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Marvel vs the WWE

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And the same way there can be a lawsuit with Spike Lee suing Spike tv. (that one is truly retarded. What an arrogant prick)

Common words are fair game for lawsuits. Not that I always agree. Hulk is a descriptive word after all. But dictionary.com has this description:hulk-One, such as a person or object, that is bulky, clumsy, or unwieldy. :)


Penguin said:
Well, I thought this was an issue solved in the 80s, guess I was incorrect.

Anyhow, it gets into all these weird territory (I thought most of it was settled when they started calling him "Hollywood Hogan" instead of "Hulk Hogan" but eh)

I still don't understand the whole Captain Marvel/Marvel controversy, where DC had to change the name of the comics from Captain Marvel to Shazam! Captain Marvel, as far as I know, predated Marvel comics by decades, so DC had the precedent. What is today Marvel was called Timely Comics then. I don't think they called themselves Marvel until the late 1950's/early 60's. But DC gave in, so now Captain Marvel's comics make one think of a Gomer Pyle exclamation instead of a superhero.

While I'm airing out comic pet peeves, "Stan Lee presents" on various Marvel comics. That has about as much meaning as "Walt Disney presents" on various Disney stuff (after 1966). Both men had absolutely nothing to do with the content.

Then there's the whole Stan Lee/Jack Kirby/Ditko, etc., etc. thing. I think in some ways some people have been too hard on Lee and yet, not hard enough. I think it's clear today that the man took or was given, more credit for things that especially in some cases, he didn't have a lot to do with (or at least he was like number two or three in order of importance to the creation of things). A lot of times, the artists had as much or more to do with the stories than he did (not to mention how terrible Marvel treated Jack Kirby, though he made some mistakes himself). Clearly Lee had an important part in the industry, but I think it has been too overblown over the years (though being related to the head of Marvel, thus being a covenient credit-reciever and public spokesman helped to do that).
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