Going hard for Sentry, but it's hard when everything is 120+ and you have to rely on Ares recovering for 6 hours at a time. Imma get that Sentry tho
The think the gaf avengers still have a chance at top 100 so please just get how many point you have. We still have a few people not play the last sub event yet! stilll hope! gonna need Sentry for future events guys!
a chance yes... but it's highly unlikely. With the changes to rubber banding mid event the bracket was mostly set in stone in the first half... take into account we were like 113 as the last round finished, it's a safe bet we will likely end up 113 or so after this round, as we might try harder but so will anyone else there.... your best bet is to just get sentry on your own by getting a top 100 as I wouldn't count on the alliance.
Then I'm screwed.
I'm just hoping for a top 100 finish. I've been floating between 70 and 100 the entire event so I think I'm pretty good, but there's only like 2 maybe 3 fights I can do in this most recent node so it's unlikely I'll make a lot of progress past this point. This event has scaled horrendously imo.
It ok for me it just that the lack of rubberbanding really fucked me.
I'm rank 160th in my bracket.i have to say turning off rubber banding mid event is a really big dick move by them.....
I'll end up with a top 50 myself, but I don't think I will make it to the lazy daken reward despite taking top 50 in nearly every event unless this last node has serious rubber banding added.
i have to say turning off rubber banding mid event is a really big dick move by them.....
I'll end up with a top 50 myself, but I don't think I will make it to the lazy daken reward despite taking top 50 in nearly every event unless this last node has serious rubber banding added.
What have they changed? Is the rubber-banding what allows you to catch up in points if you haven't been playing as much later on in an event? Because disabling that is stupid, they could have toned it down a bit but disabling it entirely is borderline cruel. It would also explain why I've been about 10k points behind the 1st place person in my bracket since the last nodes spawned yet completely unable to catch up.
yup the rubber banding is related to points where if you are in such and such place your nodes are worth so much more... that is how you end up with nodes being worth thousands... they seem to have turned it off completely so most people won't get the lazy daken reward as before that the average player was on pace to get it... so instead of having events that get up to 2k points and feeling like you are awesome you are instead getting nodes that start at 200-400 points and feel like a huge ass grind :/
hopefully it comes back in future events otherwise I am screwed as I am in the top tier of players, so I am always grouped with 1k people that are also top tier anymore, and thus am often in brackets where they grind like crazy.... I'd rather just join late and grind at the end to get into a top 50 instead of having to grind all the time to get my top 50.... i only have so much time for MPQ and I keep feeling more and more like it isn't worth it as they keep screwing over the top tier players as the money is in the newbies... so they need to make sure newbies feel awesome.
Best cure for OBW is to Ares Green her ass and just cope with the other team getting green from it. Hell, Sunder her if you gotta. She doesn't steal Green or Yellow so take your best shot ASAP.
But then I'm still sticking with a level 85 character instead of using one of my powerful 3*s I've been building up.
CMon, GAF-Vengers, let's get in Thunderbolt Mountain and grind every node down to 1! We can hit top 100!
I got bodied by Defend The Sentry IV this morning, waiting to recover. This is the hardest PvE in a while, and this time I actually have all of the required (well, Laken) characters too.
Are we pushing for the PvP too?
x100000CMon, GAF-Vengers, let's get in Thunderbolt Mountain and grind every node down to 1! We can hit top 100!
I got bodied by Defend The Sentry IV this morning, waiting to recover. This is the hardest PvE in a while, and this time I actually have all of the required (well, Laken) characters too.
Are we pushing for the PvP too?
This PVE is one of the best they have done and I think it because they have such a big roster of charcters.
personally I find this one to be the forth worst one they have done (only beat out by the threethat were completely unplayable due to horrible scaling or limited rosters.)
I have a number of issues with this PVE (and not even including the absolutely horrible story/writing with it) the biggest one of course is the removal of rubber banding for the middle part of the event making days 4-7 almost completely meaningless and a huge grind. The design of the last node is completely stupid... so.. after I take out the level 140 enemies who do I see next? level 40 enemy in a later named mission.... what in the world;
At least we know how the PVE operates now... oh wait they change every fucking event. lol. Oh well
This PVE is one of the best they have done and I think it because they have such a big roster of charcters.
Also, (even though we can still use our heroes) we are fighting the Avengers/Xmen mostly.
nice to not have to fight Ares/Moonstone every time or Venom.
I have to disagree with the idea that you won't use lazy daken when he isn't boosted.... getting 100+ bonus damage each time you match green is really mean (level 141 max cover purple)... add to that crazy hp regen as long as you leave blue on the board (7% as long as there is 7 or more blue on the board), and a meh third move to let him have stats at level 141 and he is a rather solid character.This is probably one of the worst events in recent memory imo. My reasoning being that while it has an open roster, the heroes that are boosted are largely all considered crappier heroes. Moonstone, Daken, Lazy Daken, Bullseye, Rag--all heroes that you probably will never use outside of events. Ares is really the only one that holds any weight outside of this event, and even he's not that amazing.
Best cure for OBW is to Ares Green her ass and just cope with the other team getting green from it. Hell, Sunder her if you gotta. She doesn't steal Green or Yellow so take your best shot ASAP.
Best cure for OBW is to Ares Green her ass and just cope with the other team getting green from it. Hell, Sunder her if you gotta. She doesn't steal Green or Yellow so take your best shot ASAP.
OBW doesn't steal green or yellow??
Ha. I have never noticed this.
well she does if she uses her purple move, but her match move will only steal black, purple, and blue (her colors)
The middle ones weren't irrelevant though. They had the same amount of points per clear as this one, it's just that they were spread out between 2 of them. I had about 19k after the first refresh, and 38k going into this last one, which means each pair was worth about 10k each?This is probably one of the worst events in recent memory imo. My reasoning being that while it has an open roster, the heroes that are boosted are largely all considered crappier heroes. Moonstone, Daken, Lazy Daken, Bullseye, Rag--all heroes that you probably will never use outside of events. Ares is really the only one that holds any weight outside of this event, and even he's not that amazing.
My issue is that the scaling is completely screwed, and removing rubber banding then reimplementing it meant the middle 3-4 days were completely irrelevant. I gained maybe a total of 6000 points over that span, after getting like 27000 in the first 2 days, and 4000 today.
Idealy they would have an event where you fight half the nodes against Dark Avengers and half the nodes again regular Avengers for a nice split, or an event where the boosted heroes are changed every node. They have done the latter in the past but seem to favour boosting unused characters and recently released ones nowadays to try and encourage people to spend money and get the new characters. The absolute worst event was the Human Torch-featured one, I think the only heroes you could use were like HT, OBW, Black Panther, and Cap. It was absolutely the worst thing I've ever suffered through.
That I will agree on. I think they need to release more Dark Avengers and more importantly change the way most of them work to make them more interesting. Venom is boring, Bullseye is garbage and annoying, Moonstone is mediocre, Rag was overnerfed and now annoying, Ares is legit. There are still like 5-6 Dark Avengers they could add and different variations of them.
OBW doesn't steal green or yellow??
Ha. I have never noticed this.
-_- well there likely goes my idea of getting 1.1k points (it's back up now after a few min but when it shows up once it tends to be slow in general)
HA HA HA HA HAWonder if they're give some compensation for this... I think not.
Luckily its only Psylocke covers.HA HA HA HA HA
they compensate for something...
good one...
that would involve them not being stingy bastards trying to wring every cent out of their players whom feel that it's merely our privilege for their servers to be up and that we should be thankful that we even get to potentially pay them money to play their game, thus when their servers are down it's not an issue to them that they would need to compensate for, they are merely giving you a chance to take a small break. (I do wonder when I will finally reach my breaking point and just quit... sadly I feel like that day is getting near, but for now I will continue to get points for the alliance)
Yeah whenever the servers gets back up. My shield is still good till 8 am pst.at the very least I am just going to get whatever points I can in the next 40 min if the servers come back up and shield... I really don't have any motivation to crawl up high anymore today due to the server issues :/
Luckily its only Psylocke covers.
it wasn't only psylocke covers, I was likely going to get 1.1k points without to much trouble, and would have locked in first place in my bracket which would have also netted me a purple daken... as well as wolverine or inviso woman (not sure which is first place)
unless things changed since last night I was actually put into a really easy bracket where 1.1k would have put me in first by over 200 points....
but w/e... ill settle for 500 points or so assuming the server comes back in the next hour or so and enjoy my time instead of playing this increasingly bad game :/
oh right. At least its down for everybody too so your lead is fine for now..
Also I hope they release Heartstone someday on Android.
Well, I was cruising right along on my way to just eking out a Psylocke, and was in spot #38 or so. I was out of health packs and at the end of the run, but figured maybe it would hold, for 30 more minutes. Then I looked just now and I see that I just got hit 3 times for 70-ish points and hitting them back gets me about 6 each. Oh well.
In other news, I never had an Invisible Woman, and now I've drawn 2 blues in the last few days. After reading up on her, it seems like there COULD be some interesting strategies with her. For example, wouldn't pairing her with a high level Patch be pretty good? You could just trap all the purple enemy strike tiles in force bubbles (tiles inside force bubbles don't work). Plus, it would probably discourage attacks, since both Patch and especially IW are pretty renowned as annoying, horseshit characters whose shtick is to screw up the game. I dunno. Anyone use her much?