It isn't true.
No other game this big was also this woke.
That is a unique value to the woke community of gamers, if they actually existed, but they don't. Not in a large quantity. It's just us incels who buy shit outside of madden and fuck fuck call of duty, so I'm not sure why anyone believes some huge woke audience exists outside of their minds. They don't. The types of games the woke want to play, you would hate, because they are casino games and baby games for cell phones. Not many who are truly woke plays the real shit, so you get this backlash. Even the people who are woke on forums don't actually spend their money on stuff like this, they are too busy saving the world from incels to boot up a PS5.
Especially internationally where woke is even less accepted.
If there was a huge woke core gamer audience they would have been all over this bullshit, but it world record flopped DESPITE that unique advantage. Turned out not to be such an advantage when there is no woke audience for it.