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Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds |OT3| Self-Control Support Group


SmokeMaxX said:
Glad you guys are enjoying our stream. I know the quality is ass... but it's something we kinda got stuck with. We checked it a month or two before ARK IV and it was above 2.0 Mb/s upload. Now turns out just THIS WEEK the entire city that the event is held at is capped at 0.5 Mb/s upload due to... well probably due to being a crappy "city" in Arkansas. So yeah... we were really hoping to have a great quality stream, but things happened and I hear it looked pretty bad. For that, I apologize. I hope you guys are having a good time though. Tomorrow's matches will be HYPE! Tune in at 1PM Central where we'll have the entire Marvel Top 16 followed by the entire AE Top 16.

It's the content that makes it man!

(Of course, that said I was pretty bummed when it dropped out for a while)


This is the shit to watch.

Starts with a Justin double perfect. Then Justin almost perfects some body. Then a couple of hype marn matches where people try to comeback against him.
Then its the Haggar player (Jan) vs someone, then finally Jan vs Marn about 38 minutes in. The solo Haggar blow up is at the 40 minutes mark.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Any advice on what to do against someone who spams Spencer zipline + Task horizontal arrows assist without relenting. I've been blown up by it like 6 times in a row now online and I'm getting mighty cranky.
LOL. Watching stream again. A sick Dormmy is on teams finals. He is the same guy that blew up Marn with Haggar.

EDIT: Not combo wise but reading of players. Took out a Phoenix twice.
OH, I am? Didn't even notice.

But still, watching Phoenix first get caught in 3PotD liberation into death then the same player in the second round of team getting caught with his XF3 Dph with a X-factor guard cancel into dark dimension was just awesome.

FEAR THE DARK LORD! Haggar plus Dormmy is funny to watch.


crimsonspider89 said:
OH, I am? Didn't even notice.

But still, watching Phoenix first get caught in 3PotD liberation into death then the same player in the second round of team getting caught with his XF3 Dph with a X-factor guard cancel into dark dimension was just awesome.

FEAR THE DARK LORD! Haggar plus Dormmy is funny to watch.
Been meaning to actually learn Jill/Cap/? to complement my original team. Any suggestions for an anchor? Are Jill and Cap workable together in any sense?

Just want to have fun with this team, I'll leave the real work to my Spidey team. Lemme know what you think, Mahvel-GAF.


Killa Sasa said:
Been meaning to actually learn Jill/Cap/? to complement my original team. Any suggestions for an anchor? Are Jill and Cap workable together in any sense?

Just want to have fun with this team, I'll leave the real work to my Spidey team. Lemme know what you think, Mahvel-GAF.
Get a beam assist up in there. Or ammy pew pew pew

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
I had the weirdest match today. Laggiest connection I've ever seen guy runs a Wolverine/Sentinel/Phoenix team. I estimate each clock second lasted anywhere 5-8 actual seconds. After much fumbling and dropped combos because qcf moves weren't working at all I kill off his Wolverine. Next up is Sentinel who I see doing nothing but laser spam so I quickly switch to X-23 and just duck under them. The guy fires more of them for over a minute and I'm just crouching underneath them, so he adapts to that...by sitting in the corner and doing absolutely nothing at all for more than a minute. I mostly respond in kind because it's not like I can do any offense with that lag and I'm planning on waiting out Phoenix. I do end up getting Sentinel and while like 5 minutes have passed in real time, there's still 50+ seconds left on the clock for Phoenix, but again the guy just sits in the corner doing nothing at all unless I do something and until he tries burning meter with Phoenix in the last few seconds. If that sounds boring, trust me it was, but at the same time I was flabbergasted by how oddly he played and why he was on a 6 win streak at that time.

Made sure to leave feedback to avoid him in the future and given his 1 star rating I'm sure nearly everyone he plays does. Never had a connection this bad, it's mostly very smooth but when it rains it pours. Shortly after that I came across three different Phoenix players and had a lot of fun playing "Can't touch this/Won't touch you" with X-23 successfully. I really must stop playing so much in one day though. I can only see so many permutations of Wesker/Dante/Wolverine/Akuma/Sentinel before slowly losing it. Lost significantly more than usual today.


tagged by Blackace
sephi22 said:
They're back to Marvel.
I feel the life rushing back into me.
I still see AE?

EDIT: They say they're switching to MvC3 Losers finals now.

EDIT2: They switch back and fourth so quick. Marvel Grand Finals on now!


get some go again
cool ended the night with a 15 game win streak on ranked. lost to a phoenix user but it was totally my fault. i was timing her out and it was going fine and i was using haggar. i used double lariat and i should of jumped away but instincts got in the way and i auto piloted haggars hyper and killed her and she then transformed into dark phoenix and time ended and she won by just a bit of life. -_-

edit: have you guys noticed a huge resurgence of wesker users on ranked? he was a common character but ever since viscant won evo just about every damn team has one.


Killa Sasa said:
Been meaning to actually learn Jill/Cap/? to complement my original team. Any suggestions for an anchor? Are Jill and Cap workable together in any sense?

Just want to have fun with this team, I'll leave the real work to my Spidey team. Lemme know what you think, Mahvel-GAF.

Captain America and Sentnel are best friends. Basically sentinel force assist and cartweels for cross ups.

Jill would be fine i guess too, but id actually changer her.


Also played around 5 hours today i am so bad at this game right now. But Wolverine/Wesker/Akuma is a ridiculously good team. In terms of ease of use, and simple undropable combos its one of the best..
Fun fact: I prefer to use Wolverine/Ryu if I use Wolverine instead of Wolverine/Akuma, because for some reason I always whiff the pickup off of Akuma's Tatsu and not Ryu's after using Ryu for so long. Hahaha. I haven't used any of them in months though.


Ryu and Wolverine is solid but Akuma is crispier and gives a much wider window to combo off of.

God Jill is so unexplored even now. Part of me absolutely hates DLC characters but the other part of me knows that it's a necessary evil.


Dahbomb said:
Ryu and Wolverine is solid but Akuma is crispier and gives a much wider window to combo off of.

God Jill is so unexplored even now. Part of me absolutely hates DLC characters but the other part of me knows that it's a necessary evil.

Problem with Jill isn't because she's DLC. It's because she's even harder to play than than Viper and nowhere near as good. What in the hell were they thinking with mad beast? DLC wouldn't be an issue if the character were like Wolverine.


Many reasons.

For one, not everyone plays online or has their systems linked online. Some people because of certain circumstances can't even do so or can't pay through the online structure so even if they want to buy DLC characters they can't.

This is especially prevalent where I live. People have legit PS3s and legit games but no one plays online because they can't and no one can really use credit cards through PSN to buy stuff (hell many people here don't have credit cards and such). So if I am one of those persons and one of my favorite characters get released as DLC I am boned. I HAVE to wait until the next major release like UMVC3 to play my character.

Secondly, I generally have a problem with DLCs as they are. They are fostering a general lazyness among developers where they will plan entire games based around DLC models. It should be the other way around, you should come up with an entire game 100% and THEN think about adding DLCs (nowadays devs plan to release 80% of a game and then complete the game via DLC). Like with MVC3, the team had already planned that Shuma/Jill will be DLCs so they made an active decision to take them out purposely in order to make a quick buck off of them. I am pretty sure they are doing this with UVC3 too, like they have their 12 characters and they strategically kept back a few characters for DLC. The pricing itself is way too harsh, it's bad enough that people are paying such a high price for the game and then having to pay such high price for DLC characters. It's not even a vanity thing which I don't have a problem with (like costumes/hats etc)... a single character is a major component of a fighting game that is being locked out to many users.

Thirdly, DLC characters are terribly incompatible with the tournament scene. Say what you want about UMVC3 but it's very much a necessity that Capcom keeps putting out major updates for their fighting games. A DLC character gets released but an upcoming tournament is coming up. Do you ban that character or do you allow it? If you allow it then you have to have that character on all systems and a tournament has many systems there so that's essentially a lot of DLCs you NEED to purchase just to run a tournament.

The next issue is the actual exploration of the character which gets stunted because it was released late. Jill is legitimately a good (but hard character) that only now are we seeing the potential of. People ignored her because they figured not many people were going to play as her so there wasn't much point. A DLC character tend to get ignored like a "side" character. The fact that tournaments ban some DLC characters really turns off some people from even trying them (well to most just having a premium attached to them is enough).

Then sometimes the reverse happens and a DLC character is OBVIOUSLY TOO powerful. Imagine if Yun was DLC only. Now as a competitive player there is no way you were gonna skimp out on not getting Yun because that is match up experience and training experience you are giving up. The person with the extra money is going to have the edge now because they will get the Yun DLC day 1 and practice with it. Others will not have that luxury and would either have to just get their match ups from playing other DLC bought Yuns or buy it themselves. It's underhanded no matter how you look at it. We didn't run into this problem with MVC3 because Jill/Shuma aren't top tier but just think of the salt that would've been produced if Phoenix was DLC only.

The final issue is simply that this is an issue that is growing each year. A few years ago people thought it would be sacrilegious to have DLC characters in fighting games. Now it is such an accepted practice that consumers WANT DLC characters within a week or so of a game's release. So now that the apparent demand is there... developers start pushing the envelope even more. What's stopping the number of DLC characters to actually EXCEED the number of characters on retail? Why not just lock the game to one stage and you have to pay for all remaining stages? Hell character DLCs have become common practice... what about SPECIAL MOVE DLCs? Pay $1 to unlock new Liberation charges on Dormammu. That sounds absurd now but guess what.. to me character DLCs sounded absurd a few years ago too.


QisTopTier said:
Max should do ghost rider and hey he can pretend to be nic cage for the part! :p
Way too predictable for it's own good. He could have someone else play Ghost Rider and have him crack jokes on max seriously thinking he IS Nicolas Cage the entire time.
Dahbomb said:
Many reasons.

For one, not everyone plays online or has their systems linked online. Some people because of certain circumstances can't even do so or can't pay through the online structure so even if they want to buy DLC characters they can't.
Yeah, this is a legitimate issue, but DLC won't be stopped just because some countries may not be able to support this distribution method yet. Ten years ago Eastern Europe might have been a wasteland for DLC, but now it's an emerging marketplace and talent pool for videogames.

Capcom is also much greedier than the fans are because it's necessary for their survival. DLC characters is going to become a standard whether or not most of us want it. I don't want to sound condescending, but it's only a matter of time before something like DLC becomes commonplace even in developing countries.

Capcom won't wait around so I may as well join the chorus in the hopes that I can get some of my own requested characters...
Dahbomb said:
This is especially prevalent where I live. People have legit PS3s and legit games but no one plays online because they can't and no one can really use credit cards through PSN to buy stuff (hell many people here don't have credit cards and such). So if I am one of those persons and one of my favorite characters get released as DLC I am boned. I HAVE to wait until the next major release like UMVC3 to play my character.
It is a problem, but it's something that was a big part of the less than legal markets in other countries. It is just a matter of time and it sucks, but this is just a part of living in a different country. Hell, here in the US we are missing out on quite a few Nintendo games and the Wii is a desert. Fans got so desperate that they started operation rainfall which was a pretty big deal.

Shoot... I'd love to get my hands on games like the Vampire collection for the PS2 which is the arcade perfect port with all the games for the PS2, but it's JP only. These kinds of problems are something that everyone has to deal with to one degree or another.
Dahbomb said:
Secondly, I generally have a problem with DLCs as they are. They are fostering a general lazyness among developers where they will plan entire games based around DLC models. It should be the other way around, you should come up with an entire game 100% and THEN think about adding DLCs (nowadays devs plan to release 80% of a game and then complete the game via DLC). Like with MVC3, the team had already planned that Shuma/Jill will be DLCs so they made an active decision to take them out purposely in order to make a quick buck off of them. I am pretty sure they are doing this with UVC3 too, like they have their 12 characters and they strategically kept back a few characters for DLC. The pricing itself is way too harsh, it's bad enough that people are paying such a high price for the game and then having to pay such high price for DLC characters. It's not even a vanity thing which I don't have a problem with (like costumes/hats etc)... a single character is a major component of a fighting game that is being locked out to many users.
There is a lot of truth here and I agree with it. I think DLC is way too expensive for what it usually offers and Capcom doesn't get away with it either. If I were Capcom I'd be selling characters in DLC packs. A MvC game is supposed to be centered around the "versus" mentality. I'd have two character packs(think GenexEmma) for $5 and I'd take advantage of the holidays whenever they roll around.
Dahbomb said:
Thirdly, DLC characters are terribly incompatible with the tournament scene. Say what you want about UMVC3 but it's very much a necessity that Capcom keeps putting out major updates for their fighting games. A DLC character gets released but an upcoming tournament is coming up. Do you ban that character or do you allow it? If you allow it then you have to have that character on all systems and a tournament has many systems there so that's essentially a lot of DLCs you NEED to purchase just to run a tournament.
This is something that is so easy to fix too. If I were Capcom I'd go out of my way to offer at least a few dozen tournament systems every year for tournaments like EVO, Revelations and the rest of the major ones. I think it'd be a nice way to foster excitement and it wouldn't cost them that much when you factor in the revenue from hundreds of thousands of $5 buys.

I remember the argument that people made when the bickering about UMvC3 began. People actually tried to argue that UMvC3 was a steal because those twelve characters would actually be worth $60 just because they were $5 each as DLC. I wonder how much the whole MvC3 game is actually worth then lol. These characters take weeks to make, but they can sell for months and years to come. If they only made two bucks off both characters in a pack they'd still make an easy 300k if 100K people bought them, but I think they are more concerned with their profits than the penetration of their products.

It's a problem for Capcom to sort out, but I think marketing for these characters would be a cinch and it wouldn't cost them much more than 10k a year for DLC ready tournament systems...
Dahbomb said:
The next issue is the actual exploration of the character which gets stunted because it was released late. Jill is legitimately a good (but hard character) that only now are we seeing the potential of. People ignored her because they figured not many people were going to play as her so there wasn't much point. A DLC character tend to get ignored like a "side" character. The fact that tournaments ban some DLC characters really turns off some people from even trying them (well to most just having a premium attached to them is enough).
Yeah, I already mentioned the stuff about better prices, character packs(which should be a prerequisite for a versus game), holiday sales and DLC ready tournament systems.

Capcom has the pockets that Arcsys doesn't have, but which game actually has DLC characters making it to the top 8? It ain't Capcom...
Dahbomb said:
Then sometimes the reverse happens and a DLC character is OBVIOUSLY TOO powerful. Imagine if Yun was DLC only. Now as a competitive player there is no way you were gonna skimp out on not getting Yun because that is match up experience and training experience you are giving up. The person with the extra money is going to have the edge now because they will get the Yun DLC day 1 and practice with it. Others will not have that luxury and would either have to just get their match ups from playing other DLC bought Yuns or buy it themselves. It's underhanded no matter how you look at it. We didn't run into this problem with MVC3 because Jill/Shuma aren't top tier but just think of the salt that would've been produced if Phoenix was DLC only.
This problem is really something that manifests itself differently depending on the team and producer. Niitsuma obviously isn't crazy about powerful DLC characters if MvC3 is any indication, but Ono went full retard on Yun and Yang. I'd say it's something that fans have to be vocal about so that we can avoid Yunverine antics in the future.

These are problems, but problems can only come about if there is also a positive side to it. DLC can offer good and bad things. It's up to fans and the creators to cooperate if we want to avoid the pitfalls of DLC.
Dahbomb said:
The final issue is simply that this is an issue that is growing each year. A few years ago people thought it would be sacrilegious to have DLC characters in fighting games. Now it is such an accepted practice that consumers WANT DLC characters within a week or so of a game's release. So now that the apparent demand is there... developers start pushing the envelope even more. What's stopping the number of DLC characters to actually EXCEED the number of characters on retail? Why not just lock the game to one stage and you have to pay for all remaining stages? Hell character DLCs have become common practice... what about SPECIAL MOVE DLCs? Pay $1 to unlock new Liberation charges on Dormammu. That sounds absurd now but guess what.. to me character DLCs sounded absurd a few years ago too.
I think this is getting a chicken little now. I didn't like it either, but it's here to stay. Stuff like special moves and such are also something that I can't see happening in a fighter, but the consumer can really amaze you with what they buy...

If it worries you then don't buy it. I know a lot of these answers may seem really snobby or condescending(I'm sorry if I come off that way), but the answers really are that simple. I had to come to terms with it eventually too...


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Dahbomb said:
We didn't run into this problem with MVC3 because Jill/Shuma aren't top tier but just think of the salt that would've been produced if Phoenix was DLC only.
For real. I'm cynically waiting for the day this happens.

I got most of my hate for DLC characters out of my system when Jill and Shuma were announced but I still absolutely despise the practice, and you summed up most of the reasons why. I bought zlatko's promo code off of him instead of getting the characters directly, as it was the closest thing to "buying used" that I could do.
Caj814 said:
Way too predictable for it's own good. He could have someone else play Ghost Rider and have him crack jokes on max seriously thinking he IS Nicolas Cage the entire time.
Not good enough. He should hire Cage to show up in-person.


Just curious, any other Chris players around? Would love to see how others have teams set up using him. If any on here exist that is.


Xevren said:
Just curious, any other Chris players around? Would love to see how others have teams set up using him. If any on here exist that is.
around gaf? i dont think anybody mains him, but the best chris ive seen is LLND over the WNF stream.


Xevren said:
Just curious, any other Chris players around? Would love to see how others have teams set up using him. If any on here exist that is.

I'm not very good, but I run a Chris/Tron/Arthur team. It's basically a very spammy/defensive team that deals a lot of chip damage and catches some people off guard. Not everyone is good at dealing with level three X-factor Arthur as an anchor, for example. I can play on either XBLA or PSN if you're interested.


I just got bodied HARD by a High Lord MODOK/Wesker/Sentinel player in a set of 59 games. 55/4. His lockdown was insane in the corner. If you got backed into it, good luck getting out. Try as I might, no amounts of pushblock/x-factor guard cancel saved me. His set ups with all the characters were absolutely amazing, to be honest. I've never seen such an amazing Sentinel player, not even on a stream.

The worst part about playing him was his airthrow game. He could air throw ANYTHING. I was blocking his Wesker rush down with Sentinel drones. The drones disappear, I jump back to try to get some breathing room, get barely an inch off the ground and air throw. I try to superjump out of his MODOK pressure, jump up air throw. Jesus, the amount of air throws the entire set probably was something like three hundred. It doesn't help that all his characters can get a full combo off an air throw...

I eventually managed to adapt to his playstyle, but the games always came down to one character each, and I'd either do something stupid, or he managed to airthrow me... it was just simply unbelievable.

I think that's my biggest weakness overall... I cannot airthrow when I want to.


Frantic said:
I just got bodied HARD by a High Lord MODOK/Wesker/Sentinel player in a set of 59 games. 55/4. His lockdown was insane in the corner. If you got backed into it, good luck getting out. Try as I might, no amounts of pushblock/x-factor guard cancel saved me. His set ups with all the characters were absolutely amazing, to be honest. I've never seen such an amazing Sentinel player, not even on a stream.

The worst part about playing him was his airthrow game. He could air throw ANYTHING. I was blocking his Wesker rush down with Sentinel drones. The drones disappear, I jump back to try to get some breathing room, get barely an inch off the ground and air throw. I try to superjump out of his MODOK pressure, jump up air throw. Jesus, the amount of air throws the entire set probably was something like three hundred. It doesn't help that all his characters can get a full combo off an air throw...

I eventually managed to adapt to his playstyle, but the games always came down to one character each, and I'd either do something stupid, or he managed to airthrow me... it was just simply unbelievable.

I think that's my biggest weakness overall... I cannot airthrow when I want to.



Tobe1 said:
In the corner, there was literally zero time to get out a hammer. I barely had time to JUMP, let alone throw out the hammer. I tried. Multiple times. All unsuccessful. If I had the time to throw it out, he just jumped up and air threw me. My best bet was X-Factor into Bionic Lancer. Even then, MODOK recovers so darn quick from his moves that a lot of times it didn't work...

Maybe I was a bit off my game from the repeated losses and utter domination, but I don't think so... I did fine mid-screen. It's once I got to the corner that I was screwed.
Frantic, sounds like you had a really epic session. The lack of replay modes is so frustrating. I would've loved to see that team in action.

Edit: This is actually my biggest gripe with the game. I'd sacrifice several character slots for a fully featured replay system, spectating day one and better matchmaking in general.


Ezenzer said:
Frantic, sounds like you had a really epic session. The lack of replay modes is so frustrating. I would've loved to see that team in action.
There have been a number of really awesome games I've had that I'd love to upload, but alas... He was definitely one of the best MODOKs I've seen and played against. He also played a few other teams whenever I tried switching my own characters. He had Magneto/MODOK/Sentinel, Wesker/Magneto/Sentinel, Haggar/Hulk/Sentinel, Magneto/Storm/Sentinel. They were all kicking my ass.

But the biggest problem was Sentinel. Those drones are so freaking annoying to deal with when combined with extreme rushdown. It didn't help that he was amazing with him. I always choked it up when it came down to Sent.
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