Some comparison images from the PC version at 1080p:
Chromatic aberration on (by defalut), AA at max:
Chromatic aberration off (forced off in .ini file), AA at mid:
oops, sorry ..fixing...
It looks so much better with the horrible CA forced off, and AA turned down a notch. Easier to appreciate the difference in person.
Otherwise, it's like they took a crisp clean image and smeared rainbow vaseline over it.
Characters pop much better without all the post-processing effects without that weird tint. They, really, really, need to implement some toggle in the console version. Leave it on in the story mode if they must, but it really needs settings for in-match where a cleaner image helps. I will never understand why developers do this. It's especially infuriating for this game where the presentation needs all the help it can get, and it's so easy to disable this crap. It does not make it more "cinematic", just uglier and blurrier.
The game is fun so far, and I'll double-dip on the PS4 version despite the crappy presentation and lackluster roster if you just let us toggle this in-game. Do you hear me Capcom?