Wind_Zero on the Ramnation stream right now has one of the best Chris' and Jill's I've ever seen. Check it out and the archive (if there is one):
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! That was absolutely needed. Trish and She-Hulk will be two confirmed team members in my main team. Tron will probably be thrown out as her assist will become useless now and will be replaced with one of the new characters. Also hoping Trish gets a little health upgrade.Tiger uppercut said:She-Hulks rejoice, she has a forward air dash in Ultimate mahvel!
Edit: I went here before the ultimate thread, hah.
wow really?Tiger uppercut said:She-Hulks rejoice, she has a forward air dash in Ultimate mahvel!
Edit: I went here before the ultimate thread, hah.
EVO 2011 attracted over two million online viewers. Many of them were watching Noah Solis, an eight-year-old gaming wunderkind, beat the living snot out of people in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. Noah's talents have already landed him a gaming job. He just signed on as the newest member of the competitive gaming team put together by The Traveling Circus.
"I went with TTC as my sponsor because they treat me good, they are nice people, they give me hope in my future, and they believe in my ability," says Noah. "I like their name. They are nice to me, and my dad is comfortable with their character and my brothers approve."
Not only will Noah get paid to play games and compete in tournaments across the globe, this deal includes a clothing line. From what we understand, some of the clothing designs will be from Noah himself. This clothing line will be showing up soon at the Traveling Circus website.
I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait to see this kid compete.
USD said:
USD said:
God's Beard said:Noah's first design is a picture of himself, Wesker, Sentinel and Hulk:
USD said:
"I went with TTC as my sponsor because they treat me good, they are nice people, they give me hope in my future, and they believe in my ability," says Noah.
So funnyN4Us said:
Pfft, I can draw better than that.God's Beard said:Noah's first design is a picture of himself, Wesker, Sentinel and Hulk:
Prove itProfessor Beef said:Pfft, I can draw better than that.
N4Us said:
Dahbomb said:He got pretty far and was abusing the stuff that needed to be abused from his characters. He punished accordingly and frame trapped players into an opening. It's definitely very impressive for an 8 year old and with more coaching/experience around better players he can definitely end up being very good later on.
Although most prodigies tap out very early so who knows where he might end up being in 10 or so years.
This better be a joke lol.God's Beard said:Noah's first design is a picture of himself, Wesker, Sentinel and Hulk:
Woke up pretty late, but I did not see the post until much later.Karsticles said:Solar, I'm around if you want some matches.
I'm still awake if you're around!Woke up pretty late, but I did not see the post until much later.
What a shame...maybe next time.
Stupid PS3 is updating...Karsticles said:I'm still awake if you're around!
the best thing about it was that he took the game cause he didint even owned that ps3smurfx said:hahahaha epic salty moment at summer jam.
Someone needs to post Pavy's recording of the salt I missed by a minute. Sounds hilarious.smurfx said:hahahaha epic salty moment at summer jam.
I see mean Sentinel's all the time. Aside from his large attack range, he has two hypers (one in the air and the one with the rocket assist) that can basically override almost anything and everything.Sixfortyfive said:Got 2nd place at a local tonight. Feels good to not be a pot monster for once.
The guy who won plays the meanest Sentinel I've seen in a long time. Puts him on point with Quick Work + Lariat assists, knows the maximum range for all of his normals like the back of his hand, and generally plays the robot as if he was Wolverine (rush down until you get 1 opening, XF1, then go to town).
Sayah said:Will have to put this game on hold until I get a new Dualshock. I can't do qcf attacks (on the left side) properly since the d-pad is somewhat messed up now. Thankfully, it doesn't impact my gameplay in Tekken as much.
Didn't know that can help. Will try that out and hope it works.Tobe1 said:try pouring a little bit of rubbing alcohol
Left a message in the chat and waited around, but nothing happened.Karsticles said:I just saw your login Solar - sorry, I played this guy for 25 matches in a row, wasn't thinking to check the chat, just my messages.
Everyone is going to have their own tier list. There is almost never any foundation for making tier lists (do we make 5 categories, 4 or even 6?) and because of that it varies from game to game. Some may have a top 3, top 5 or even a top 1 character. There is a whole thread dedicated to this on MVC3 forums at SRK and it's about to hit 300 pages worth of discussion. I posted a tier list back and it's generally what is considered to be the consensus.Been working on a new tier list using some strict scoring methods and Dahbomb's input from the ultimate thread. It came out kind of interesting and it reflects how powerful some strategies are despite Capcom's efforts to balance the game in the first iteration.
It took me a while, but I'm still looking it over. I think it could be more accurate, but my knowledge of the game has limits. I bet it would be even more interesting with input from hundreds of people.
Dahbomb said:That's why no Trish presence at E3 top 32 MVC3 was a shocker. She's a legitimately high tier character and it was weird to see so many characters below her make it in but not her.
This should change for UMVC3 when more people start making zoning style teams and Trish will be at the forefront with her trap style game and buffed game from MVC3.
Everyone is going to have their own tier list. There is almost never any foundation for making tier lists (do we make 5 categories, 4 or even 6?) and because of that it varies from game to game. Some may have a top 3, top 5 or even a top 1 character. There is a whole thread dedicated to this on MVC3 forums at SRK and it's about to hit 300 pages worth of discussion. I posted a tier list back and it's generally what is considered to be the consensus.
In my experience with MVC3 tier list, it's pretty solid for the first 20 characters and after that it's real shaky. Then you have to take the word of people who play with lower tiered characters regularly to have a solid comparison. Others you just place a bit higher because they clearly have the tools but no one has used them properly (like Jill). The bottom 5 or so is also fairly established it's the 20-30 range that is highly debated on these days.
There are also 2 types of tier lists: Result oriented and theory fighter oriented. Needless to say C Viper ranks in top 3 for theory fighter tier list but barely in top 15 in result oriented tier list. And by result oriented I mean percentage of people playing certain characters compared to those same people winning with those characters. Result oriented also takes into consideration execution barrier and in that category Wolverine is #2. In MVC3 I have seen that mobility, damage output on easy combos and mix ups (left/right way more important than high/low) are the most essential factors with Throw OS and move priorities coming in next.
DR2K said:Way too much start up on all her moves, gets nothing off throws, and she's a low damage character. Most of this has been rectified in UMVC3.