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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite |OT| Marvel vs. Capcom: 4 Female Characters


That stuff is going to work short term but not in the long run. People already have a way around that Twister move now, it's not a safe move.

Dante is still the best character in the game though.


Junior Member
This is what happens when a character has every tool. I’m considering dropping Dante since I don’t feel I’m learning anything while playing him.


You know Dante is good when Justin has started using him (last time he used Dante was in Vanilla Marvel 3 with Zero because Dante was like #2 best character in that game after Phoenix) and all he does with Dante is Crazy Dance to build Space meter with Ultron, then instant overheads while Ultron locks them down with the beam super. Or he will use Dante to lock them down with the guns hyper then mix them up with Ultron.


I forgot about crazy dance too, Jesus Christ fuck that shit so much lmao. You shouldn't be able to set up or do whatever while that shit is happening, niggas thought they had to watch a lot in mahvel 3?!?


Dante/Jedah is such a nasty team like holy shit, talk about having to put minimum effort.


Crazy Dance went from being a completely useful move in Marvel 3 to being an extremely powerful one in MVCI thanks to the Tag system.


LOL, so on ChrisG's stream - he claims that all the DLC are complete and that Capcom is scamming to get more money from their customers.
he also wants nerfs to the tagging system, reality stone, and Haggar's lariat.


at around 2:20

he claims that mvci is not a marvel game anymore and combofiend has removed the neutral gameplay from marvel

he wants both Dante and Dorm nerfed also


LOL, so on ChrisG's stream - he claims that all the DLC are complete and that Capcom is scamming to get more money from their customers.
he also wants nerfs to the tagging system, reality stone, and Haggar's lariat.


ChrisG being a big baby.

News at 11. This dude is asking for Reality stone nerfs when like the top 3 best players (including himself) are using Space stone and winning way more with it.

Haggar Lariat? Is this Marvel 3 again where pro players were asking for Lariat nerfs? Give me a fucking break son.


Junior Member
ChrisG rants.
I forgot about crazy dance too, Jesus Christ fuck that shit so much lmao. You shouldn't be able to set up or do whatever while that shit is happening, niggas thought they had to watch a lot in mahvel 3?!?


Dante/Jedah is such a nasty team like holy shit, talk about having to put minimum effort.

Yawp. First week I played a pretty good Dante/RR player and compared it to ZMC in marvel 3. If you get touched and don't have two bars, you're going to sit and watch that shit. Even if you do, they're going to super and you're going to sit there and watch them mix your ass up.


I've realized I lost all interest in this game, I'd rather play SFV. It's just too weird for me. And online doesn't work on my end. :|


It's sort of a mystery why they made so many more moves in this game not effected by advancing guard on point. Even if there were less of them, the tag system already allows you to keep pressure even if they did advance guard the outgoing character.
They wanted the assist lock down from Marvel 3 to be relevant in the game. You can't push block assists in Marvel 3 so when you block an assist then you have to eat it. That's what they wanted here too, that some moves be good for lock down like some assists were.

The problem is that the Tag has like no cool down and the no advancing guard works for point characters too. So you just create a string with a bunch of advance guard negation moves and they have to hold it because the tag is so fast. You just keep cycling into these moves with the tag since the tag cooldown isn't extended for neutral/block strings, only for combos.
I'd like character story mode, even as barebones as it is in SFV, to add that little extra bit of single player content when you get a new character.
That'd been really dope given the Story Mode starts a few months after the Convergence. There's some fun material there to explore: Haggar becoming the Mayor of New Metro City, Establishing Valkanda, The Symbiote, More Ghost Rider/Morrigan shipping, etc.


Game 100% needs some kind of push block ramp up system. Where the more hits (mostly projectile) you deal to a blocking opponent the more you get pushed back when they push block. Because right now you can pretty much lock your opponent down until they fail to block something. So the Turns in this game are completely fucked right now. The Mixup period should be no longer than 3-5 seconds.


Game 100% needs some kind of push block ramp up system. Where the more hits (mostly projectile) you deal to a blocking opponent the more you get pushed back when they push block. Because right now you can pretty much lock your opponent down until they fail to block something. So the Turns in this game are completely fucked right now. The Mixup period should be no longer than 3-5 seconds.
The issue isn't that push block doesn't push them back enough...

It's that push block doesn't wort AT ALL in many cases.

How are you going to push block someone who has you locked down with a hyper?

When push block works, it's fine. But there are just so many ways to makes it not work in the game right now. Whether it be hypers or just straight up moves that ignore push block.


The issue isn't that push block doesn't push them back enough...

It's that push block doesn't wort AT ALL in many cases.

How are you going to push block someone who has you locked down with a hyper?

When push block works, it's fine. But there are just so many ways to makes it not work in the game right now. Whether it be hypers or just straight up moves that ignore push block.
I should add on that in that system all moves eventually have push block. So while some moves may start off with no push block, they eventually will have push block if the block string goes on long enough. It's the only way I can see pressure being balanced in this game without repeatedly trying to balance on a per-move basis


so it's theoretically an endless block string?
We don't know if it is. No one has tried to break it down in training mode and figure it out, we are still new to it. There might be some gap in it that you can get out at. It's also possible that some part of it can be perfect push blocked to reduce block stun and escape.

I am surprised that Counter Switching doesn't cost 1 bar while in block stun. That's basically the crossover counter/alpha counter system from the previous MVC games that is used for situations like these if they do arise. They could've made it 1 bar and had the character be invincible coming in so that they could jump out of the block pressure.

Also it's looking more and more like taking out up/back was a mistake.


Neo Member
I feel like the tag system could use some reworking. Right now it's like a free fadc and allows players to just kinda go ham in neutral because almost everything is safe. I think if tagging while the opponent is in blockstun cost a meter it would be less broken. Players would have to be more considerate of what moves they use.

Reality stone I'm more conflicted on. I think certain teams can handle it pretty well but I also feel like it is an insanely massive crutch in neutral that is very unfun to play against.

I doubt capcom will patch out anything that's not an infinite anytime soon so we just kinda have to adapt. Besides, its still early in the game's life. Who knows what people will find to deal with this stuff.


Maybe they could make it so doing active switch cost 50% meter, then again that would completely change the game. Probably for the better in the long run and dial some things back a bit. This would make mind stone have a purpose as well


Maybe they could make it so doing active switch cost 50% meter, then again that would completely change the game. Probably for the better in the long run and dial some things back a bit. This would make mind stone have a purpose as well

Making tagging a resource cost would kill the game. You could probably ease up on things quite a bit by making the tag cooldown a little longer, but then that would probably require many combos to be recreated from scratch.


Making tagging a resource cost would kill the game. You could probably ease up on things quite a bit by making the tag cooldown a little longer, but then that would probably require many combos to be recreated from scratch.

That's kind of the point, it would dial it back down quite a bit and make mindstone very powerful compared to almost worthless with out changing it at all. A good chunk of combos would still work as they build the meter needed for the tag or the characters themselves can dish damage. It would make the game less about non stop swapping bring the neutral game more in line and let things be crazy when the time comes for crazy lockdown/resets they could even raise the meter gain across the board by 10 or 15% to make up for it being used more.


So at launch I played and did pretty well. Booted the game up today for a minute and got bopped game after game. My will to live has gone lol. If anyone would be so kind as to help me get better, feel free to bop me as well.


Yeah absolutely no way they should make tagging cost meter. That's the fundamental aspect of the game. It's like asking for meter usage on assists in previous VS games.

If anything they can do stuff like increasing its cooldown, changing frame data of the character coming in or increase recovery in tagged out characters. Tagging during combo already has a system which increases the cooldown every time you do it.

Probably the thing they need to consider is tagging during Hypers the most. There is just too much wrong with that shit long term especially with characters camouflaging themselves during hypers and advance guard/push block not working during it. Probably just give us DHCs back and not allow Tags during hypers. It's extreme but without something like an auto block system, it's hard from there to be a situation where lockdown some with Dante's gun super won't be super strong. Especially since so many characters seem to have the ability to instant overhead you for whatever reason.

In other news, some actual HIGH LEVEL DLC character game play (Mike D and LI Joe):



So at launch I played and did pretty well. Booted the game up today for a minute and got bopped game after game. My will to live has gone lol. If anyone would be so kind as to help me get better, feel free to bop me as well.

You didn't play since launch? Good luck buddy...people are relentless. Well, that's true for every FG. I've been holding my own pretty well even with my heavies team, but I've only been playing casuals...actually if you want some tamer competition you should probably just stay away from ranked and play casual. People don't take it as seriously.


You didn't play since launch? Good luck buddy...people are relentless. Well, that's true for every FG. I've been holding my own pretty well even with my heavies team, but I've only been playing casuals...actually if you want some tamer competition you should probably just stay away from ranked and play casual. People don't take it as seriously.

No I've played since launch haha. When Injustice 2 came out I played everyday and I think I'm decent at that game now (Compbros and CrackPebbles can decide whether or not that's true haha). Just haven't be able to play as often as I would like. I'm still going through casual and lobby matches as I'm trying to find a team with decent synergy to keep playing with. Today after not playing for a few days was a real eye opener though that I have a lot of work to do. :(


Interesting that Dante has a voice clip to call himself in but not Iron Man.

Well in 3 it was eventually used for Heroes and Heralds...so maybe we'll get something similar later.

A mode where we could switch stones mid-match like story mode just for shits and giggles would be fun. Allow multiple characters on the same team too.


Well in 3 it was eventually used for Heroes and Heralds...so maybe we'll get something similar later.

A mode where we could switch stones mid-match like story mode just for shits and giggles would be fun. Allow multiple characters on the same team too.

you can technically hold all the stones at once or any combination of such, w the 'stone switch' mechanic from story mode in other game modes using cheatengine fuckery

so probably something interesting might happen there


So the game can make parties of 3? Interesting. I wonder if they at some point planned a H&H equivalent, maybe with a 3 character mod.


Talk about toxic people. Some dude named Jaesynkreed joined my lobby, cussed through the entire set like a 12 year old COD player (as my 10 year old COD playing stepson walked in and heard), and I'm pretty sure I heard some racial slurs in there as well. Its like... This is the behavior that will turn people off and kill the game, man. Should have booted him sooner but I wanted to shut his ass up with some sweet revenge... Which never came. If only this were Injustice :(.
I wonder if Chris G feels differently after winning.

Sometimes I really sit back and try to understand what type of fighting games certain pros actually want, only to realize that it's pointless to think about.


I wonder if Chris G feels differently after winning.

Sometimes I really sit back and try to understand what type of fighting games certain pros actually want, only to realize that it's pointless to think about.
Nah he doesn't feel different after winning at all.

Fighting game pros don't even know what type of game they actually want. If FG pros (especially Capcom FG pros) wanted a game that required high skill, execution with decent balance and no bull shit mechanics... then they would be playing Tekken. But in reality, the FG pros want some bull shit in the game that they can abuse so they can auto pilot through most of the tournament.


New game mode where you assemble the Infinity Gauntlet MSH style and at the end you fight Shin Thanos, then he loses control of the Hadou Gauntlet and it forms into Cyber Akuma. Hire me Capcom, I'm full of stupid ideas.
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