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Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds |OT3| Self-Control Support Group

Videos like that are my proof that Americans aren't getting dumber with every generation. No one today would have a script that bad.


get some go again
alright i beat a new cosmic lord today. his name was ttm chimera. don't think i've played him before. he ran a wolverine/sentinel/phoenix team. this time taskmaster did all the heavy work.


smurfx said:
alright i beat a new cosmic lord today. his name was ttm chimera. don't think i've played him before. he ran a wolverine/sentinel/phoenix team. this time taskmaster did all the heavy work.
ive played that dude always snapped sentinel/phoenix get rid of the assist or the problem. ive seen other guys with the ttm "clan tag", but he is the only really good one.

when can we get a few matches smurf need zero practice


get some go again
Tobe1 said:
ive played that dude always snapped sentinel/phoenix get rid of the assist or the problem. ive seen other guys with the ttm "clan tag", but he is the only really good one.

when can we get a few matches smurf need zero practice
well lets play right now if you want. sign on.
It's a kids show man, kids eat that shit up just like I ate up 100ft tall Sentinels being incapable of catching mutants.
Being for children is not an excuse! You know what kid's show I watched?! Transformers! And in the Transformers movie, after Optimus Prime gets murdered by Megatron, Megatron's goons sit around and say:
"Hmm, our fearless leader, who finally defeated our arch enemy, is wounded. Shall we heal him? No, let's throw his ass into space, where he will float around forever because that's what robots that get thrown into space do."

Now that is a children's cartoon other shows can learn from. Not Magneto losing to a wooden gun, and then getting nailed by metal handcuffs by guards with metal guns standing around him and then being placed into a metal car. No sir! Let's not raise our children to be idiots.


TIL why Capcom put in air X-Factor

GGs Karsticles

And thanks for pointing out what I randomly do with Flame Carpet. Never really put any thought into it before.
Karsticles said:
Being for children is not an excuse! You know what kid's show I watched?! Transformers! And in the Transformers movie, after Optimus Prime gets murdered by Megatron, Megatron's goons sit around and say:
"Hmm, our fearless leader, who finally defeated our arch enemy, is wounded. Shall we heal him? No, let's throw his ass into space, where he will float around forever because that's what robots that get thrown into space do."

Now that is a children's cartoon other shows can learn from. Not Magneto losing to a wooden gun, and then getting nailed by metal handcuffs by guards with metal guns standing around him and then being placed into a metal car. No sir! Let's not raise our children to be idiots.
Magneto taught children how to be gracious losers, not bloodthirsty machines.


Karsticles said:
Being for children is not an excuse! You know what kid's show I watched?! Transformers! And in the Transformers movie, after Optimus Prime gets murdered by Megatron, Megatron's goons sit around and say:
"Hmm, our fearless leader, who finally defeated our arch enemy, is wounded. Shall we heal him? No, let's throw his ass into space, where he will float around forever because that's what robots that get thrown into space do."

Now that is a children's cartoon other shows can learn from. Not Magneto losing to a wooden gun, and then getting nailed by metal handcuffs by guards with metal guns standing around him and then being placed into a metal car. No sir! Let's not raise our children to be idiots.

that sounds like the transformers movie to be honest.


still cant control phoenix though i escaped a couple of kfc zero lvl 3 super

smurf confirmed to be super ultra cosmic
Lord in umv3

also i think wesker needs more active frames in the normal counter or give em something like ammy that you can hold it. the projectile counter is way to hard to hit and the window for the activation is too small :(.

gonna comment on the matches later, im still processing the info


get some go again
gg's tobe. i was whooping tobe good and then he had to and call his big brother phoenix to come beat me up! :p damn your phoenix keeps getting better. not gonna lie i'm kinda glad they removed the tk shot to teleport b.s. kinda pissed that phoenix has some invincibility frames on her hyper. i didn't know that and i thought i would pwn you with zero. :(

Tobe1 said:
smurf confirmed to be super ultra cosmic
Lord in umv3
damn right! ghost rider is looking mighty fine these days.
I think MAHVEL GAF has it out for me or something. It has only been like two days since I admitted that I like Ammy more than Lei Lei and people are shitting on her like never before.

Am I some sort of lighting rod for salt or some shit!!?!

smurfx said:
enzo make one of just haggar on the cover. why? just for the hell of it. btw i was thinking about which one character we associate with people here on mahvel gaf. these are mine.

solarpowered=hsien ko

these are the people i've played with the most so sorry if i'm missing anybody. not that i play against ultimoo and qistoptier but from what i've heard of them.
Let me switch characters with Ultimoo.
Sixfortyfive said:
I knew I liked you for a reason.

Okami Shuffle is the most obnoxious hyper in the game imo. I just hate that jingle.
You people.

Karsticles said:
Being for children is not an excuse! You know what kid's show I watched?! Transformers! And in the Transformers movie, after Optimus Prime gets murdered by Megatron, Megatron's goons sit around and say:
"Hmm, our fearless leader, who finally defeated our arch enemy, is wounded. Shall we heal him? No, let's throw his ass into space, where he will float around forever because that's what robots that get thrown into space do."

Now that is a children's cartoon other shows can learn from. Not Magneto losing to a wooden gun, and then getting nailed by metal handcuffs by guards with metal guns standing around him and then being placed into a metal car. No sir! Let's not raise our children to be idiots.
I came back expecting conversation about new moves and tweaks only to find this. Shit is mad OT, but hilarious lolz.
I'm gonna draw a line in the sand so I don't ever have to argue about this again, Karsticles. Nerf the ever loving shit out of gold pendulum and make her point game truly MAHVEL like.

I'm not talking about VS Lei Lei, but MAHVEL Lei Lei. Anything else is bleh and not even worth arguing about anymore.
Ultimoo said:
wait Ammy could weapon change in the air?
Yes, but it seems like they took it away and nerfed her dash afterwards.
TIL why Capcom put in air X-Factor
What's TIL?

GGs Karsticles

And thanks for pointing out what I randomly do with Flame Carpet. Never really put any thought into it before.
GGs, and you did it a few times, so I thought it was intentional!

Magneto taught children how to be gracious losers, not bloodthirsty machines.
That's pathetic, I would never want my children to learn something like that.

that sounds like the transformers movie to be honest.
Which was still for children!

I think MAHVEL GAF has it out for me or something. It has only been like two days since I admitted that I like Ammy more than Lei Lei and people are shitting on her like never before.

Am I some sort of lighting rod for salt or some shit!!?!
Amaterasu makes a lot of people salty. I think she's a roughly even matchup for Dormammu, so I've never been upset about it. Especially after I learned how to punish Okami Shuffle - oh ho ho! So satisfying, I got a kill doing that the other day.

Okami Shuffle is the most obnoxious hyper in the game imo. I just hate that jingle.
I love the jingle...seriously I would put Amaterasu on my team if her weapon swap wasn't dd.X. I have pretty solid execution, I just can't double tap. :-(


get some go again
SolarPowered said:
It was a joke.

No one can take a joke anymore lol.
i was actually debating which character to give him. i don't play against him so i just went with what people talked about when fighting against him. i heard more things about tron than ammy though but i went with ammy for no particular reason.

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Unconfirmed Member
Karsticles said:
Amaterasu makes a lot of people salty. I think she's a roughly even matchup for Dormammu, so I've never been upset about it. Especially after I learned how to punish Okami Shuffle - oh ho ho! So satisfying, I got a kill doing that the other day.

Please elaborate...


to be honest my character should be the big man, buff bagwell.

and what's this counter to random okami shuffle?


i hate the nerfs. magneto getting nerfed is stupid, dark phoenix bullshit is ok to nerf cause it is too much, im with clock in that i would prefer a normal phoenix with idk a lvl3 that transforms her with the duration of say berserker charge and without chip that just gives her the feathers and the extra properties of the traps and what not.

in the end smurf, and i at least have to reform our teams cause of the changes.

btw GG smurf
WHY ISNT TASK RECEIVING A NERF?!!!!!! shit is stooooooopid and the troll face is just priceless :lol

Nils said:
Please elaborate...

after fire part of shuffle teleport behind ammy and grab/hit her. am i correct?
This was posted on GFAQs; amusing:

Please elaborate...
This is an old video, and for some reason not a lot of people took notice to it, since people still QQ about Okami Shuffle:

So with Dormammu, I block the fire, Mass Change M, and then just hit Amaterasu with j.S, which leads to a full combo for me.

With Sentinel, I block the fire, then TK Hard Drive.

With Morrigan, I either have to block it or I Shadow Servant through it.

So yeah, only one of my characters is really scared of Okami Shuffle. Beam hypers are far more terrifying.


Magneto didn't even get nerfed that hard. Watch some matches of Magneto UMVC3 high level play. Some claim that he is buffed. The only things that have changed about him is that MAYBE he isn't the faster character in the game by a mile, MAYBE he doesn't have the fastest beam in a VS game ever and MAYBE he can't TOD while building 3 meters. Notice the emphasis on maybe meaning that it still might end up being true depending up if the newer characters are better/worse than Magneto.

SMH. This reminds me of pre-MVC3 days when people thought Magneto might not be top tier this time around. LOL...


Dahbomb said:
Magneto didn't even get nerfed that hard. Watch some matches of Magneto UMVC3 high level play. Some claim that he is buffed. The only things that have changed about him is that MAYBE he isn't the faster character in the game by a mile, MAYBE he doesn't have the fastest beam in a VS game ever and MAYBE he can't TOD while building 3 meters. Notice the emphasis on maybe meaning that it still might end up being true depending up if the newer characters are better/worse than Magneto.

SMH. This reminds me of pre-MVC3 days when people thought Magneto might not be top tier this time around. LOL...

im bitching cause really i cant try it before umvc3 and bla bla bla i know its not THAT bad, just he is more of a zoning type right?

also any news on thor?
i really dont like the umvc3 thread, filtering the good post from the bad ones just tires me out
Karsticles said:
So yeah, only one of my characters is really scared of Okami Shuffle. Beam hypers are far more terrifying.
This is why I don't get the hate for the shuffle. It is easy to spot, it does little chip damage and it is punishable.

It is far cry from Tasky arrows of doom, Akuma's ridiculously fast beam and Magneto's crazy good Magnetic Shockwave.

Only weaklings could complain about the shuffle...
Magnetic Shockwave is definitely one of the most irritating hypers in the game. I hope it gets a nerf so Hyper Sentinel Force at least TRADES with it. Pretty ridiculous as it is.


You know what great? Being in the air with Sentinel when someone tries to random him with Okami Shuffle. Hard drive on reflex is SOOOO sweet to watch given how much I hate being in a scenario of Sent vs Ammy.

Honestly, I don't think that match is so bad for me now other than Ammy's small hitbox. I've had so many folks eagerly pop in the dog against Sent that I'm used to spotting things to punish now. It only gets rough when they are smart enough to know assist setups with the Sword out. That damn thing with an assist opens up a turtled Sentinel like no ones business.

Its still a bad matchup for Sent, but half assed Ammy users aren't so threatening as folks make it out to be sometimes.
QisTopTier said:
o_O why are you complaining about taskmaster arrow supers? Only thing good about it is that it's kinda fast.
Just the fact that it so high in damage off of OTG and it is paired with a character who has fantastic damage off of normals and above average health. He is not amazingly fast, but he gets around well enough.

I would not hate it so much if it had less damage and he weren't so hard to kill with all that health.
You know what great? Being in the air with Sentinel when someone tries to random him with Okami Shuffle. Hard drive on reflex is SOOOO sweet to watch given how much I hate being in a scenario of Sent vs Ammy.
You don't even need to do it on reflex, just do it during the cinematic screen. I don't find Amaterasu to be too bad vs. Sentinel, but it's probably just because my team makeup forces Ammy to watch herself.

Hard Drive = Cyber Condom vs all forms of danger
It tends to break unfortunately, and I wish they would make the follow-up more consistent or something. So many lost matches because of whiffed c.Ms...


Tobe1 said:
im bitching cause really i cant try it before umvc3 and bla bla bla i know its not THAT bad, just he is more of a zoning type right?

also any news on thor?
i really dont like the umvc3 thread, filtering the good post from the bad ones just tires me out
Just stick with the changelog man.


Thor got better start ups on his Mighty Spark and better range on his command throw. Still needs more testing though.


Karsticles said:
You don't even need to do it on reflex, just do it during the cinematic screen. I don't find Amaterasu to be too bad vs. Sentinel, but it's probably just because my team makeup forces Ammy to watch herself.

It tends to break unfortunately, and I wish they would make the follow-up more consistent or something. So many lost matches because of whiffed c.Ms...[/

You know my pain. ;_;

I hate saying this, but as much as I love the big guy and his air hyper, drones and damage I'm likely dropping him in Ultimate to seek out a better anchor. This is coming from a guy with a "hyper sentinel force" dog tag necklace too.

I just don't see him holding up against some of the new movesets, and air X-factor madness. I might make a team with the big man on point though since air combo>hard drive>xfactor >harddrive flight combos would be sick, but he's likely off my main team since point is taken on it already by Iron Fist NO MATTER WHAT.

I'm thinking Ghost Rider on Anchor so that Iron Fist and Ryu can enjoy his assists. If not that i'll use my Spencer in there and try to learn some wire grapple assist setups for Ryu and Ironfist. I may have to learn some snapback combos with these guys to set up some of those wire grapple shananigans though.

Anyone know if Ryu can cancel supers? This could help with some stuff I got planned.
Dahbomb, some edits to the changelog:
+Minimum frames required before attacking out of a ground dash significantly reduced.

Remove the note about her qcf.S having high durability; I don't think this has been faithfully demonstrated yet.

+ Astral Vision is much faster on startup. She can use her new meter sucking move during Astral Vision and it DOES steal meter in this mode.
Clarify this to state that the clone also steals meter.

+ Cr.M now has 3 hits of super armor. It's possible that his launcher got a similar upgrade too.
Sentinel's launcher has hyper armor, not super armor; it can't be upgraded further.

- Air combo into L Rocket Punch into HSF does not work anymore or at least isn't reliable.
I would note here that qcf.L into HSF still works after throws, and that he can still TK rocket punch into Hard Drive after a combo.

Taskmaster had his general damage decreased.

+ Can use Purification in the air now. Flight necessary for any actions after aerial Purification/Dark Spell/Dark Hole.
I would remove this. We haven't found any videos of aerial Purification, and some players say it was a myth all along. Very puzzling.

+ Arthur can throw 3 lances out (?)
Pretty sure this is false. Also, the startup time on Arthur's crossup is drastically reduced. It's practically a "get off me" now.

You know my pain. ;_;

I hate saying this, but as much as I love the big guy and his air hyper, drones and damage I'm likely dropping him in Ultimate to seek out a better anchor. This is coming from a guy with a "hyper sentinel force" dog tag necklace too.
Oh, I'm definitely dropping Sentinel come UMvC3. He's just there right now because I'm too lazy to learn a character that's proper for my team, haha, and I know him very well (close to 3K matches with him, maybe even more than that now).

Anyone know if Ryu can cancel supers?
What do you mean?


Remove the note about her qcf.S having high durability; I don't think this has been faithfully demonstrated yet.
It clearly went through Doom's Rocks and hit Doom in the official trailer. That's looks fairly durable to me.

Will change the other stuff.

And what's Arthur's cross up?


Karsticles said:
What do you mean?

I dream of a day that I can cancel out of tatsu into hadoken is all. Its far fetched but with all the rest of the crap they gave my Ryu I figured why not ask if this was done or if he got the ability to do anything other than hyper after air tatsu finishing an air combo.

Even if I can't I'm thinking I might be able to summon wire grapple and dash into a nice spot to attempt the new hadoshoryuken for a tricky situation after a snap out on someone.

I watch the hell out of Combofiend videos for setups and I'm trying to find similar tactics I can use with wire grapple to setup my own teams. I particularly love his wire assist during she hulk torpedo to trap a man and the mixup of wire assist during a slide on an incoming guy to create a mixup scenario that either forces them to block the grapple and eat the stuff from behind or eat the wire grapple and get dragged down into a full combo anyways.
The latter is doable with Ryu due to his dash, but the former is something I really need to hope for specific move properties on to work properly given that its meant to double as a way to put the opponent back on the ground to loop a ground portion of your combo...

God I love Combofiend vids. Here's hoping my boy Iron Fist gives me some nice low hitting supers.
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