? All my pvp events, special pve events, and alliance stuff are all gone.

Down for me too


What I wouldn't give for the PC version to link accounts to mobile right now. Gonna be gone awhile. Career shit. Hope I can at least get to see the rest of the scenes to find out how they finish writing this event...


tagged by Blackace
What I wouldn't give for the PC version to link accounts to mobile right now. Gonna be gone awhile. Career shit. Hope I can at least get to see the rest of the scenes to find out how they finish writing this event...
I can't even imagine playing primarily on the PC.

That said, even playing on mobile I would wish that the PC version would link up with the mobile ones. That's the only reason I linked my fucking Facebook account and now I realize you can't link it with the Steam version and now I have to deal with it wanting to verify with Facebook every time I start the app.


Uh guys...I kind of have a confession to make...

I may actually like playing with Moonstone... :/ Sure her black is crap, but purple requires thought (and a little luck) and red hits hard. Maybe I won't sell her... ;.;

Last few event-reward pulls have been kind to me. I got 2 Ares, 2 C. Storms, and an OBW. I hate that the Undercover Operations (purple skill - not sure of the name since I'm translating it) description says that the next skill level will reduce the cost by 1, but actually increased it by 1. Thanks a lot. :/

What I wouldn't give for the PC version to link accounts to mobile right now. Gonna be gone awhile. Career shit. Hope I can at least get to see the rest of the scenes to find out how they finish writing this event...

Good luck landing that job, mayne!
OBW, Ares, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40
OBW, Thor, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40
OBW, Thor, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40
Storm, Thor, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40

Such design. Much diversity.


OBW, Ares, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40
OBW, Thor, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40
OBW, Thor, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40
Storm, Thor, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40
OBW, Ares, IM40

Such design. Much diversity.

It's too bad. You can't really fault the players for taking advantage of the dominant strategy. If there was a counter strategy, that would be one thing. It looks like the counter is just more OBW / 2★ tank.

I imagine you could get a high-damage unit like Wolverine and possibly burn down OBW, then go to work on the tank, but I don't know anything. I'm still using M. Black Widow and M. Storm.

edit: Hmm, what to do....

I'm right outside 50th in PvP right now. I could probably get 3★ Daken, but I'd just be sitting on it for a long time. The classic Storm cover would go towards my C. Storm, but it's a yellow which is her worst skill.......

It's too bad. You can't really fault the players for taking advantage of the dominant strategy. If there was a counter strategy, that would be one thing. It looks like the counter is just more OBW / 2★ tank.

I imagine you could get a high-damage unit like Wolverine and possibly burn down OBW, then go to work on the tank, but I don't know anything. I'm still using M. Black Widow and M. Storm.

Well we can take solace in the fact that Sentry will join the ranks of Red\Green\Yellow Tanks to pair with OBW. I imagine a near or at max Patch\OBW combo could wreck everything but not many people have enough covers for that. The only teams I see are OBW / 2★ tank or max 3-4★ teams that scare the daylight oughta me. I actually saw a 141 Hulk, 141 Spiderman, 200+ IM40 team come across earlier. Never been less compelled to a match than that one right there.

I am guilty as the rest (granted with a 100+ IM40 thanks to the boost) but it's because there really are no alternatives. I've been using mostly OBW\Thor\lolwhocares because that covers every color and gives me something to work for in just about every situation. If I really wanted to I could throw my 95 Punisher in there to take advantage of the Black Tiles I leech from Espionage, but overall I'm just sick of the same crap in PvP events. I've been plowing away trying to help towards the Alliance rewards and whatnot unlike last season, but it's wearing me down. I would say it's just as bad as when Wolverine\Thor was basically mandatory. They need to implement another hero that supports with a heal, nerfing Spider-man actually made OBW mandatory in my mind.

Hmm, what to do....

I'm right outside 50th in PvP right now. I could probably get 3★ Daken, but I'd just be sitting on it for a long time. The classic Storm cover would go towards my C. Storm, but it's a yellow which is her worst skill.......


Might as well make a run for the Daken. You can always respec your C Storm later on, so stacking up any covers to get her leveled might be worthwhile.


Thanks for the advice!

I blew it when I went after a team I shouldn't have.

Oh well, the Storm cover is still a nice addition.

Next competition is going to be tough! Second A. Wolvie cover or third Psylocke cover! Seems like the last round wasn't that hard. Maybe I had an easy paring? I went up to 300 points for the cover, sat back for a day. Then just played casually and ranked in at about 60. Hmm....

edit: I can't play PvP because there are no players in my bracket? Is that a server error or what? @.@

edit: Blue Daken is so rough. Combined with the Strike tiles, he just shreds through my team. I'm going to drop anyone using Green from my team. ;.;


got time to play today. Did ass last round due to real ass stuff, but I put up some points and was sitting at 5th in my PVE earlier. Hopefully I can do more but things are...busy.


I got my first lazy Daken last night even though my total score was in the 300s. I can contribute to the PVE more today since I'm stuck at the dealership waiting for my car maintenance to be done.

Most of my 2 star characters that I like have all the covers they need. I'd really like more 3 star covers. Is now a good time to redeem my 10 Heroic cover pack from last week's event or should I wait?


I mean when the meter fills.

it kind of reads like that.... but it seems unlikely that D3 would stop being stingy and actually give us a cover for a character for just playing through the event (like they really should so everyone has a chance to have the required character for the next event and has to buy slots... it's really win win)
it kind of reads like that.... but it seems unlikely that D3 would stop being stingy and actually give us a cover for a character for just playing through the event (like they really should so everyone has a chance to have the required character for the next event and has to buy slots... it's really win win)

They did it with The Hulk.


They did it with The Hulk.

They did it with Patch too.

Honestly for people in the death bracket they got to extend the 2 covers prize from 1-10 to 1-30 and 1 cover 31-75.

yeah and both of those were a long long time ago when D3 didn't seem to be actively changing something to screw over and try to force a player to spend money on a weekly basis. If this was 5 months ago sure I could see it happening, but I just can't see the current state of D3 actually giving away a cover, even though as I said, they really should since it would force people to buy slots, and make people burn out less....

I'd love to be wrong and get a cover.... but I wouldn't even slightly get my hopes up because they will likely be crushed.... the battle will likely just be a hard battle worth some points with the normal prizes and a conclusion story with him coming to the side of hammer.
Yea I doubt they would, but a man can dream. As it stands I doubt I'll even get a solo Sentry. Started the new node, first fight was level 35's, unlocked 5 fights. 3 are 3* heroes at 120+, one is 85 Wolverine and 2 NPCs, and the other is 110 Wolverine and Hulk with a healing NPC (Lieutenant?). I don't really see a way I could reliabley beat those combinations.

They aren't easy either, it's like Falcon/GSBW/Soldier which means even if I burn down Falcon before Protect-a-thon begins GSBW is probably going to get a Snipe off and wipe my team. I also can't use OBW for that fight which means even a win will probably cost me 2-3 health packs. Then there's like L Thor/IM40/Hulk which is just tank heaven. No way can I get enough damage to reliably bring them down. I would almost be forced to use Modern Hawkeye and try and stunlock Hulk since he was pushing like 9k HP. I think the last one was like L Capt and some other menacing heroes I didn't want to fight.

It's just, silly. If I had known the last node was going to be a gauntlet of death I would have actually grinded the earlier ones instead of coasting by with 50's-ish finishes. I'd also like to point out I've used like 8 Prodigal Sun tokens and gotten something like 7 Bullseyes. That is just stupid. He's easily one of the (if not the) worst heroes in the game and if they're going to force crap tier heroes on people maybe they should consider changing them. I like the game but as of recent between the servers being garbage, getting no useful covers for days (although I did get an IW from a Heroic token) and the brackets actively punishing me for playing, it's becoming harder and harder to avoid getting burned out.


The think the gaf avengers still have a chance at top 100 so please just get how many point you have. We still have a few people not play the last sub event yet! stilll hope! gonna need Sentry for future events guys!
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